Chapter 1002

The night shrouded. As before, many patrol soldiers on the street were still looking for lanterns. From time to time, they could see Chen Sheng shuttling around with Huang Wen and Huang Wu. Compared with Chen Sheng's anxiety, Huang Wen and Huang Wu seemed calm and calm. Of course, Chen Sheng naturally didn't find the joy in the hearts of the two people.

At the gate of the water transport prison, there are still two guard soldiers. When the water transport prison opens their work, they should be guarded 24 hours at least during the period when the water transport is opened.

The shadow on the roof moved quietly. Lin Chong and Chaijin were already ready at this time. Their night clothes made them melt into the night. Looking at the fence gate of the water transport supervisor under the roof, Lin Chong whispered, "where is Zhou Ren's room?"

Looking at the water transport prison, there are dense wooden houses everywhere. Most of them are wooden houses for storing goods or other materials. Looking at the dense wooden houses, Chaijin smiled and said, "fortunately, there is a map of senior Yang Zhen, otherwise it is difficult to find Zhou Ren's room even if we are given ten days. Zhou Ren's room is in the north."

Looking into the deep, there was no lantern light in the corridor between the wooden houses, which means that there were no inspectors in the water transport supervisor. No wonder, after all, the ship had not docked, and there were no goods stored in these wooden houses. Even thieves would not be foolish to come to the water transport supervisor at this time. The workers were surrounded in the morning. They just wanted to get the certificate to enter the water transport supervisor, Only when the certificate is obtained can the workers be qualified to work at the water transport point when the ship docks.

This is also another source of Zhou Ren's income. Those workers who want to get certificates often spend a few silver to serve Zhou Ren. Although it is only a few Liang, it is better than the staff. Hundreds of people add up to thousands of Liang. Zhou Ren naturally enjoys the filial piety of these workers.

Looking through the fence is a small problem for Lin Chong and Chai Jin. After entering the water transportation supervision, Lin Chong, led by Chai Jin, quickly approached the deepest wooden house. A whole row of wooden houses of the same specification appeared in front of them. Compared with those wooden houses storing goods, the houses here are more atmospheric. These larger wooden houses are used to receive the captain.

The captains of some ships from the imperial court are often not simple. Zhou Ren naturally needs to build a special room to entertain imperial officials. At this time, the whole row of wooden houses are dark and no one has moved in yet.

"This way." Chaijin immediately ran behind the wooden house. The two shadows were not noticed by anyone.

In front of a house similar to other wooden houses, Chaijin whispered, "this is Zhou Ren's room."


Leaning gently against the wooden window, Chaijin opened the wooden window after confirming that there was no one in the house. They jumped into Zhou Ren's room. There was a huge bed in the room and a wooden table next to it. There were many vouchers and documents on it, which looked rather messy.

Lin Chong quickly rummaged on the table, while Chaijin came to the bookshelf to look for vouchers. However, in order to find any shipping vouchers, the vouchers on the desktop belong to the workers: "what's going on?" Lin Chong looked at Chaijin with a puzzled face.

"Did that guy hide all the vouchers?"

"Look again!"

Just then, the voice of Zhou Ren and the soldiers came from outside the door, and a lazy voice slowly sounded: "don't send them away. Don't you still fear sneak attacks on me here? Go back to the gate and guard. I'm tired today. I need to have a good rest. Call me out of bed when the water transport opens tomorrow."

"I see. Lord Zhou Ren, you have a rest earlier. We're leaving."

The wooden door was slowly opened. Lin Chong and Chaijin had hidden under the bed. The huge bed could completely cover up the existence of Lin Chong and Chaijin. Looking at Zhou Ren's feet moving in front of them, they held their breath and did not move. Before long, snoring sounded. Lin Chong and Chaijin came out.

Chaijin looked into the bed like Zhou Ren sleeping in a pool of meat mud. At this time, he was holding a wooden box with a lock on it. Chaijin recognized that it was the voucher box sent by the imperial court. He pulled Lin Chong who wanted to continue looking for other places and put his mouth to Lin Chong's ear: "the box in Zhou Ren's arms contains vouchers."

Lin Chong noticed the wooden box in Zhou Renhuai: "kill him?"

"No, didn't you hear that just now? Zhou Ren told his men to inform him when the ship docked tomorrow. If those soldiers saw Zhou Ren's body, the water transport supervisor would certainly close it. At that time, our evacuation plan will naturally fail, so we can't move him."

Lin Chong nodded. Chai Jin's words reminded him that if Zhou Ren had something wrong, the evacuation plan would naturally be involved: "find a way to get it." Lin Chong pointed to the wooden box. Chai Jin immediately understood it. He began to look around for something about the same volume as the wooden box and planned to replace the certificate box in Zhou Renhuai.

Collect all the vouchers on the desktop and stack them together. The shape is almost the same as that of the voucher wooden box.

The two squatted next to Zhou Ren, who was sleeping, and carefully replaced the wooden box. The wooden box was in hand. Chaijin finally breathed a sigh of relief: "where did the fat man go with the wooden box in the middle of the night?"

"How do I know? Find the certificate first."

But they didn't know that not long ago, Zhou Ren went to Yihua building with a wooden box of vouchers and gave the passage vouchers directly to Aunt Hong. In this way, Huang Ying's ship could pass the Lingnan city water transport point without passing the inspection. The goods on board were not naturally rated as high. Zhou Ren thought he could get the dream aunt Hong by doing so, Finally, aunt Hong skillfully avoided it, so Zhou Ren lost and returned to his room.

They found the key from Zhou Ren and moved slowly and carefully. Finally, they opened the voucher wooden box, which was filled with vouchers from different ships. It clearly recorded the good of each ship, and also indicated the place where the ship started and where it was going. Lin Chong and Chaijin immediately looked for a suitable ship, as long as the destination was Luoyang City.

A moment later, Chaijin picked up a voucher and said to Lin Chong with a smile, "how about this one?"

Lin Chong looked down: "ship number, 0701, Chang'an departure, location Luoyang City, goods for drugs, crew 10, feasible."

There are many such ships in this voucher. Chaijin just picked up one at random and made a decision. After all, they don't want to delay here. If Zhou Ren wakes up, all plans will come to naught.

Record the contents of the voucher and put the voucher back into the wooden box. Lin Chong and Chaijin immediately returned the same way. They were unobstructed all the way. They returned to Yang's house without any obstacles except seeing the patrol soldiers on the street occasionally.

As everyone knows, we will wait for the ship to dock.