Chapter 553

Things are progressing much more smoothly than Li Luoyang expected. He never thought that the imperial court was thirsty for talents. After Li Guo defeated Xu Fang for the first time, Niu Gao and Wang GUI took the initiative to win over Li Guo. But think about it, there are really not many people who can rank in the imperial court. In addition to Zhou Xiangong, few armed people are valued by the imperial court. In contrast, Liangshan and Lvlin, There are even strong ones among the troubles of foreigners.

The emergence of Li Guo made Niu Gao and others see the hope of expanding the army, and Li Luoyang knew better than Niu Gao and others that the imperial court needed Li Guo such talents, not because of Li Guo's strong combat effectiveness. To put it bluntly, Li Guo could only defeat Xu Fang in front of his youth. From a point of view, Li Guo's combat effectiveness was not amazing.

However, the victory lies in Li Guo's youth. The imperial court's military camp naturally looks at the future and future. Since Li Guo is young and powerful, and he is also a closed disciple of Zhou Dong, the advantage is obvious enough. Niu Gao and Wang GUI naturally want to win him into the military camp, while Li Luoyang and even now the imperial court have only one Zhou Xiangong, which is obviously not enough. For example, Zhou Xiangong pretended to lose the war, but actually dealt with the Manichaeism rebellion, If the court still has people who can use it, how can it sacrifice Zhou Xiangong's reputation to hold the foundation of the court.

After a busy day and night, the hungry people also came to the north gate. Finally, the matter came to an end, but it was not over. Mo Jiao and others still need to find out the possible arsonists and the culprit of burning the Taiyuan granary. In fact, Li Luoyang already has a candidate in his heart, that is, the person jointly organized by the chamber of Commerce.

There are only two forces that benefit most from burning official grain and creating famine. The first is Manichaeism. They can take advantage of the chaos to attract more believers, and their power has been greatly improved. Originally, under the guidance of Zhou Xiangong, Manichaeism in the South has been gradually defeated, so they will naturally choose other places to re launch their power. Obviously, the chaos in Taiyuan is the situation they want to see most, However, after the famine began for some time, Manichaeism appeared in Taiyuan, which is enough to show that they did not know that there would be a famine in Taiyuan, so Li Luoyang ruled out the possibility of Manichaeism arson.

Second, it's the people who are united by the chamber of Commerce. In fact, it's not difficult to see that those who sell grain in Taiyuan seem to have planned for a long time. Many people in the village outside the city are also storing grain. In case of famine, these grains can be sold at a high price and even in exchange for more favorable things. It's the expert who suddenly appeared when Wang Xiaohu was dealing with him, It also attracted Li Luoyang's attention. The blueprint he drew in his heart just confirmed his guess.

Someone is secretly protecting the safety of nearby villages, and this person is probably from the United Chamber of Commerce.

When they returned to Lao Zhu's house, Zhou Dong and old Zhu had a good chat. They were almost the same age, and naturally there were many topics to talk about. Old Zhu knew Zhou Dong's identity and Zhou Dong's legend. The topic for the two days always revolved around six doors and the green forest.

Li Guo held an iron bar to compete with the monks in the courtyard. Both sides felt that it was too late to meet. The monks cooperated. Facing Li Guo alone was really not an opponent. Wu Da was defeated after several rounds.

Li Luoyang and Mo Jiao returned to the courtyard with food. Old man Zhu also started his work as a cook. The smell of rice floated. The monks had already sat at the table and waited. Everyone looked forward to it. It was obvious that these guys were already hungry. No wonder old man Zhu didn't have much food these days. Their fighting ability against food was amazing, Three times, five times and two times, he killed the white flour at home, which made old man Zhu want to drive away these guys several times. Now that there is food, old man Zhu has a bottom in his heart, at least he won't starve to death.

In order to thank old man Zhu for his help during this time, Li Luoyang naturally didn't mean to get drunk. He took out two bottles and put them on the table. Zhou Dong's eyes were straight. He just picked up one bottle and put it in front of him, for fear that someone would rob him.

Mo Jiao is not interested in the immortals. Liquor is really difficult for women to control. In addition, Li Luoyang did not bring fruit wine for women to drink this time. After dinner, Mo Jiao went to the house to have a rest. It's no wonder that during the days of grain transportation and distribution, people almost didn't get a rest. Now, the burning famine has been alleviated, The stone in Mo Jiao's heart also fell to the ground and naturally slept comfortably.

"Good luck, old man. This wine is good. Try it." Zhou Dong rarely sells Li Luoyang's wine. At his level, it's hard for him to be so interested, enough to see his love for immortals.

The eight monks gobbled up their stomachs and then hurriedly took Li Guoyou to start a duel. Watching Li guole abuse the monks tirelessly, Li Luoyang was naturally happy. He hadn't felt this for a long time. He had trusted brothers around him and didn't have to worry about the safe environment, which made him feel relaxed for the first time.

"Good wine!" I wish the old man a roar, as if this wine made him change all his previous thoughts on wine: "this is wine. The previous wine has been drunk in vain." the words revealed the resentment of living in vain for most of his life.

Zhou Dong and old man Zhu had already drunk two bottles between pushing the cup and changing the load. Zhou Dong turned to look at Li Luoyang: "Luoyang, take some more out and have fun."

Li Luoyang cried bitterly in his heart: "you're enjoying yourself. I've lost a lot of money on this wine, and I can't recover the cost." one is Zhou Dong, the other is the person in charge of the six doors in Taiyuan City, one has the grace to save his brother, and the other helps his logistics in Taiyuan city. Li Luoyang really doesn't know how to ask for money, but he can't give it for nothing.

"Two elders, this wine also costs money. If you drink like this, you will become a poor man in the rich city. Otherwise, I will come here today. Besides, I have only one bottle in my hand and I intend to leave it to my brother." Li Luoyang prevaricated at will for fear that the two old guys would drink low and empty.

"Li Guo doesn't have to drink. I'm in charge for him." unexpectedly, Zhou Dong doesn't eat this set. Even if Li Luoyang really gives Li Guo the wine, Li Guo should bring it to honor him.

"Yes, you gave it to Li, and he also wanted to give it to his master. It's better to give it to us directly." the old man Zhu also helped. They cooperated with each other to make Li Luoyang hand over the immortal drunk. Looking at their "ferocious" expression, Li Luoyang knew that if they didn't hand it over again, the two guys might search themselves directly.

In all desperation, Li Luoyang contributed the last bottle of immortal drunkenness. Of course, the so-called last bottle was just Li Luoyang's own words. The purpose is very simple. It is to tell the two guys that there is no wine. This is already the last bottle.

Zhou Dong and old man Zhu started drinking and chatting again. They ignored Li Luoyang. When they got the things, they had a feeling of crossing the river and tearing down the bridge.