Chapter 595

"Ha ha ha. Bloody Wu family? I'd like to see if you can really do it."

Nearly a hundred Wu family members are ready to fight with their long guns. Wu Nian and others are also ready to fight at any time. The two sides are tit for tat and do not give in to each other.

Li Luoyang buried two steps and walked not far from Wu Mojun: "Wu Mojun, it's unjust for you to betray the master of Wu Tian's family. It's unkind to win over forces at home and take them on the road of betraying the family. I want to go. It's unfilial for you to kill me for no reason. You also take advantage of the friendship of Wu Tian's predecessors to the Wu family. Its disloyalty to abdicate. You are an unfaithful, unjust and unfilial person who lives in the world."

Hearing Li Luoyang's words, Wu Nian covered her mouth and smiled. She said to Li Guo around her: "you're talking to your brother. What does it mean that he wants to leave? Wu Mojun wants to stay unfilial. He really wants to be Wu Mojun's Lao Tzu."

Everyone present heard the sarcasm in Li Luoyang's words. Wu Mojun's face turned red with anger. When he was going to fight back, Li Luoyang said again: "Your son is born stupid and not good at martial arts. You don't understand what's going on? He was born stupid. You killed the guard and wanted to go out. Now your son perfectly inherits your tradition. Your father and son are really excellent products in the world. They are stupid for two generations. Hey, Wu Qi, I advise you not to marry and have children. You must be a brainless child "It's not."

"You!" Wu Qi and Wu Mojun pointed to Li Luoyang with their teeth clenched at the same time.

"Don't me, you, we don't know each other well. From your conversation just now, I also understand something. The Wu family is divided into internal and external families? This is an external family. The real strength of the Wu family should be your internal family." Li Luoyang turned to look at Wu Tian. Wu Tian didn't want to hide it, and then nodded.

After Wu Tian's confirmation, all the people present took a breath. They didn't know that there was an inner family, and the inner family was the core of the Wu family.

Wu Tian put his hands on his back and said to the Wu family: "You must be curious about why the best young generation leave here every year and never return. They don't go out to perform tasks, but enter the home to learn more advanced martial arts. Only the best talents are qualified to enter the home. Our home is only responsible for providing information and personnel of the outside world to the home. There is no need to hide this secret 。”

"Many years ago, the Wu family lived in seclusion here. In order to cultivate the most outstanding experts, the Wu parents' Association decided to set up two internal and external. The internal family mainly focuses on advanced mental skills, while the external family is mainly responsible for cultivating external skills for the younger generation. Over time, the Wu family made an important decision to keep all the small success methods in the external family and send all the more powerful martial arts to the internal family, And the outside world becomes the eye liner, providing information for the inner family to the outside world. The younger generation in the family can only learn the ordinary Wu Kung Fu, only the strongest and the best qualified person can enter the home for further education every year.

After listening to Wu Tian's words, Li Luoyang smiled: "did you hear that? To put it bluntly, you are a training base and an elimination field. Only the strongest talents are qualified to enter or even leave the Wu family, but there is really no threshold for the selection of foreigners. Those who have no strength and brains don't eliminate directly. Why do they stay outside?"

Everyone present knows that Li Luoyang naturally refers to Wu Qi without strength and brain.

Li Luoyang shook his head and continued to speak. He didn't care that Wu Qi's face was purple with anger: "According to my understanding and observation over the past few days, there is also competition in this foreign family. Those who have no strength eventually become what you call slaves. They are not allowed to leave the Wu family and make cattle and horses for the Wu family all their life. Powerful people naturally become the key training objects of foreign families, and then select excellent people to send them to their home. Why do you Wu family need such strict competition and selection of talents?"

Wu Tian did not answer, nor did Wu Mojun.

Li Luoyang smiled and then waved: "It doesn't matter. Anyway, it's your Wu family's business. I'm just curious. Whether it's an outsider or an insider, should you also consider IQ and character? Even if you cultivate excellent talents and are an unforgivable person in the world, it will only damage your Wu family's reputation. You can't teach people only Kung Fu but not be a man."

Pointing to Wu Mojun and Wu Qi, Li Luoyang said to nearly 100 Wu families: "Take a good look. This is the consequence of not teaching people to be human. You are unfaithful, unjust, unkind and unfilial. Even if you take him as the owner of your family, you can only be regarded as a group of mountain bandits at most in the future, or the low-end ones. People in Liangshan are at least known as acting for heaven. What about you? Your character still acts for heaven? Heaven feels ashamed of you."

The reason for Li Luoyang's anger is very simple. Wu Mojun wanted his own life for no reason, which really angered Li Luoyang. After a scolding, Li Luoyang did not intend to end: "People's elder Wu Tian led you and let you have no worries about food and clothing. He went out to look for food in person at the critical time. The famine disaster in Taiyuan was chaotic. Wu Tian ignored the danger to make you eat enough. Why didn't you see elder Wu Mojun and children Wu Qi stand up at such a critical time?"

"As an elder of the Wu family, you should contribute to the family. It's your duty to deal with the trivial affairs of the family at ordinary times. It's also your duty to commend? It's also your duty to catch thieves at the six doors. Why don't people quarrel all day for rewards? Therefore, you should keep a low profile and don't take yourself too seriously."

At this time, Wu Mojun's face was blue and purple, and his red face seemed to be exploding. After living for so long, when was he scolded so ruthlessly? Even if he had made a big mistake, no one embarrassed him in front of so many people: "Li Luoyang! You're not today. It's hard to dispel my hatred."

Li Luoyang smiled and said, "are you angry? I think the facts I said have disgraced you? This man's face is earned by yourself. Your face is pasted and lost by yourself. The upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked. If you kill your people and want to leave the Wu family, naturally there are children who poison the water source of the Wu family."

Li Luoyang looked up at nearly a hundred Wu family members and said slowly, "you don't think about it. These two people are not kind to their family members. One killed the guard and the other poisoned the Wu family's water source. If Wu Tian hadn't gone out to look for food, you would have starved to death. Now you're doing well and turn around to help you. It seems that your brain is the same as Wu Qi."

"This" Li Luoyang's words calmed everyone down. They suddenly realized that Wu Mojun and his son were indeed the harmful people in the Wu family. Wu Qi poisoned the water source but hurt the whole Wu family. Had it not been for the Lord of Wu Tian's family to find food for the family, they would have starved to death in Baiyun Mountain.