Chapter 780

The black market in this era is much darker than Li Luoyang imagined. In his era, the black market is hidden deeper, but at least there is little human trafficking involved in the black market. After all, this is a transaction despised by the whole world. However, in Li Luoyang's current era, this is a common thing, Those women who were tied outside the tent seemed to silently accept such a fate.

After a long sigh, Li Luoyang continued to walk with the children to the depths of the black market. He knew he couldn't change anything at all. If he wanted to stop this scene, only the imperial court came out, but the imperial court was already busy at this time. What time did he have to pay attention to the mountain bandits in a small place.

"Here it is." the child took Li Luoyang three people to a black tent. In the tent sat a businessman with a white mask. When the businessman saw the child, he smiled and said, "little guide, have you brought the guests?"


The merchant touched the child's head, smiled and said, "according to our agreement, if the transaction is successful, you will be divided into one layer." then the merchant got up and looked at Li Luoyang: "what information do you need?"

Without any hesitation, Li Luoyang whispered, "Hua Rong."

The merchant obviously took two steps back, and then looked around warily: "My guest, Hua Rong's news is the most important thing. Since you want to inquire about him, you should also know the situation in Lingnan city. Besides Liangshan people who share Hua Rongzhi's path, who wants to get his news at this time? Your identity is beyond doubt, but I want to remind you that it's not fun."

Li Luoyang smiled and said slowly, "you don't have to worry about this. I just want to know if you will have such news?"

The merchant laughed in a low voice: "You underestimate me. The Lingnan government is corrupt. Coupled with an unscrupulous Zhang Qiong, there is no honest person in the government. Naturally, the prison head holding Hua Rong is also so. This guy is insatiable. He came to me to sell Hua Rong's interest at the beginning, but he asked for a lot of money. I know someone will come to save him, and I know I want to help him To save Hua Rong, my news is worth thousands of gold. "

Bao got some news about Hua Rong from the prison head before asking. The guy naturally sold Lingnan government secrets in exchange for some wine money. Bao knew the friendship between Liangshan heroes and expected that someone would come to Lingnan to save Hua Rong, so he knew how important the news in his hand was for the three people in front of him, but he knew better in his heart He has a more profitable intelligence, that is, the identity of Li Luoyang.

Bao inquired that he had a plan in mind. When Li Luoyang left in front of him, he would sell the news to Zhang Qiong at the first time. That would be a lot of income. As for whether Hua Rong was successfully rescued or Zhang Qiong made meritorious efforts to catch other Liangshan heroes again, it was not his concern. All he wanted was money.

"Make an offer. How much is it?"

"Thirty thousand Liang!"

Wu Song grabbed the black market merchant's collar, clenched his teeth and said, "thirty thousand liang? Why don't you grab it? A message is worth thirty thousand liang?"

The black market merchant said calmly: "brother, if these messages are given to others, they may be worthless, because they don't care about Huarong's life and death, but if 30000 Liang is in front of you, I think it's less. Do you think Huarong is not worth 30000 Liang in your heart?" The merchant has a good tongue. Wu Song is speechless. He loosens the black market merchant. Wu Song looks at Chaijin with worry:

"Brother, do you still have money?"

Chaijin reluctantly spread out his hands: "it's all spent. Drinking flower wine wastes a lot of money. Even if I don't spend in Yihua building, I don't have so much money."

Just when they felt helpless, they were surprised to see Li Luoyang directly take out 30000 Liang silver notes from his arms and hand them to the merchant: "here is 30000 Liang. I hope your news is worth the price."

Wu Song was stunned and asked, "brother Luoyang, how can you have so much money?" Wu Song clearly remembers that when they came to Lingnan City, they had only 500 liang of all their family property, and they all gave it to the guard at the gate of the city. Finally, Li Luoyang needed to raise money. However, Wu Song didn't expect that Li Luoyang could take out 30000 Liang at will in just half a day.

Chai Jin seemed to notice something. He smiled and explained to Wu Song, "did you forget that Luoyang brothers just came back from the casino?" after listening to Li Luoyang's explanation, Chai Jin immediately guessed why Li Luoyang had so much money. He must have made a lot of money in the casino.

Wu Song suddenly realized and smiled: "I see!"

The merchant collected the silver ticket, and then whispered to Li Luoyang, "listen to the news worth 30000 Liang. In the prison, a total of 30 guards were arranged, including 15 from the Lingnan government and the other 15 from the military camp that assisted the government this time."

Looking at the businessman who no longer spoke, Wu Song asked in surprise, "no?"

"No, this is thirty thousand liang of information."

"You're looking for death! Dare to tease us." Wu Song rushed to the merchant again and was stopped by Li Luoyang: "now we know the troops in the prison. It's not a bad thing. We know ourselves and the enemy and win every battle. We don't only need to know Hua Rong's exact location, but any prison news is useful to us."

The merchant on one side smiled and said to Wu Song, "this guest is sensible. If you want to save Huarong, the news about the prison is very important to you. The number of the other party's troops is one of the key conditions, which will help you deal with the situation in the prison more flexibly."

Li Luoyang asked calmly, "listen to you, do you have any other news?"

Businessmen in the black market are traitors one by one. After learning the identities of the three people in front of them, Bao naturally wants to make a lot of money. He divides the news into many small pieces of news, each of which he is ready to charge a high price. However, Li Luoyang and others have no choice. They know that in the whole black market, no one knows about Hua Rong except Bao, Because the prison head only sold the information to the bag to inquire.

Bao inquired that the corners of his mouth rose slightly. Even with a mask on his face, Li Luoyang could feel his smiling and proud expression: "thirty thousand Liang."

Li Luoyang took out 30000 Liang again and gave it to Bao to inquire. Wu Song on one side had opened his eyes and mouth: "how much did you win?"

Li Luoyang quietly raised a finger and whispered to Chaijin and Wu Song, "more than a million."

Chai Jin and Wu Song almost swallowed their saliva at the same time. They couldn't believe their ears. In less than half a day, Li Luoyang actually won more than one million liang of silver in the casino. They didn't expect that Li Luoyang was still a gambling God.