Chapter 551

"I don't know what Luoyang brothers have to do. Please let me know." Wang GUI smiled and bowed to Li Luoyang. After this time of contact, Wang GUI obviously felt that Li Luoyang seemed to be the leader of the team. Mo Jiao asked Li Luoyang to give advice many times, and Wang Guigang had noticed that as soon as Li Luoyang arrived in Taiyuan, Mo Jiao told Li Luoyang about Manichaeism, It seems that it is the same as reporting information to the superior now, so Wang GUI naturally consulted Li Luoyang about disaster relief.

Li Luoyang's carriage was empty. Zhou Dong was a low-key man. After telling Li Luoyang to keep his identity secret, Mo Jiao arranged to go to Lao Zhu's house. Li Guo also accompanied Zhou Dong away. Mo Lu naturally went to Lao Zhu's house to recover from his injury. At this time, there were only Mo Jiao, Li Luoyang, Wang GUI and Niu Gao in Wang GUI's house. As for Zheng Shi, he arranged grain release in the government.

However, Li Luoyang was not at ease at this time because of the conversation between Mo Shou and him. It was obvious whether Zheng Shi was innocent. As the magistrate of Taiyuan City, although he was honest, it did not mean that he was not greedy. Large families in Taiyuan hid and sold grain privately. He could not know that so much official grain has come to Zheng Shi now, Li Luoyang is more worried about unexpected accidents. Instead of letting the food fall into the hands of others, he might as well distribute the food to the hungry people earlier.

"The city gate can't be opened, but the hungry people outside must be rescued in time. In this way, General Wang GUI, you will draft a notice and paste it outside the city gate to inform the hungry people outside. Wait outside the city wall at noon, and the imperial court will distribute food for disaster relief."

Wang GUI asked slowly with a heavy face: "brother Luoyang, once this notice is posted, it will be used for more than 100000 hungry people at noon. Even if you have a way to distribute food, you can't stop the looting among the hungry people. As long as someone takes the lead, there will be waves among the hungry people, and we can't stop it."

Wang GUI is worried that after the notice, the hungry people will besiege the city again. This is certain. When the food reaches the hungry people, other hungry people who have not received the food will loot. At that time, the situation will not be under their control.

After taking a deep breath, Li Luoyang said, "at noon, let the archers stand by at the city wall."

"You mean"

"It's obviously impossible to keep more than 100000 people alive when it's necessary to stir up chaos and kill them. But we should let them know that everyone has food. If someone takes the opportunity to make trouble, there is only a dead end. They are just ordinary people. Facing the fighting power of the Imperial court, they will naturally fear and only obey can they get food. In this way, the situation should be improved Can suppress. "

Mo Jiao sat aside and said with a smile, "it's easy to say. Since you came up with the idea, you'll go out when you send grain at noon."

"I'm just a foil. I can't represent the imperial court. You are the person of the authentic six doors. At this time, it's natural for you to come forward to show the imperial court and announce the mercy of the imperial court on the people. The hungry people see that the imperial court hasn't abandoned them at the critical time. In the future, they will naturally be excited about the imperial court. Of course, you should come for such things that are conducive to the imperial court."

Mo Jiao knew that she wanted to die playing with Li Luoyang, but Li Luoyang's words woke Mo Jiao up. In this case, she should send food. In this way, it will naturally consolidate the position of the imperial court in the hearts of the people: "OK, but you should come with me."

"Why? I haven't closed my eyes these days."

"Hum, you came up with the idea. If you're not here, how can I know if your method is feasible? If the hungry people get confused, I'll throw you directly into more than 100000 people."

"You! The most poisonous woman! I help you so much, but you want to abandon me. I tell you, after going back this time, I want Mo Yuntian to clean up, or I will take care of you. I want wine money. He has drunk a lot of immortals in vain!"

Mo Jiao snorted, "go and ask for it. I don't owe you anyway!"

Niu GA whispered to Wang GUI, "General Wang, they seem to have a good relationship. Are these Luoyang brothers from Lord Mo?"

Wang GUI smiled: "it's not a mandarin duck, it's a mandarin duck. Although Mr. Mo is a member of the six doors, he is a woman after all. Li Luoyang is extremely smart at a young age and naturally attracts the admiration of beautiful women. It's estimated that Mr. Mo is very masculine and hasn't been in contact with his children's private affairs. Maybe this is the way the two people get along."

Niu Gao nodded again and again: "well, it seems that they are quite matched. If the two are together, Li Luoyang is the man of six doors?" at this time, Niu Gao suddenly thought of something. He put his mouth to Wang GUI's ear and told everything about Li Guo.

After listening to Niu Gao's story, Wang GUI asked in surprise, "Li Luoyang's brother defeated Xu Fang with his own strength. He is still Zhou Dong's apprentice!"

"Don't make a fuss. I'm thinking about how to pull Li Guo into the military camp for the imperial court. It seems that Li Luoyang can't enter our military camp. Even if he wants to enter the imperial court, he's going to six doors. We have to find a way to win Li Guo. To tell you the truth, Lord Mo also sees Li Guo's future. She also wants to pull Li Guo into six doors."

Wang GUI immediately said, "that's impossible. All the good things are occupied by the six doors. In this way, I'll post the notice later and then visit Li Guo."

Niu Gao shook his hands and whispered, "you're confused. Although Li Guo is Li Luoyang's brother, Li Guo obeys Li Luoyang's words. It's meaningless for you to go to Li Guo. It's better to talk to Li Luoyang about it. Maybe there's still a chance."

"Yes, I'm worried. I didn't expect this detail." Wang GUI was a few years younger than Niu Gao and claimed that his little brother was also in charge.

Niu Gao turned around and continued: "when the city wall releases grain, I try to pester Lord mo. you wait for the opportunity to contact Li Luoyang. Be sure to inform Li Luoyang of our ideas and ask him to promise Li Guo to enter the barracks. As for Li Guo, ignore it. As long as Li Luoyang promises, Li Guo will eventually become one of us."

Wang GUI nodded and smiled and said, "OK, everything is up to you."

"What are you muttering?" Mo Jiao looked at the two old men whispering and asked suspiciously.

"No, it's all right. We're saying that you have a good relationship with your Luoyang brothers."

Niu Gao hurriedly said, "yes, happy enemy."

Mo Jiao blushed and said seriously, "who and he are happy enemies? If you dare to talk nonsense again, I'll let you go to the palace and be a eunuch!"

Li Luoyang smiled: "who can see a man? Look at her temper. How dare you?"

Wang GUI and Niu Gao subconsciously shook their heads, which angered Mo Jiao. Mo Jiao slapped on the table and stared at them. If their eyes could kill, Wang GUI and Niu Gao would be dead at this time.

"I, I'd better write a notice." Wang GUI quickly found an excuse to slip away, and Niu Gao immediately said: "I'll go to see the granary, but don't be eaten by rats before the food is put."

Looking at the two people who fled in a hurry, Li Luoyang laughed wildly: "you are manly. Even these two generals are afraid. It will be difficult to marry in the future."
