Chapter 1052

Recalling the scream just came from the kitchen, Li Luoyang was also terrified. He smiled and said to Xiao Si: "good performance, I thought you made that scream!" compared with the strength of six doors, Xiao Si had no qualification to parry, but unexpectedly Xiao Si succeeded in killing a six doors team leader, This was beyond Li Luoyang's expectation.

Xiao Si smiled awkwardly: "after discovering his identity, I thought I would be finished."

"How did you discover his identity?"

Xiao Si told Li Luoyang what had happened. Li Luoyang smiled and asked, "then why don't you ask me for help in time?"

"If I asked for help from Shifu, wouldn't the two six door people outside the door still know your identity? At that time, Shifu, you would be in danger, so I decided to deal with it myself. Fortunately, this guy didn't pay attention to me at all and let me find a chance."

Li Luoyang happily patted Xiao Si on the shoulder and said with a smile: "The observation power has improved. It's good. It's very correct to choose a judgment. If you asked for help at that time, I'm not afraid to face two people from six doors. I'm just afraid that after they recognize our identity, one of them will be restrained and the other will leave for help. At that time, more and more people from six doors will come here, and we won't have any chance to escape. You did a good job."

"Thank you, master!"

Li Luoyang turned to look at the man and asked with a smile, "Mo Yuntian has begun to cooperate with Sima Yingming?"

"Well, shortly after your disappearance, Mo Yun Tian received the letter from Lin Luo Shui, and stopped him from looking for you. We stayed in the six door for a long time, and miss Mojiao was worried about you, so she took Mo Fu Mo to leave the six doors and went to other places to find you. At the same time, she left the perfume secret recipe to Mo Da when she went away. Sima Yingming was the only one. So Lord Mo found Sima Yingming and the two began to cooperate. "

Everything is just as Li Luoyang thought, because Mo Jiao was worried about her safety and gave her the secret of perfume to her only trusted father. However, Mo Yun Tian gave the secret of perfume to Sima Ying, in exchange for the cooperation between the two people. Only then did these two people do not want to see Li Luoyang return.

"What kind of response did Mo Yuntian make to Xiao Hui's disappearance?" Li Luoyang wants to know whether Mo Yuntian will make a wanted warrant for Xiao Hui without saying goodbye. Knowing Mo Yuntian's plan, Li Luoyang can also formulate coping strategies, but he won't worry about one thing at all, that is, Xiao Hui's whereabouts will not be found by Mo Yuntian.

"After captain Xiao Hui disappeared, Lord Mo sent someone to look for captain Xiao Hui in the city for a long time. He didn't find the news of Captain Xiao Hui, so he called captain tiger skin. When Captain Xiao Hui left, he handed his task to tiger skin. Lord Mo expected that tiger skin must know Xiao Hui's whereabouts."

"How does tiger skin answer?"

"Captain Hupi knew nothing. He just told Lord Mo that Xiaohui asked him to accept the task of protecting Wenjun Yazhu when he left. He didn't know where he was going."

Hearing the man's words, Xiao Si whispered to Li Luoyang, "master, it seems that tiger skin also sincerely wants to join us, otherwise he can disclose Xiao Hui's whereabouts to Mo Yuntian, so that he can make meritorious contributions and earn meritorious achievements, but he didn't. what you worried about in Liangshanpo before was that tiger skin joined us falsely. What do you think now?"

Li Luoyang nodded and said slowly: "At least in terms of attitude, the tiger skin did a good job. If he told Mo Yuntian Xiaohui's whereabouts, the guy would not let Xiaohui go. At this time, he was not sure whether Xiaohu really left the six doors, so he didn't issue a wanted warrant to hunt Xiaohui. However, it's not important. It's a good thing to know the tiger skin's attitude."

The man looked at the whispering teachers and disciples, clenched his teeth and said, "I said everything I should say. Kill me and don't let me suffer like this!" the man had seen that the ants under his feet had climbed onto himself again, and the feeling seemed to begin again.

Xiao Si poured the water in the basin to the man again. The man relaxed. Li Luoyang smiled and asked, "in addition to your four groups of ambush, Mo Yuntian also arranged other ambushes to prevent me from returning to Luoyang?"

"No, this operation was very hidden originally. There were many ambushes. Naturally, we were afraid to attract other people's attention. We all disguised and dressed up as members of Manichaeism. The purpose was to hide people's eyes and ears. Lord Mo was also worried that Lin Luoshui knew the plan to start with you. The six doors could not bear Zhou Xiangong's anger, so Lord Mo told us that we had no way to do anything Hiding his identity, he doesn't dare to arrange a lot of people to ambush you. "

"How's my Wenjun Yazhu now!" Li Luoyang wants to know what happened to Wenjun Yazhu so far in addition to assassins during his disappearance.

The man swallowed his saliva and said slowly: "Since, since you disappeared, Lord Mo and Sima Yingming began to cooperate, Wenjun Yazhu's business has plummeted. They expect that you can't go back to Luoyang again, so there's no need to take care of Wenjun Yazhu's business, which led to the dismal end of Wenjun Yazhu's business. When we left Luoyang, I heard that the immortals in Wenjun Yazhu were drunk and yaochiyu Lu is gone. "

Li Luoyang clenched his teeth and whispered: "Ouyang Wenjun has a secret recipe for immortality intoxication. It must be because the raw materials are in the hands of the merchant Federation. As for the jade dew of yaochi, I haven't had time to give it to Ouyang Wenjun before I disappeared, which leads to the situation of Wenjun's elegant building. Mo Yuntian and Sima Yingming know that I won't return to Luoyang and there's no need to please Wenjun's elegant building. Other dignitaries won't see it It seems that many things I didn't expect happened when I left Luoyang. "

Xiao Si turned to look at Li Luoyang: "master, let's go back earlier? Wenjun Yazhu and herbal medicine store. As long as yu'er and Ouyang Wenjun are taking care of it, Wenjun Yazhu's business is bleak now. Ouyang Wenjun must be struggling with his savings. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid they two weak women will not be able to hold on."

Li Luoyang nodded, smiled with a dagger and said to the man, "thank you for your information. It seems that I will have a good chat with Mo Yuntian when I go back this time, but not immediately, but for a period of time. I'd like to see what he will do against me if I don't go back and don't appear in front of him."

With that, the dagger blade instantly stabbed into the man's heart. There was no unnecessary pain. The man seemed to get rid of it, showed a smile, closed his eyes and became unconscious. Only after the man died, the greedy ants climbed up again quietly along the body's feet,

This time, they not only ate all the sugar water, but also the bodies.