Chapter 888

The return of the housekeeper of the Yang family made the atmosphere tense. When he was in charge of intelligence work, he did not find that these soldiers had a perfect search plan, as if they were searching at will in Lingnan city. Uncle Yang finally set the tracking target on Zhang Qiong, but overheard the transaction between Zhang Qiong and Zhang Yue.

"Master, miss, Zhang Qiong should give up looking for the people of Liangshan Park and start looking for the ancestral jade pendant of our Yang family."

After listening to Uncle Yang's words, the smile on the faces of Yang Zhen and Yang Yanwen disappeared in an instant. Instead, they were surprised and puzzled. Yang Yanwen immediately asked, "Uncle Yang? What do you mean? Why did Zhang Qiong stare at the Yang family's jade pendant if she didn't catch the court's key criminal?"

"I don't know what happened. I only heard that Zhang Yue promised to give Zhang Qiong the storm building and the casino. The condition is that Zhang Qiong must take his people to help Zhang Yue find the Yang family's jade pendant. It seems that Zhang Yue's boy is going to become the Yang family's son-in-law after grabbing the jade pendant."

"It's impossible! The matter of Liangshanpo is the primary task. Zhang Qiong left her duty without permission and took all the soldiers to find our jade pendant? Is it just because Zhang Yue gave him Fengyue building and casino?" Yang Yanwen can't believe that Zhang Qiong violated the imperial court's intention to abandon the search for a repeat offender and instead look for a jade pendant that has nothing to do with the Huarong incident, To make his brother the son-in-law of the Yang family.

Yang Zhen looked at Uncle Yang with a serious face: "is the news reliable?"

"I heard it with my own ears. I'm sure it's reliable."

"Zhang Qiong is dead? If you let go of those people in Liangshanpo, the imperial court will blame him and he will live?"

"Master, I think Zhang Qiong is smiling and relaxed. It seems that she is not worried about her head. Does this guy have figured out a way out? That's why he's not in a hurry, master and miss. If he doesn't have a way to deal with it, he will help Zhang Yue find a jade pendant? If he doesn't think about the future, he will come to Fengyue building and Casino Well? Anyway, as soon as the court documents arrive, he will fall on his head. He doesn't have anything he can't take away. Don't want any more. "

"You're right. This guy seems to have figured out a way to deal with it. Even if those people in Liangshanpo escape, it doesn't matter to him. The reason why he wants Zhang Yue's Fengyue building and Casino is actually paving the way for himself." Yang Zhenke is a crafty man. He has guessed Zhang Qiong's plan, But at this time, he didn't know what countermeasures Zhang Qiong would have in the face of the punishment of the imperial court.

Yang Yanwen took Yang Zhen's clothes and said anxiously, "Dad, you have to find a way. If the jade pendant is really robbed by Zhang Qiong brothers, we will lose not only the Yang family's industry and my daughter, but also the things in your hands." Yang Yanwen naturally refers to the secret recipe for the drunkenness of immortals. Whether Yang Zhen or Yang Yanwen, they all know the behavior of Zhang Qiong brothers, While seizing the jade pendant, they will surely kill Li Luoyang, who holds the jade pendant. If that were true, the beautiful future they were just imagining would fail before it began.

Yang Zhen also knew that the matter was urgent. He immediately said to Uncle Yang, "Lao Yang, take our people to wear night clothes, take weapons and track Zhang Qiong. Once Zhang Qiong finds the target, immediately help the person holding the Yang family jade pendant to leave safely."

"Yes!" Uncle Yang nodded without hesitation, then jumped onto the wall and disappeared into the night.

Yang Zhen looked at Yang Yanwen around and said seriously, "isn't Zhang Qiong afraid of the accusation of the camp captain for leaving without permission? Maybe the captain doesn't know that Zhang Qiong's team is not looking for Liangshanpo in Lingnan city. Why don't I go to the camp captain in person and tell him Zhang Qiong's plan?"

"Dad, don't they know the news you can know?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm thinking about a question. The camp captain must know Zhang Qiong's plan, but why didn't he take any action? Did he expect the people in Liangshanpo to leave Lingnan city smoothly?"

Yang Zhen nodded. Today, he saw his daughter's careful mind: "what should you do at this time?"

"Childe Li is not an important criminal of the imperial court, and Zhang Yue is the only one who has seen childe Li? Presumably, Zhang Yue must follow Zhang Qiong's team to look for him in Lingnan city at this time. Childe Li just came here to do business. I believe things have been done these days. Maybe he left Lingnan City long before the door was closed, so let uncle Yang follow Zhang Qiong. Let's act according to the circumstances. We can't take it lightly Act rashly. "

Yang Yanwen walked back and forth, her mind turning rapidly: "The current situation in Lingnan city does not allow us to make any mistakes. Hua Rong was rescued. The imperial court must be very angry. Naturally, the two responsible persons were punished. Zhang Qiong seems to be ready. What about the camp captain? What countermeasures does he have? If we act rashly and are found suspicious by the people in the camp, they may catch our people and press the last one without any need This may reduce the punishment of the imperial court, so we can only stop quietly at this time. Moreover, childe Li is not the target of the military camp and Zhang Qiong at the same time. "

At this time, even if she was smart, she would not think that Li Luoyang had already known about it and had made a response. She didn't need to worry about it at all.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect you to know so much when you sit at home. It seems that I underestimated you as a father. You're right. Li Luoyang is a businessman. Maybe he has left Lingnan city. We're just worrying about it. Let Lao Yang go and have a look. If there's anything really going on, Lao Yang will deal with it. If Zhang Qiong doesn't find anything in Lingnan City, it's the most important thing OK. "

"Well, Dad, it's getting late. Go back and have a rest."

"Can I sleep? One night, I gave up the intoxication and got the immortal intoxication. Now I'm going to the winery to try to brew the immortal intoxication."

Before Yang Yanwen looked at it, Yang Zhen said, "don't worry, I'll let the workers leave and absolutely ensure the safety of the secret recipe for immortal drunkenness. I'll only brew it for me. I'd like to see how good it is."

Yang Yanwen smiled and watched Yang Zhen rush out of the backyard like a child to the factory. Yang Yanwen said to herself, "my father hasn't been so happy for a long time. Is it because the immortal is drunk? Or because he gave up the intoxicating wine? Or maybe... Because of me?"

In a word, everything was done according to Yang Yanwen's plan. Yang Zhen accepted the cooperation between her and Li Luoyang, also expressed her position, and was willing to give up the intoxicating wine, so that Li Luoyang believed that they were sincere in their cooperation. Li Luoyang's first point of solicitation was completely established in good faith, which was also the cornerstone of his first step.