Chapter 1061

The Lin family is not in the courtyard. The autumn wind is cool. A pot of light tea is smoking white. Lin Luoshui sits quietly in the pavilion. There is no one around her. She has not been served by a servant girl. She has long been used to being alone. She never thought she would be served. After all, when she and Li Luoyang's father chose to leave the Lin family, Lin Luoshui put down some, and naturally put down the Lin family's carefree life.

Looking at the peach blossom tree by the water, Lin Luo's water was as heavy as water. He was very worried. It had been some time since Li Luoyang left. Even if there was the handwritten letter from Li Luoyang, the so-called mother Lin Luoshui still couldn't control his worry about his son.

From childhood to adulthood, she owed the most to Li Luoyang. She once asked Mo Yuntian to protect Li Luoyang and Li Guo in Lijia village. Mo Yuntian was afraid to offend the Lin family, so she had to invite Zhou Dong. When Zhou Dong arrived at Lijia village, she saw Li Guo dying, but not Li Luoyang, so she took Li Guo away.

Since then, Lin Luoshui has been bitter. She even thought that Li Luoyang, a young man, might have died in the world. To her surprise, Li Luoyang survived and lived well. However, Lin Luoshui is more guilty. She can't imagine how Li Luoyang came alone in this troubled world. She often thinks of Li Luoyang, Lin Luoshui unconsciously left heartache tears.

"Mother? Why are you crying?"

Li Luoyang's voice rang out. Lin Luoshui shook his head reluctantly: "the hallucinations seem to be serious these days, and the hallucinations also appear. It's better to have a rest earlier." Lin Luoshui lowered her head and wiped her tears. Li Luoyang's voice she mistakenly thought she missed the hallucinations too much. Until Li Luoyang came to Lin Luoshui and squatted beside Lin Luoshui: "mother?"

Lin Luoshui stared at his side and really touched Li Luoyang's face: "Luoyang?"

"Mother, the child is back."

"Really you?" Lin Luoshui hugged Li Luoyang in his arms, and then looked at Li Luoyang carefully up, down, left and right. She was checking whether Li Luoyang was injured. Lin Luoshui didn't let go until she was sure many times.

"Where have you been during this time? Why are you staying with the people in Liangshanpo?" in the letter sent by Chaijin, Lin Luoshui naturally knows that Li Luoyang's departure must be related to Liangshanpo. However, Li Luoyang has left for so long, and no one in Liangshanpo has come to inform him. Lin Luoshui is worried every day. Sometimes she even wants to go to Liangshanpo in person. Without the constraints of the Lin family, Lin Luoshui had already gone to Liangshanpo to ask for someone.

"Mother, I went to Lingnan city these days."

"Lingnan?" Lin Luoshui frowned and whispered, "Luoyang, you honestly tell your mother that Huarong has something to do with you?" when hearing Li Luoyang's whereabouts, Lin Luoshui's first reaction was Huarong. This matter has been making a lot of noise. In addition, Lin Luoshui has his own intelligence means, so he naturally learned about Lingnan city, But she never thought it would have something to do with her son.

In front of the people he trusted most, Li Luoyang naturally didn't hide anything: "well, the people in Liangshanpo kidnapped the child and threatened the life of my apprentice Xiao Si. Let me lead Lin Chong to Lingnan city to rescue Hua Rong. This is the whereabouts of the child for several days."

Lin Luoshui frowned and said slowly, "have you ever thought that if this matter is wrong, it will lose not only your apprentice's life, but also your life." Lin Luoshui naturally complained. She didn't want Li Luoyang to be involved in any danger. She owed Li Luoyang earlier. Now Lin Luoshui is unhappy to hear that Li Luoyang actually took such a great risk.

Seeing Lin Luoshui angry, Li Luoyang immediately said: "Mother, I've come back safely. Don't worry. I've gained a lot from my trip to Lingnan. I not only got a great favor from Liangshanpo, but also found a partner. In the future, both immortal Zui and yaochi Yulu can develop in Lingnan city. Soon, the wine market will be under the control of my child. With enough silver, I can cultivate enough wine Our strength will certainly help our mother get rid of the shackles of the Lin family. "

Lin Luoshui sighed and said: "Luoyang, I don't want you to worry about your mother's business, and I don't want you to be in danger because of it. I'd rather stay in the Lin family forever, and I don't want to see you and Guo'er take risks for my business. If you lose your life, how do you let your mother face the future life? Luoyang, I advise you to put down this plan. I'm actually very good here. Can I see you, This is my greatest wish. "

"Mother, don't worry about it. I'll do what I can. I know how many kilograms I have. I should be careful in everything. Although this trip to Lingnan is dangerous, the child's identity has not been noticed from beginning to end and has been well hidden."

"I heard that the team of Zhou Xiangong's military camp was dispatched to Lingnan city because of this. His people are difficult to deal with. How did you successfully rescue Hua Rong and leave?" Lin Luoshui knew that there were no weak soldiers in Zhou Xiangong's account. A military camp team was transferred to Lingnan, which was enough to see that Lingnan was extremely dangerous this time. However, even under such an environment, Li Luoyang successfully completed the plan, which surprised Lin Luoshui.

What Lin Luoshui didn't think about was Li Luoyang's next words: "mother, I met with the camp captain, and the child fought with him in the process of prison robbery. However, it was his help that I successfully rescued Hua Ronghe and left Lingnan City safely. The camp captain was my brother Li Guo."

Lin Luoshui stared at Li Luoyang in amazement; "Ever? Seriously?"

Li Luoyang proudly said: "My brother has become the leader of the team and is in Zhou Xiangong's camp at this time. I didn't expect that the opponent would be him. After our brothers met, I told Li Guo my plan. In order to prevent the court from punishing my brother after Hua Rong fled, I also formulated relevant actions and plans to minimize the punishment of my brother by the court. This action is just because of the His existence is very convenient. Otherwise, the child is not completely sure that he can return safely. "

Lin Luoshui took a deep breath and then smiled: "both children are promising. You led Lin Chong and others to complete the task at a young age. Although Li Guo is older than you, he actually entered Zhou Xiangong's team and became a team leader. He feels honored for his mother, but even so, I don't want you to work hard and risk for me."

Li Luoyang nodded hard and then whispered, "don't worry, mother. The child has his own discretion. My brother and I have our own plans. I won't let Li Guo be in danger. I'll protect myself, because I know that only by staying alive can I save you from the Lin family."