Chapter 657

At this time, Mo Jiao was going to get up and leave. She really didn't understand what the hot wine in her mouth was good to drink. It could also make Mo Yuntian ask Li Luoyang for a treat. When Mo Jiao was ready to leave, Li Luoyang smiled and said, "your customized horse cart is ready. Go and have a look?"

Li Luoyang heard this, and Mo Jiao showed interest. Li Luoyang knew very well that wine had no attraction for Mo Jiao, and as a woman, perfume was also useless to her. The only thing that could make Mojiao interested was the horse that she ordered.

"What are you waiting for?" Mo Jiao stood up and stared at Li Luoyang. She couldn't bear the excitement in her eyes. She wanted to run to her carriage and take a few turns in Luoyang.

Li Luoyang's words naturally attracted the attention of Mo Yuntian. Mo Yuntian quickly asked, "Luoyang, what about our carriage?"

"Your goods still need to wait. After all, uncle Cheng is the only one who makes the carriage. Mo Jiao made a reservation in advance. When we were in Taiyuan mansion, uncle Cheng was just assembling a medium-sized carriage. Now he just came out."

Tiger skin looked expectantly at Li Luoyang: "brother Luoyang, you've been talking about the middle match and the middle match. What about the high match?" this is also the concern of Mo Yuntian, Xiao Hui and even Mo Jiao. Li Luoyang has emphasized that the carriage they bought belongs to the middle match many times, and this kind of carriage has a high match model. They all want to know that compared with the middle match, There is something more in the high-end carriage.

Li Luoyang raised his mouth slightly and said with a smile: "there are many things. The safety, aggressiveness and enjoyment have been greatly improved. Baigang will fully cover another layer on the front carriage. The carriage will also be equipped with war crossbows and impact iron spears. Due to the heavier body, the horses pulling the carriage will also become four, and the speed has naturally increased a lot."

Li Luoyang raised his glass in front of him and continued: "In addition, there will be more space for storing ice in the carriage. Even in summer, you can still enjoy iced wine or fruit at any time. There are countless more parts to facilitate more comfortable stability. When you sit in the high-end carriage, you won't even feel any bumps. In addition to the ice storage space, there is also a hidden heater, which will give the carriage a warm feeling when it is cold Provide temperature, even if it's just a single coat, there won't be any cold in it. It can be warm in winter and cool in summer. "

Listening to Li Luoyang's description, Mo Yuntian and others showed surprised and yearning expressions on their faces. They even began to fantasize about how comfortable life is when they sit in such a carriage. Isn't it happy to spend three hours in a high-end carriage tour.

Mo Jiao grabbed Li Luoyang's wrist and asked eagerly, "what's the price of the high-end carriage?"

Mo Yuntian and the three immediately pulled back their thoughts from their imagination. They stared at Li Luoyang together. If the price difference was not big, they were considering whether to increase the money to promote the middle allocation to a high allocation carriage.

Li Luoyang said quietly, "you all know that the middle match is 20000 silver. The cost of this high match is 50000, so I plan to sell 60000 silver. This profit is very small."

Li Luoyang's words made several people take a breath. A carriage sold for 60000 yuan, which was more exaggerated than robbery. But recalling the high-end equipment Li Luoyang just described, several people felt that it was worth the money. Mo Yuntian helplessly looked at Li Luoyang. He wanted to upgrade the carriage he bought to high-end equipment, but he couldn't get so much money. After all, people said it very clearly, and the cost price was Fifty thousand. In order to pay for the four medium-sized carriages, the six doors are already stretched.

Mo Jiao looked at Li Luoyang with a smile: "is 60000 too expensive? How about upgrading me to high configuration according to the cost price?"

As soon as this remark came out, Mo Yuntian's little ash and tiger skin had a burst of experience. Mo Yuntian looked blue and asked in a low voice, "where do you get so much money?"

Xiaohui also asked curiously, "yes, you have to find so much money there. If the middle allocation is promoted to the high allocation, you have to pay at least 30000 Liang."

Mo Jiao proudly tilted her head and smiled: "can't I have private money from childhood? And the jewelry and dowry my mother gave me. Just buy those."

"Mischief!" Mo Yun's eyes flushed: "if you dare to move your mother's dowry, you will be punished by the family law!"

Mo Jiao said slowly with her mouth pursed, "anyway, I don't need those things. It's just decoration to put them there. It's better to sell and buy a high-end carriage. After the carriage comes back, I'll let dad sit for a while."

"Anything else as a father can let you. This thing is absolutely not. You'd better give up the idea!"

Looking at the seriousness on Mo Yuntian's face, Mo Jiao knew that she would stick to it again. Mo Yuntian was really angry. The little ash on one side grabbed Mo Jiao's corner and whispered, "come on, miss, don't annoy adult mo. he's not kidding. Those are your dowries. How can they be sold."

"Hum, those things are of no use to me. It's not a pity not to sell them there."

Tiger skin comes to Mo Jiao: "Young lady, have you forgotten what Lord Mo once said? Even if you are poor, even if you leave the six doors and have no income, you can't sell any items. In Lord Mo's opinion, that kind of behavior is losing the face of the ancestors of the Mo family. Lord Mo is now the heir of the Mo family. If the Mo family falls in his hands, how will Lord Mo face the ancestors?"

Mo Jiao stared at the tiger skin: "your face just now is not humiliating enough?"

The tiger skin said awkwardly, "it's different in nature. You're the seller's stuff. You see, Lord Mo likes to drink immortal drunk and yaochi Yulu. Has he ever sold his family's things for drinking?"

Mo Jiao was silent. Just as tiger skin said, even though Mo Yuntian was eager to drink yaochi Yulu, he did not start with his family's assets. The Mo family would never allow the act of losing their family. With the persuasion of Xiaohui and tiger skin, Mo Jiao sat down, but her heart was full of unwilling, but she had no way to improve the carriage at this time.

Looking at Mo Jiao's expression, Li Luoyang secretly smiled. This is the effect he wants to achieve, which maximizes Mo Jiao's desire for a high-end carriage: "well, let's go and see your middle-end carriage first."

Mo Yuntian shook his hand and said to Li Luoyang, "go with Mo Jiao. Anyway, our goods are still being manufactured!" maybe there was an unhappy situation with Mo Jiao just now. Mo Yuntian just wanted to drink here and didn't intend to go to the factory outside the city with Mo Jiao.

Mo Jiao hummed softly and took Li Luoyang to the door. They jumped on horseback and ran to the factory.