Chapter 549

Li Luoyang whispered to Xiao Si who was driving. Xiao Si parked the car beside the official road. Li Luoyang and Li Guo walked nearby. They began the conversation and then talked about it. For Li Guo, Li Luoyang naturally didn't want to hide. In addition to Lin Luoshui, Li Guo is the only person li Luoyang can trust in the world.

"Brother, I believe you have also heard the news that Zhou Xiangong was defeated against foreign enemies."

"Well, I know."

"In fact, he was not defeated, but deliberately retreated to the city, and then quietly went to the south to support. The Manichaeism was so noisy there that the imperial court had no way to send Zhou Xiangong back."

Li Guo frowned and asked in a low voice, "does this have anything to do with our mother?"

"The news of Zhou Xiangong's defeat came to Luoyang. It's just a news. I can feel the undercurrent surging in Luoyang City. I think some people with evil intentions must want to take the opportunity to pull Zhou Xiangong out of office. Think about it. If Zhou Xiangong loses his position as the military God, who else in the Lin family will want to see our mother? Who will give her face and take care of us in Luoyang City?"

"Well, you're right. The trees fall and the monkeys scatter. The reason why the Lin family has been tolerant to their mother now is that there is a military God behind their mother who they can't provoke. Once the military god arrives, the Lin family will have no concerns."

After nodding, Li Luoyang continued, "not only that, the Lin family also wants to climb the big tree of the military God, but if Zhou Xiangong is pulled off his horse, the Lin family's ideas will disappear, and there is no need for his mother to stay in the Lin family, then they will start with his mother."

"Do you mean that if Zhou Xiangong steps down, his mother is likely to be retaliated or assassinated?"

"It is obvious that the Lin family is a big family. How many people are dissatisfied with their mother. A woman who eloped with an outsider returned to the Lin family not only without punishment, but also protected and tolerated by the Lin family. Who else can stand it?"

When Li Luoyang saw Lin Xu's mother, he recognized this idea. Lin Xu's mother, as the lineage of the Lin family, has long been unhappy with Lin Luoshui. The Lin family in Luoyang city is only separated. The real power of the Lin family is in Chang'an. Some people are dissatisfied with Lin Luoshui. Li Luoyang can imagine how many people in his master's family are looking forward to Lin Luoshui's death.

Since ancient times, Li Luoyang did not think that a prosperous family involving bureaucrats had a selfless and loving heart. In history, the emperor did not succeed by conspiracy, and the royal family was so gloomy, not to mention the Lin family.

"Brother, in fact, I have an idea. I don't know if you are willing to accept it." after seeing Li Guo's skill, Li Luoyang already has a plan in his heart. The reason why he took Li Guo out of the carriage is to reveal the truth. This is the plan of the two brothers for their mother.

"You say!"

"I want you to enter the army or six doors."

"What do you mean?" Li Guo was surprised. For his official career, he never thought of joining the army or the imperial court. Li Guo could agree to any request, but this plan was difficult to accept.

"In fact, the reason is very simple. With your strength, I believe you can get close to Zhou Xiangong in a short time. I believe you have a chance to surpass him. If one day you replace Zhou Xiangong as the military God, what else can the Lin family do to you? At that time, their mother wants to leave the Lin family. They only have eight sedans to carry their mother away. This is just a grand plan for you to enter The army also wants to collect intelligence. For everything about Zhou Xiangong, at least we should ensure that Zhou Xiangong can't do anything until we have the strength to save our mother. "

"You mean let me protect him?"

"Hehe, are you thinking too much? You need protection with his strength? I want you to learn and learn Zhou Xiangong's art of war."

After thinking for a while, Li said, "this is really a way. Master also said that he has nothing to teach me. I need to experience and understand the rest. Entering the army can really help me improve my martial arts, but I'm not as smart as you. How can I learn Zhou Xiangong's way of using troops?"

Li Guo knows how much he has. He has enough confidence to practice martial arts, but he can use his brain. He knows that he is not as smart as Li Luoyang.

"You just need to write down Zhou Xiangong's method of arranging troops. I'll analyze and explain it for you at that time. I believe you can control it." Li Luoyang has long thought of a way to deal with it. After all, he has lived two lives. Although he can't say that he can write down the achievements of Sun Tzu's art of war, he can at least make a little famous. He only needs Li Guo to memorize Zhou Xiangong's use of troops, Finally, he summarized and applied flexibly. He believed that no matter how stupid Li Guo was, he could learn the essence.

"This is a way. With your guidance, I believe I can better understand his way of using the army, but why did you let me join the six gates?" the plan to enter the army was accepted by Li Guo, but he didn't know the benefits of entering the six gates.

Li Luoyang said with a smile, "six doors is the confidant of the imperial court, which is also a secret existence. They have mastered a variety of life and death powers. To be direct, the army is to deal with foreign enemies, and six doors is to deal with internal problems. As long as you can get a location, your mother can leave the Lin family smoothly."

"I see."

"I'll take care of everything in the dark. Your brother doesn't say anything else now. It's only a matter of time to know some dignitaries. When I return to Luoyang, I'll develop some ways to change money. Money can make ghosts grind. Maybe I'll become a figure like Shen Wansan."

"Shen Wansan?"

"A man of invincible wealth, whose wealth even the emperor is jealous."

"Suck." Li Guo took a cold breath: "the emperor is jealous, so can he live?"

"Hehe, his fate is not good, but if I can really get there, I will naturally have my own way out. One of our brothers will get rid of martial arts and the other will get rid of wealth. As long as I do something, I can save my mother."

Li Guo patted Li Luoyang on the shoulder with pride in his eyes: "Sometimes I'm really crazy about your brain. You've worked out such a plan for a long time. Although it's dangerous, it's worth trying, and this is our only hope so far. As you said, Zhou Xiangong's mother will be in danger in case of an accident. She had countless opportunities to leave the Lin family to avoid danger, but she did it for us and for me We chose to stay in the Lin family. It's time for us to grow up. "

Li Luoyang nodded vigorously and said with a smile, "yes, whatever we do for our mother and ourselves, we must make a career. When I want my mother to leave the Lin family, those guys will kneel and give our mother away! I also want to tell the Lin family that they love me today and ignore me today. I will make him unable to climb up tomorrow!"

The two brothers smiled at each other and made a decision in their hearts.