Chapter 760

Ouyang Wenjun will not cooperate with the merchant Federation, whether it is shenxianzui or yaochi Yulu. This is her last bottom line, so Ouyang Wenjun made a final concession: "I think this cooperation is better. As I said just now, the decision-making power of shenxianzui and yaochi Yulu is not in my hands, so I have no right to decide to participate in this cooperation."

Ouyang Wenjun's words plunged Ge Wen and Ge Wu into cold. They originally wanted to fight for some more, but Ge Wu's impatience has been caught by Ouyang Wenjun. If he insists on proposing wine cooperation, doesn't it just prove that the merchant Federation is really peeping at the value of immortal drunkenness and jade dew in yaochi? So Ge Wen had to endure his anger and listen to Ouyang Wenjun's plan.

"With my cooperation in training musicians just now, I can also be the master to teach the delicious food in Wenjun's elegant building to other restaurants in Luoyang. This is my last concession."

Ge Wen took a deep breath and said slowly, "the repertoire and menu. I don't know what Wenjun is going to exchange for our hands with two things?" Ge Wenming asked. Looking at Ouyang Wenjun, he will take the initiative of this negotiation again next.

"Why should Ge Wen, who is in charge of the family, ask clearly? You can come to Wenjun Yazhu in person, naturally because the merchant Federation likes our invitation very much. Smart businessmen know that I invited you for the sake of the raw materials drunk by the gods in your hands."

Gwen laughed wildly: "Hahaha, Miss Wenjun is indeed a forthright person. Since you are so direct, I don't have to hide it. To tell you the truth, all the raw materials of shenxianzui are in the warehouse of the merchants' Federation, and we can get them and provide them to you at any time. Just now, I don't think the cooperation of Miss Wenjun is enough. We have to work hard for ten tracks and a few tofu dishes The raw materials raised are not to our credit? "

Ouyang Wenjun knew that things would not be so simple. He wanted to get food from the tiger without paying a price: "in addition to immortal drunkenness and yaochi Yulu, I don't know what else you see in Wenjun's elegant buildings? Goods that can be used for cooperation."

Ge Wen looked around, then smiled and said, "what else can you do in addition to wine?"

"So it seems that this cooperation has not been reached?"

"I feel sorry for Miss Wenjun. The immortal drunk is really delicious, but it is about to become history. There are no raw materials and the secret recipe of yaochi Yulu in Li Luoyang. Does Wenjun Yazhu have to sell tofu and music to survive? Your hard-working family business will be ruined."

Ge Wu leaned on Ge Wen's shoulder and looked at Ouyang Wenjun with a sly smile: "Miss Wenjun, instead of letting the immortal drunk disappear, let's cooperate to carry it forward. If you promise our cooperation, the immortal drunk will bring you unexpected value. In fact, you don't have to consider it, because you have no choice."

Ge Wen clamped the mouth of the empty immortal drunk bottle on the table, threw the bottle on the ground, and the broken wine bottle made a crisp sound: "Now no one can save Wenjun Yazhu except us. Miss Wenjun must know this very well, and our merchant Federation has also expressed absolute sincerity. It not only allows Wenjun Yazhu to continue to keep the secret recipe, but also provides you with market resources and raw materials free of charge. This is an unprecedented treatment. Miss Wenjun, don't hesitate. Unless."

Before Ge Wen finished, Ouyang Wenjun suddenly said, "unless I am willing to see the immortals drunk into history and accept the experience that Wenjun Yazhu may not be able to recover."

"If you understand, you are a smart woman. You can get more if you cooperate with us. Isn't it for more money that you cooperate with Li Luoyang? Now that Li Luoyang is gone, we can give you more than Li Luoyang. Do you hesitate?"

Ouyang Wenjun smiled: "you're right. Li Luoyang and I cooperate for money, but at least the money he creates is clean. I deserve it. It's too difficult to cooperate with you. I don't know what happened if I don't pay attention to the loss. Instead of making money timidly, I'd rather accept a fair and bright business, so you two, today's interview is over."

Ge Wen looked at Ouyang Wenjun in surprise: "are you really going to see Wenjun's elegant building lonely? It was built by you."

Ouyang Wenjun straightened up and said with a smile: "At the beginning, Wenjun Yazhu was established. I only sold art but not personal. I have my own business path and followed the road of conscience. Up to now, the whole Luoyang city knows that Wenjun Yazhu is a serious place and earns serious money. It's like the master here, the musician, the bartender and Wenjun Yazhu. I believe if it can speak, it will understand me The reason for doing so. "

"You're stupid! I'd like to see how long Wenjun Yazhu can support?"

"Even if we go back to the time when there were no immortals drunk and yaochi Yulu, we will not forget our original intention, so please go back. As for the raw materials, if you are willing to sell them at a high price, I can buy them."

Ge Wen clenched his teeth and said with a sly smile, "don't dream. Will the merchant Federation give you a little raw material? Immortals are doomed to become history!"

Ouyang Wenjun turned and looked at the bartender not far away, waved his sleeve and said, "see off."

The bartender came to ge Wen and Ge Wu with a smile and made an invitation gesture: "two, this way, please!"

Ge Wen groaned and turned away. Ge Wu pointed to Ouyang Wenjun: "I see how long you can last! Toast and don't drink."

Looking at their departure, yu'er thumbed up and came to Ouyang Wenjun: "sister Wenjun, you are so powerful!"

"Who says we women have no backbone? Right?"

"Well, yes!" thinking about the immortal drunk who will stop production because of raw materials, yu'er suddenly became a little worried: "but sister Wenjun, without the immortal drunk stock in the raw material store, she can only last for one day."

"We still have jade dew in yaochi."

"There is only one cylinder left of yaochi Yulu brewed in Luoyang. At this speed, yaochi Yulu can only last for three days at most. Do you think Luoyang can come back in three days?" Li Luoyang is not here. No one knows the secret recipe of yaochi Yulu. The immortal drunk has to face the result of shutdown because of the problem of raw materials.

Ouyang Wenjun sighed helplessly: "even so, I can't give the immortal drunk and yaochi Yulu to the merchant Federation. If it's a big deal, we'll sell the previous drinks. Isn't there still a tofu banquet and music in Luoyang? I believe everything can be solved as long as Luoyang can come back safely."

Yu'er nodded without hesitation: "well, I also believe that brother Luoyang has this ability. As long as he is here, there is nothing impossible."

"Well, let's wait for Xiaohui and tiger skin to come back. I hope Xiaohui can find clues about Luoyang when he goes to Liangshanpo this time. It's not worth worrying about so long."