Chapter 872

At Li Guo's request, Li Luoyang, who had planned to take a rest easily, was pulled to the wooden table. It was only a few steps from the corner of the wall to the wooden table. Just a little distance, Li Luoyang looked at Wu Xinyi's face for three times and determined that Wu Xinyi was relieved. Li Luoyang dared to return to the wooden table. He was afraid that Wu Xinyi would give himself another set. At that time, he couldn't afford it.

Rubbing his aching chest, Li Luoyang looked at the people in front of him and whispered, "brother Lin Chong and brother Chaijin, although you two are willing to leave a letter to my brother."

"Letter? To brother Li Guo? Why?" they almost all looked at Li Luoyang with a puzzled expression. Naturally, they didn't know how important this letter was to team member Li Guo. This is the most critical evidence, but there was a problem. Whoever left his own handwriting, whether Lin Chong or Chaijin, the court would hate him more, The pursuit of this person will be upgraded to a higher level.

Bribing the imperial court officials led to the total loss of the Lingnan mission. Naturally, the imperial court will not let go of the people who cooperate with Zhang Qiong, and the people who leave letters will naturally become the focus of the imperial court's revenge.

Li Luoyang said slowly with a smile, "you have heard my brother's decision just now. He plans to stay in the barracks. As you are worried, it is easy for him to let us leave Lingnan City, but he will face the punishment of the imperial court, so I must do something to protect my brother's life, so I need a letter from one of you."

Li Luoyang endured the bruise and pain on his wrist, picked up the tea cup and took a sip. Wu Xinyi's beating just now made Li Luoyang dry and cracked his tongue. After the tea was moistened, Li Luoyang continued: "the content of the letter is actually very simple. Die and give Zhang Qiong a personal letter, tell him all our plans after coming to Lingnan city from Liangshan Park, and emphasize that Zhang Qiong will cooperate. He promised that he would be grateful after everything is done."

Hearing what Li Luoyang said, Lin Chong and Chai Jin understood instantly. Lin Chong smiled and said: "Hahaha, it seems that Luoyang brothers have made a plan. This is really a good way. Writing the details of our actions in the letter will naturally improve the authenticity of this letter and prove that Zhang Qiong deliberately let us leave Lingnan and let us rescue Huarong brothers successfully. In this way, the crisis of brother Li Guo will be solved easily."

Chai Jin shook the iron fan, and the corner of his mouth rose slightly: "Captain Li Guo made precise arrangements for action and performed his duties impartially to complete the responsibilities of Huarong incident given by the imperial court, but another person in charge secretly colluded with us and helped us escape captain Li Guo's search and fight many times."

Li Luoyang smiled and then Chaijin said, "and captain Li Guo found Zhang Qiong's secret. In order to keep the secret, Zhang Qiong attacked captain Li Guo. During the battle, Captain Li Guo was injured, but he still killed Zhang Qiong and reported to the court with Zhang Qiong's evidence."

Lin Chong nodded and asked in a low voice, "it's really safe in this way, but we must find a way to kill Zhang Qiong. Only when there is no proof of death can we let the letter prove that he has a cooperative relationship with us."

Li Luoyang raised his mouth slightly and nodded gently: "This is our next task. It's already dark. Zhang Qiong must still be leading people around looking for us, which gives us a great opportunity. Brother Lin Chong and brother Chaijin, discuss who will write this letter. The person who wrote the letter will stay. The others immediately leave the blacksmith's house to secretly look for Zhang Qiong and wait for the right opportunity to kill him. Then Li Guo Will take us out of Lingnan city immediately. "

Lin Chong said to Chaijin without hesitation, "brother Chaijin, I'll write this letter."

Chai Jin raised his mouth slightly and said in a low voice, "brother Lin Chong, you don't think well. I should come to this letter."


"There is no doubt that you are superior to me in martial arts. Since brother Li Luoyang went out to kill Zhang Qiong out of plan, the positive force naturally needs your help. There is another point. There is a relationship between you and Li Guo. I believe that Li Guo has been heard about Zhou Dong's apprentice in the military camp for a long time, and the court will naturally know that there is such a relationship between Li Guo and you. Your letter comes out at this time Now in Zhang Qiong's hands, the imperial court will inevitably doubt that this is related to brother Li Guo. In order to ensure that this letter has nothing to do with brother Li Guo, this letter must be written by me. "

Li Luoyang smiled and nodded: "Brother Chaijin's analysis is very thorough, which is also my idea. I'll bother brother Chaijin to write this letter. Li Guohui will wait here for the completion of the letter, and then he will arrange other matters and put the letter in an appropriate position. As for us, killing Zhang Qiong is the primary goal. Killing Zhang Qiong will definitely make Lingnan more chaotic. After Li Guohui has handled the matters, he will arrange us to leave Kailing Nancheng, it's before dawn. As the saying goes, "it's good to work in the dark and the wind is high."

At this time, Lin Chong pointed to Shi Xiu who had not spoken and said to Li Luoyang: "The brother of Luoyang, who was the son of Zhang Qiong, and the old blacksmith's old fellow, was here before. He had just brought the officers and soldiers here to search us. But with the cooperation of the old fellow Smith, he did not attract his attention. We saw him as a righteous man. He also had the ambition to do the same thing with us in our hearts. So he joined Liangshan to fight against the present rotten. Rotten imperial court. "

Li Luoyang looked at Shi Xiu curiously. He knew all 108 Generals: "what's your brother's name?"

Shi Xiu respectfully stood up and saluted Li Luoyang. He had heard many details about the action before. He knew that these action details were formulated by Li Luoyang, but he didn't expect that Li Luoyang was such a young man: "I've seen Luoyang brothers under Shi Xiu."

Li Luoyang looked at Shi Xiu in surprise and then said with a smile, "ha ha, Shi Xiu! You should go to Liangshan park. That's where you can give full play to your strength. It's no good following Zhang Qiong."

"Yes, I heard your story told by Liangshan brothers just now. I know that you planned the rescue of Huarong brothers. I never thought Luoyang brothers were so young and promising. They are not old and thoughtful. I really admire them. Although I have never seen Wu Yong, the military division of Liangshan Park, elder brother Lin Chong has made it clear just now that Luoyang brothers are talented Compared with Wu Yong's military division, it is better than others. "

Li Luoyang laughed wildly: "why? I learned their flattering skills before I knew Liangshanpo? I don't like flatterers. We are all brothers. It's good to have a heart to heart relationship. It's really a turning point in your life that you can leave Zhang Qiong and go to Liangshan. I believe you will achieve something in the future."

Shi Xiu nodded and felt relaxed in the face of Li Luoyang's directness: "Shi Xiu borrowed the good words of Luoyang brothers. Please take care of Luoyang brothers in the future."

Hearing what Shi Xiu said, Li Luoyang smiled and whispered, "brother Shi Xiu, don't get me wrong. I'm just doing my brothers a favor. I'm not joining Liangshanpo. The word care must not be used."