Chapter 635

Seeing off the last guest, Li Luoyang and Ouyang Wenjun came to the musicians and dancers together. The two groups of people were already tired. Playing all day made the musicians' fingers full of blisters and the dancers' feet almost paralyzed.

Li Luoyang said slowly with a smile, "comrades, don't worry. Stationery Yazhu won't treat people with intentions badly. Just now I discussed with Ouyang Wenjun and decided to give you another salary increase, one hundred Liang per month."

After listening to Li Luoyang's words, the musicians and dancers were surprised. One hundred Liang a month, which is an astronomical number. Even if they perform in the most high-end restaurant in Luoyang City, the highest one is twenty-three Liang a month, which is coupled with the tips given by the guests. People never expected that Li Luoyang directly rose to one hundred Liang at one time.

Ouyang Wenjun was also surprised. Li Luoyang didn't discuss the salary increase for himself. Looking at the hard work of musicians and dancers, Ouyang Wenjun didn't object to Li Luoyang raising their salary, but the price of one hundred and twenty a month was indeed beyond Ouyang Wenjun's imagination. The salary was terrible.

"Li, childe Li, have you drunk too much?" a musician couldn't believe his ears and took Li Luoyang's words as wine words.

Li Luoyang laughed: "I don't know how to drink. Today I haven't touched a drop of wine. I'm very responsible to tell you that what I said just now is absolutely true. You're not dreaming or listening correctly. From this month, your salary has increased to 120. If you perform well, there will be a chance to increase your salary in the future. I believe you can feel the importance that Wenjun Yazhu attaches to you, and I hope you can send it here Play your greatest value. "

Li Luoyang's words made some musicians and dancers burst into tears. They seemed to feel valued and respected. Think about the time before Li Luoyang arrived, musicians were often molested and harassed by customers. Although Ouyang Wenjun also stopped guests, both musicians and dancers felt helpless. Now Li Luoyang's actions undoubtedly gave them respect and commitment, which made everyone happy People are deeply moved.

Ouyang Wenjun gently pulled the corner of Li Luoyang's clothes and motioned to talk alone. Li Luoyang followed Ouyang Wenjun to the corner of the lobby. Ouyang Wenjun directly asked: "Li Luoyang, what are you doing? I don't object to you raising their wages, but everyone has a hundred Liang a month. Are you crazy? Have you calculated it? We now have six musicians and six dancers, and each moonlight is their wages, which will cost more than 1000 Liang! Besides, no profession in Luoyang can get a hundred Liang a month."

Li Luoyang always had a smile on his face. After Ouyang Wenjun finished, Li Luoyang whispered, "I ask you, if these musicians master the tracks I gave them, they will lack job opportunities in the future?"

Ouyang Wenjun said without hesitation: "no, because your music is really moving and can really attract a large number of customers. I know you're worried that they will change jobs to other restaurants after learning your tracks, but it won't cost so much to keep them?"

Li Luoyang said lightly, "some things must be prepared for a rainy day. You forget how the raw materials of immortals are targeted?"

Ouyang Wenjun suddenly realized something: "so you're worried that someone will deliberately buy our musicians or dancers and let them leave Wenjun Yazhu?" Ouyang Wenjun began to understand Li Luoyang's practice. If you still maintain the previous salary, this intensity of work is likely to make musicians and dancers lose the confidence to continue to stay in Wenjun Yazhu. If outsiders interfere at this time and hire these musicians and dancers at a higher salary than Wenjun Yazhu, I believe they will leave here without hesitation. Li Luoyang will need them at that time Re training musicians and dancers will be a cumbersome investment.

Li Luoyang nodded and continued: "And these musicians know very well that after mastering the repertoire I taught them, they are fully capable of becoming popular in other restaurants, and may have the opportunity to be invited to large families to play, or even sent to the palace. At this time, they don't have to worry that they will lose their jobs if they leave Wenjun Yazhu, so I specially give them a raise, and they can't refuse I believe they know very well that even if they enter the palace with the repertoire I teach, they will not be paid so much by the palace. "

"Well, there are rules in the palace. One hundred Liang is really a very high price for musicians and dancers."

Li Luoyang continued, "and you can see the effect of what I said just now. What these musicians want is not only the attention of salary, but also the respect of our boss. I want them to know that as long as they don't disagree, Wenjun Yazhu will live with them forever."

This is Li Luoyang's way of doing business in the world. If he gets along with his employees, becomes friends, and gives them enough respect, the employees will be willing to work for him, and the work efficiency will be greatly improved. In order to avoid someone starting from musicians and dancers against Wenjun's elegant buildings again, Li Luoyang specially raised their wages for them, and they can't refuse 。

Ouyang stationery silently gave Li Luoyang a thumbs up. She whispered with a smile: "you make me look at you again. It's just that more than 1000 liang of expenses per month are used for the wages of musicians and dancers. Isn't it too much." although Ouyang Wenjun appreciates Li Luoyang's practice, in practical sense, this kind of expenditure is too wasteful.

"As long as they are talents, they are qualified to get better treatment. I believe they can meet my requirements. I know you are worried that the huge salary will overburden Wenjun Yazhu. Don't worry. In a period of time, liumen will send more than 60000 Liang. Plus the profits of immortals and the income of yaochi Yulu, the salary of more than 1000 Liang per month is only a drop in the bucket Already. "

"More than 60000 liang? Six doors still take the initiative to send them to the door?" Ouyang Wenjun looked at Li Luoyang strangely. Although he knew that Li Luoyang had cooperation with six doors, she never thought Li Luoyang would make so much money on six doors.

Li Luoyang said calmly: "Mo Yuntian has booked four carriages forged by Uncle Cheng Cheng, and each of them receives 18000 Liang. The 12000 Liang given to you yesterday is the deposit given by Mo Yuntian. When the carriages are built, Mo Yuntian will naturally pay off the balance, so don't worry about the operation of Wenjun Yazhu."

"The carriage built by Li Chengzhen? The one parked in his room? Nothing special. Why can you sell it at such a high price."

After Li Luoyang explained, Ouyang Wenjun immediately leaned his body against Li Luoyang's side, smiled and said, "Luoyang, my sister's carriage should also be changed. Do you think you can send one to my sister?"

Li Luoyang pushed Ouyang Wenjun away and said with a smile, "twenty thousand Liang! Children and old people are not deceived."

"You!" seeing Li Luoyang returning to the musicians and dancers, Ouyang Wenjun stamped his feet in anger.