Chapter 949

"Dong Dong Dong."

There was a knock on the wooden door. Li Guo quickly turned down from the bed and opened the door. He saw Ye Yu sweating into the room. Li Guo had never seen Ye Yu so flustered. Even if he met groups of foreign invaders on the battlefield, Ye Yu was as steady as pine and cypress. When did he appear so nervous at this time.

"What's the matter?" from Ye Yu's expression, Li Guo felt that something must have happened, and it was very serious, otherwise Ye Yu would never look so embarrassed.

"Where's Mo Jiao?"

"In her room, what's the matter?"

"Just now, just now, your brother Li Luoyang found me at Xicheng gate. I learned that you had handed over the responsibility to liumen, so I told him to take the people of Liangshanpo to Xicheng gate and leave as soon as possible. Just when your brother hurried back to inform Liangshanpo, the people of Liangshanpo encountered Huang Wen's investigation. At the critical moment, your brother stood up and resolved the crisis, Otherwise, they have been exposed by now. "

Li Guo frowned and asked in a low voice, "so they are still in Lingnan city now?"

"Well, before I left, Huang Wen had arranged many government soldiers and experts of the six gates to break through the west gate. It was almost impossible for them to break through. They also arranged archers on the wall. If people in Liangshanpo wanted to break through, they would probably die at the gate. When I came back, I went to other gates to observe. The four gates of Lingnan city were rearranged by the six gates, Huang Wen took the token you gave him and mobilized other people to guard the city gate. Now they want to leave the city gate. It's as difficult as heaven. "

Li Guo punched on the wooden table, clenched his teeth and whispered, "Mo Jiao, you girl, if it weren't for her, I wouldn't have handed over the token. If I wasn't worried that my persistence would cause Mo Jiao's doubt, how could I put Luoyang into crisis at this time."

"Captain Li Guo, this is not the time to blame Mo Jiao. She doesn't know anything about it. She did it for your own good. She was worried that you would be in danger when you face Liangshanpo alone, so she helped Huang Wen fight for your responsibility. She never expected that she would harm Li Luoyang." Ye Yu can see Mo Jiao's mind, If Mo Jiao knew that Li Luoyang was in Lingnan city and was with Liangshanpo, Mo Jiao would never do such a ridiculous thing.

"It's useless to say anything now. The responsibility has been handed over to liumen. There are so many experts under Huang Wen and Huang Wu. They were investigated by government soldiers in Luoyang and successfully escaped the search from Shi Xiu. Now it's different. The people responsible for them are liumen. They won't be soft on Luoyang. If they find the foothold of Liangshanpo, The consequences are unimaginable. "

Watching Li Guo hurried to the door, Ye Yu grabbed Li Guo's clothes: "Captain Li Guo, where are you going? Do you want to find Li Luoyang?" Ye Yu knew that if there was no Li Luoyang in Liangshanpo camp, Li Guo would not care about the life and death of those people in Liangshanpo. Ye Yu knew better that if there was no Li Luoyang in Liangshanpo, They had already fallen into the trap of Li Guo in this operation.

It is precisely because Li Guotai is in Li Luoyang that he will help the people of Liangshanpo abscond regardless of his own safety. Now the responsibility has fallen into the hands of liumen. Li Guo naturally doesn't want to watch Li Luoyang have a positive conflict with liumen.

"Captain Li Guo, you'd better calm down. The people of six doors have just accepted your power and are arranging in Lingnan city at this time. If you appear in the street or are seen by them, the people of six doors will certainly be suspicious. After all, you should rest at home at this time, not in their field of vision. If the people of six doors follow you, will you have an opportunity Will you approach them? "

"Do you want me to sit here and wait for my death?" Li Guo's face is as green as green, clenched his teeth and looked at Ye Yu fiercely. Only when it is related to the safety of Li Luoyang, Li Guo will show this look of cannibalism. At least Ye Yu has never seen Li so. The captain of a military camp team should learn to control his emotions at any time, In order to avoid making a wrong judgment because of his emotions, Li Guo has been doing well before, but since he learned that Li Luoyang participated in the prison robbery of Liangshanpo, Li Guo has become a little anxious and has lost the mentality that a captain should have.

"Captain Li Guo, please calm down. I mean you can't go now. Wait until the evening and sneak into the blacksmith's house while the night is dark. There is the only foothold they feel safe. In this way, the probability of being found can be minimized. Now you are openly monitored by six doors. It's no good for you."

Li Guo took a few deep breaths and calmed his excitement: "you're right. I'm worried about this. When those six doors see me, they will naturally doubt my purpose. On the contrary, it's easy to expose their existence in Luoyang, which almost broke a big deal."

"Captain Li Guo... I don't know if I should say a word."

"Is there any need to cover up between us?"

"I think you should trust your brother. He has the ability to lead the people of Liangshanpo to rob the prison, and he also has the ability to find your trap with tricks, which is enough to show that his mind is not bad, even slightly better than that of Wu Yong of Liangshanpo. I believe he can analyze and understand the current situation. Liumen is willing to let the people of our military camp dominate the responsibility of Lingnan city for this period of time, so let him You handed over the command, and I believe he will find other ways to leave Lingnan City safely. "

Li Guo smiled: "it seems that you believe my brother more than I do. Even so, have you ever thought about it? If the gate of Lingnan city is not opened for a day, they will have no chance. Your task is a turtle in a jar. Do they have any plans to leave?"

Ye Yu did not answer. They who were not familiar with Lingnan city did not know that Li Luoyang's evacuation had been formulated at this time.

Li guoduan walked away from the tea set on the wooden table and placed the tea cup at the four corners of the wooden table: "these are the four gates of Lingnan city. Huang Wen has arranged the government soldiers and six gate experts in the East, West, North and South gates. I need you to find out which of the four gates is weak. Also, calculate how many soldiers there are in the four gates."

"Captain Li Guo, you don't want to give Li Luoyang a chance to leave? The purpose of doing this is too obvious. It will certainly be discovered by the people of six doors. At that time, even if you take the evidence of Zhang Qiong's rebellion, you can't get rid of our suspicion that we have something to do with Liangshanpo's action."

If Li Guo took advantage of his position to tear a hole for Li Luoyang and others to evacuate from a city gate, Li Luoyang and others can indeed leave in disorder, but at that time, Li Guo can't turn over. Six doors will seize this opportunity to play the court, and Li Guo will bear the crime of colluding with the court, At that time, even if there is Zhang Qiong evidence made by Li Luoyang for him, it will come to naught.