Chapter 1015

"Water transport supervisor open!"

A roar came from the mouth of the soldiers in the fence, and then the fence was slowly opened. There was a commotion among the crowd. Yang Zhen's smiling face suddenly became serious: "ready, the water transport supervisor has been opened, and your evacuation plan has begun with the crowd."

Li Luoyang nodded, then followed Yang Zhen with a basket on his back. Even if he didn't move, the crowd behind him would push and push forward. However, the soldiers at the door didn't get in so smoothly. The soldiers who came to the gate of the fence had to be checked. Li Luoyang noticed that those soldiers even checked the tools carried by the workers.

Looking at the people in Liangshanpo, Li Luoyang whispered, "where are your weapons?" if the soldiers find that there are workers carrying weapons into the water transport prison, they may be taken to the government before the plan starts. Li Luoyang doesn't want to destroy the whole operation because of these small details.

So far, only the safe evacuation of Lingnan city is left. Li Luoyang is absolutely not allowed to make any mistakes.

Lin Chong said solemnly and in a low voice, "don't worry, our people have nothing but the worker's certificate. It's you. You carry the tripe and hemp rope. The soldiers will certainly ask you the reason after inspection." Lin Chong and others have long noticed the basket behind Li Luoyang and Wu Xinyi, which contains Li Luoyang's fancy crossing tools, Although these things will not make the soldiers have great doubts, at least Li Luoyang should think of an explanation in advance.

"I know." at this time, Wu Xinyi, who was more worried about Li Luoyang, fortunately, due to too many people, the soldiers at the gate of the fence did not conduct a body search, otherwise Wu Xinyi would have killed the soldiers directly to ensure her innocence.

Finally, it was Li Luoyang's turn to wait for others. Yang Zhen stood in front of the two soldiers with his head held high. The soldiers looked at Yang Zhen with a smile: "it was Yang Zhen, but you have Yang's goods today?" the soldiers laughed on their faces. It is well known that the Yang family at this time is like a candle in the wind. Without the care of the emperor, there is no intoxicating wine now, The Yang family is like the existence of Ren Mermaid meat. Before, they were afraid that the Yang family could master intoxicating wine and turn over. At this time, the soldiers would not pay attention to Yang Zhen.

Yang Zhen took out the freight certificate from his arms and proved that he really had goods to pick up: "release it quickly. The ship's landing time can't be delayed. I'll take my workers to carry my goods."

The soldier took the voucher in Yang Zhen's hand and then said with a smile: "Why do you Yang family still buy so many goods? If I were you, I would try my luck in other places with the money to buy goods. Maybe I could make a comeback in other cities? As for Lingnan, I think it's OK. The intoxicating wine has been handed over to Yihua building and Fengyue building. It's still necessary for Yang family restaurant to exist?"

In the face of the soldiers' ridicule, Yang Zhenhu shook his body, grabbed the soldier's collar, and then directly lifted the soldier in front of the crowd. The soldier's suspended feet were still struggling: "Boy, even if the intoxicating wine is no longer in my Yang family, I Yang Zhen is not the master of mermaid meat. If you want to step on my head, you'd better weigh how many kilograms you have. Even if Zhou Ren is here, you don't dare to treat me so disrespectfully!"

"Yang, old man Yang, you'd better put me down immediately, or I'll take someone to arrest you. It's hard to make trouble here!" Before that, the soldiers did not dare to offend Yang Zhen, nor would they say such frivolous words. They just pushed the wall down. The soldiers also wanted Cheng Cheng's prestige, but the strength gap was too obvious. Yang Zhen was just a move, and he had no chance to fight back.

In the face of the soldier's warning, Yang Zhenfei did not let go, but increased the strength of grasping the soldier's collar: "boy, everyone in Lingnan city knows that Yang Zhen is never threatened. Who gives you the courage?"

Looking at the murderous intention on Yang Zhen's face, the soldier's whole body has been wet with sweat. He knows that the old man is famous for his fearlessness. As we all know, even Zhang Qiong, who is known as the first expert of the government, is not Yang Zhen's successor. Even Chen Sheng is at most between Bozhong and Yang Zhen here. If Yang Zhen really kills him, no one in Lingnan city can cure him 。

The soldier on one side immediately put down his long gun and said to Yang Zhen with a smiling face: "Senior Yang Zhen, this guy hasn't been here for a long time and doesn't understand the rules. Your adult doesn't blame the villain. Please spare him a dog's life. Besides, senior Yang Zhen, this guy is still a member of the imperial court anyway. Although he is only a small soldier, he has the face of the imperial court after all. If you kill him in public, won't you disgrace the imperial court? Why?"

Yang Zhen turned his head and looked at the persuading soldiers. Then he smiled and said, "your boy is good at talking. I'll let him go and quickly check the workers' certificates. I'm still busy carrying our Yang family's goods." Yang Zhen waved his arm and left the soldier aside. The soldier who fell heavily to the ground immediately spit out a mouthful of blood. It can be seen how terrible Yang Zhen's power is.

At this time, a charming girl came slowly from the depths of the water transport prison, which was the one that Aunt Hong had taken before. Next to the charming girl, Zhou renzheng communicated with aunt Hong with an obscene smile. The red aunt who did not take the charming girl turned red and chatted with Zhou Ren.

When Zhou Ren came to the gate of the fence, his smiling face suddenly collapsed. Looking at the soldiers spitting blood on the ground, Zhou Ren asked seriously, "what's the matter? I heard someone talking nonsense all the way here!"

The soldiers on the ground looked at Yang Zhen, then lowered their heads and dared not speak. Zhou Ren smiled and turned to look at Yang Zhen: "it's Yang Zhen, the master of the Yang family. What's the matter for you to do with my people?"

"None of your men have a door keeper. I'll educate him for you today."

Zhou Ren said with his face full of flesh: "Can you educate my people? Whoever makes trouble here will be punished. Do you hit me in the face? If so many people look at me, won't I lose the face of my water transport supervisor if I Zhou Ren don't give you some color? Besides, my people have been bullied. If I don't stand up, who else will follow me in the future? Come on!"

More than a dozen soldiers came from all directions and stood behind Zhou Ren with long guns. Yang Zhenla opened his posture and prepared to do a big job: "hahaha, good! I haven't done it for a long time. Today is entertainment." This is not Yang Zhen deliberately causing unrest, but his temper. At this time, if he is soft in order to cover up the whereabouts of Liangshanpo people, people will doubt it.

The two sides looked at each other. Yang Zhen's eyes were full of excitement, but Zhou Ren showed a embarrassed expression. He originally wanted to show his dignity in front of aunt Hong, but he didn't expect to ride the tiger at this time. He really started. These soldiers are not Yang Zhen's opponents at all. Zhou Ren knows this.