Chapter 835

Zhang Yue arrived as scheduled. In the distance from Fengyue building to Yihua building, he felt that something big had happened in Lingnan city. Many soldiers were carefully checking at the door of civilian houses along the street with weapons. They looked like looking for someone, but he didn't care about these at this time. He was thinking about what aunt Hong was looking for.

Since she has promised herself a grace day, tomorrow is the deadline. Zhang Yue is speculating all the way about what happened.

When she came to the overflow flower building, Zhang Yue went straight to the second floor and stood at Aunt Hong's door to tidy up her clothes. Then she squeezed out the smile on her face and knocked on the door. There came aunt Hong's voice: "come in."

Zhang Yue walked into the door with an iconic smile. However, he was surprised that there was another woman in the house. The woman sat quietly in front of the wooden table, and aunt Hong stood beside her like a servant. Zhang Yue instantly understood the relationship between them, but Zhang Yue's heart was full of question marks. What kind of existence would aunt Hong's boss be? That must be from the headquarters of the Federation of businessmen.

Zhang Yue, a federation of businessmen in Lingnan City, dared not offend, let alone the people from the headquarters. Zhang Yue immediately came to Huang Ying and bowed respectfully.

The corners of Huang Ying's mouth rose slightly. At least Zhang Yue's performance had guessed her identity. In Huang Ying's opinion, Zhang Yue's brain was pretty good. Without such observation, Huang Ying probably wouldn't talk to Zhang Yue more. She killed her and then found someone to rob the jade pendant and accept the Yang family's industry.

However, if Zhang Yue is willing to fully obey the decision of the merchant Federation, they will have less trouble. The casino will naturally become the industry of the merchant Federation, and according to Zhang Yue's ability, she can better accept the identity of the son-in-law of the Yang family.

"Do you know who I am?" Huang Ying picked up the tea at hand, and the wine bottles of immortal drunkenness and yaochi Yulu were placed on the table, which were already empty.

Zhang Yue is a smart person. Before the other party doesn't take the initiative to say her identity, Zhang Yue won't speculate. After all, before she doesn't know the other party's personality, it's best to keep an attitude of not knowing anything: "dare you ask the girl's name?"

At this time, aunt Hong said to Zhang Yue, "this is Miss Huang Ying from the headquarters of our merchant Federation, and her father is also one of the three elders of the headquarters."

Hearing aunt Hong's words, Zhang Yue immediately knelt in front of Huang Ying. He never thought he would meet such a person. The elder of the headquarters of the merchant federation can be regarded as mastering the lifeline of the whole merchant Federation. Compared with aunt Hong's power, I don't know how many times.

"Get up, this time I came to you to discuss something, not to let you kneel down." aunt Hong quickly helped Zhang Yue up, which can effectively narrow the relationship between herself and Zhang Yue and make the atmosphere less tense. After all, what we are talking about this time is related to Zhang Yue's brother, and aunt Hong didn't expect Zhang Yue's reaction, Do you agree to cooperate with the merchant federation or do you hate Zhang Qiong.

Although Zhang Yue stood up, her heart was still full of shock. He didn't know what happened to the people from the headquarters of the merchant Federation. He was worried that he took a fancy to the quick jade pendant of the Yang family. After all, it was related to the intoxicating secret recipe and the industry of the Yang family.

Zhang Yue's worry is not unreasonable. After all, it's easy for people to get the jade pendant of the Yang family. What qualifications does Zhang Yue take to compete with the people in the headquarters? In Zhang Yue's opinion, the Yang family's industry may not be appreciated by the headquarters of the merchant Federation. After all, the Yang family has only one large-scale restaurant in Lingnan City, but the importance of intoxication is far from that.

Zhang Yue is worried that these red aunts let herself come here. She accepted the news from the headquarters of the merchants Federation and told him to give up the Yang family jade pendant. If so, Zhang Yue's business can be regarded as a great loss. The loss has nothing. The casino gave Zhang Qiong and left a Fengyue building without intoxicating wine. The poor income can't meet Zhang Yue's appetite.

Zhang Yue's heart all mentioned his throat. After taking a few deep breaths, he tried to maintain his mood: "no, I don't know what you can do for me?"

Huang Ying asked softly, "have you found the Yang family jade pendant?"

Hearing what Huang Ying said, Zhang Yue secretly scolded aunt Hong for countless times. Aunt Hong promised Zhang Yue not to report to the headquarters for the time being. Unexpectedly, in this few hours, the people in the headquarters not only knew about the Yang family jade pendant, but also came to Lingnan city.

Aunt Hong shook her feather fan, smiled and said to Zhang Yue staring at her: "don't look at me with that kind of eyes. You told Miss Huang Ying yourself about the Yang family jade pendant. Don't blame me."

"Kiss?" Zhang Yue looked at Hong Ying with a confused face. When did she say these news in front of Huang Ying? He didn't want the merchant Federation to know. How could he tell the news to the daughter of the headquarters elder.

Huang Ying put down her tea cup, got up and pointed to the door curtain in the corner of the room: "I heard the conversation between you and aunt Hong before. Is this what I told me personally?"

How could Zhang Yue think that there were people in the house at that time, but he could only blame himself for this. Before he came to the Yihua building, Huang Ying was already there, and aunt Hong and Huang Ying never thought that Zhang Yue would come to the door at this time and ask aunt Hong to give him another day to find the jade pendant. Only then did he accidentally tell Huang Ying the news.

Zhang Yue breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't expect that his plan to delay the news to the headquarters of the merchant Federation had failed at the beginning. He told it to the daughter of the elder of the headquarters of the merchant Federation.

Looking at the expression on Zhang Yue's face, aunt Hong and Huang Ying knew that this guy misunderstood that they wanted to take the Yang family's jade pendant for themselves.

Aunt Hong smiled and said to Zhang Yue, "don't be nervous. I said I'd give you one more day. I know you're going to use the last day to find the man with the Yang family jade pendant after Zhang Qiong handled Hua Rong?"

Zhang Yue doesn't seem to want to struggle: "Aunt Hong is really a God. Before, I only asked for one day. Aunt Hong can know my intention. Yes, just by virtue of my influence in Lingnan City, I can't find the person I want in one day. I won't have a chance unless my brother and the government soldiers look for it together. Aunt Hong also knows that I have joined my casino for this..."

Aunt Hong patted Zhang Yue on the shoulder and the corners of her mouth rose slightly: "this time Miss Huang Ying and I are looking for you, not for the Yang family jade pendant. According to the agreement between us, as long as you can find it, it will naturally be yours."

"Seriously?" Zhang Yue's face showed a surprised expression. He didn't expect that his plan could continue. His plan to become the son-in-law of the Yang family hasn't failed. However, on the other hand, Zhang Yue is more curious about what else Huang Ying and aunt Hong can do except the jade pendant.