Chapter 946

"Me, can I tell you what I think?" Shi Xiu sat aside and raised his hand obediently. He knew that liangshanbo brothers were all around Li Luoyang. As a new member, he should obey Li Luoyang's arrangement. But now, he seems to have something to say who knows lingnancheng environment best.

Li Luoyang said slowly with a smile, "that's nature. What do you want to say?"

Shi Xiu stood up in the eyes of the crowd: "As we all know, I used to work for Zhang Qiong. As a soldier in Lingnan city government, I am familiar with the environment and deployment of Lingnan city. In a few days, it will be the day when water transport opens. Every month, water transport opens, which is a very lively scene. Countless ships will come to Lingnan from all directions. Some come to Lingnan to engage in business, and some go through Lingnan He is a local. In short, that was the busiest time in Lingnan city. "

Shi Xiu seemed a little nervous. He swallowed his saliva and continued: "I don't think the imperial court will close the water transport in order to catch us. They will continue to close the gate to prevent us from leaving. They will also open the water transport to prevent many businessmen from losing money. After all, many of the ships belong to senior officials of the imperial court. They don't want their wealth to be blocked, so they will play the imperial court and let the imperial court open the water transport according to the specified time. At that time, they will It's the best time for us to leave Lingnan. "

Hearing Shi Xiu's words, Li Luoyang smiled: "it's a little interesting. Go on."

"The official in charge of water transport is Zhou Ren. He is a lecherous and easy to buy. I think we can find a way to contact him and try to find a breakthrough from him. As long as he agrees, we can find a ship to Luoyang from many ships. At that time, we can leave Lingnan city smoothly by pretending to be a crew member or other staff And arrive in Luoyang safely. "

"This is a good way, but I don't think Zhou Ren will be foolish enough to cooperate with us. The position of water transport officer is the most powerful position. He is not short of money. Are you going to use beauty? Besides, we are all old men here..." Halfway through the conversation, Chai Jin suddenly realized that there was another Wu Xinyi around him. Everyone had seen Wu Xinyi's face. That face was unique in Lingnan city. If Wu Xinyi could talk to Zhou Ren, it might really be a success.

Looking at the people's eyes on Wu Xinyi, before Wu Xinyi answered, Li Luoyang said seriously, "don't hit my woman!"

As soon as they said this, they had to turn their heads to one side, while Wu Xinyi looked ruddy and lowered her head.

Li Luoyang looked at Shi Xiu: "brother Shi Xiu, what conditions do you think we need to meet to catch a boat to Luoyang?"

Shi Xiu said without hesitation: "I once had several friends. They were Zhou Ren's men. They told me that when the water transport opened, hundreds of ships would pass through the river. Ordinary people could not know the identity of these ships and the goods escorted on them, or even the destination of these ships. Therefore, we should find a way to find out the destination of these ships before taking the ships to Luoyang."

Li Luoyang nodded and said slowly, "didn't you just say that the destination of some ships is Lingnan, so we don't need to pay attention to those ships that dock. We just need to choose the ships passing through the water transport points to find out their destination?"

"Yes, it's actually very simple. When each ship arrives in Lingnan area, it will send someone to Zhou Ren to send a Cao certificate. The certificate will indicate the ship number, the goods on board and the destination of the ship, so we just need to send someone to the Cao Yun supervisor to steal the certificate and find the ship number to Luoyang."

Chai Jin smiled: "steal? Leave it to me. I'll go to the water transport supervisor tonight."

Li Luoyang thought for a moment and then said, "brother Chaijin, it doesn't matter if we can't find a ship to Luoyang. We just need to catch those ships to other places. As long as we don't come to Lingnan, we can leave Lingnan. Our purpose now is to leave here. As for whether we can directly return to Luoyang, it's all later."

As Li Luoyang said, the most important thing now is to leave Lingnan city. As for the final destination of the ship, they don't need to care. Of course, it's also the best choice to directly reach the ship back to Luoyang and avoid accidents on the road.

Li Luoyang turned to Shi Xiu and said, "what's more than that?" Li Luoyang wanted to know more so that he could re formulate the evacuation plan, and he wanted to judge whether the road was feasible from the information provided by Shi Xiu.

"In fact, it's a bit complicated and dangerous. First of all, we have to find a way to get into the crowd when we start water transport. I think the best way is to pretend to be a dock Porter, because ships coming to Lingnan often hire porters to unload their ships. In this way, we can enter the water transport point. The next is the most difficult. After going to the dock, you will see There are many ships on the river that continue to travel. Their destination is not Lingnan, so they need to continue to travel. At this time, we are faced with two choices. "

After taking a sip of tea, Shi Xiu continued: "First, get a small boat and row to the cargo ship on the river. At this time, they still need to be willing to accept our request to reach the ship. You can imagine that this possibility is very small. If the soldiers at the water transport point see a small boat leaving the wharf, they will be suspicious. At that time, they will warn all cargo ships not to contact us, and our plan will come to naught."

"Tell me about your second choice. It's too risky. On the vast river, only we have a small boat to go to the direction of the cargo ship. The goal is too clear. If the dock soldiers shoot arrows, won't we become targets?" Chaijin immediately rejected Shi Xiu's first choice.

"Second... It depends on luck."


"As we all know, many cargo ships will stop at the imperial water transport points for a short time because of the distance. They need to let the crew rest on the ground and also need supplies. At this time, we can easily board these cargo ships, but... There are few ships docked in Lingnan City, so I say this opportunity is luck."

"Why are there so few? I remember the water transport points in Luoyang. When the water transport is opened every month, many ships stop for rest." Chai Jin asked suspiciously. At a water transport point, passing ships rarely stop for rest. He didn't expect it. Everyone was puzzled.

Li Luoyang also asked suspiciously, "yes, although I don't know the situation of water transport points, after all, many ships come to Lingnan area, and there should be few supplies left. In order to meet the next trip, they should pull over and rest until the crew recovers or supplies are sufficient."