Chapter 1100

In Wenjun's elegant building, business has turned around because yaochi Yulu was put on the shelves again. There are also some old customers in the previously empty hall. Compared with the previous desolation, it is much more lively. Although it is not comparable to the most brilliant time, the reappearance of yaochi Yulu still has an obvious effect.

The musicians were playing music on the stage, and the guests had a good time talking and drinking. The private room on the second floor was once a special room for entertaining distinguished guests. At this time, it has become a resting place for Ouyang Wenjun and yu'er. Sitting on the second floor, looking at the guests in the hall, Ouyang Wenjun smiled and said: "The crisis has been resolved. If the boy wants to die and come back to eat some, Wenjun Yazhu can only close the door temporarily." the boy Ouyang Wenjun refers to is naturally Li Luoyang.

"Sister Wenjun, now the jade dew of yaochi can be brewed in Wenjun Yazhu. Although the immortal is drunk, it doesn't hurt much now. My injury is almost better. I want to reopen the herbal medicine store as soon as possible." Yu'er sat with hot tea in her hands. Although the wound on her back left a permanent scar, she at least hugged it. Plus Xiao Si didn't care about the scar on her body, Li Luoyang returned safely. Yu'er looked in good spirits.

"You'd better rest for a while. The business of the herbal medicine store has always been bad. How much do you sell from the time you open the door to your injury?"

Yu'er bowed her head and didn't answer.

"If this new thing doesn't open the market, even if you open the door, it won't help. Anyway, the boy has come back. Let him find a way. You also know that this guy has many ideas, which can't be compared with us. Besides, Li's herbal medicine store is his store. He doesn't worry about it. What do you worry about? Listen to my sister and have a rest first. If he recognizes it Because the herbal medicine shop can open, he will inform you. "

Yu'er nodded: "sister Wenjun, I, I have an unkind request."

Looking at yu'er's red face, Ouyang Wenjun asked suspiciously, "what's the matter?"

"Sister Wenjun, you know I have no father, no mother, no brother, no brother, and no relatives around me. I think Xiao Si and I can really come to that day. I, I hope you can attend as my relatives and witness my happiness." yu'er naturally hopes that at her wedding with Xiao Si, one of her relatives will sit in a high position to witness her happiness.

Ouyang Wenjun smiled: "haven't I always been your sister? You still need to invite me? Even if you don't invite me, I'll be in a high position. But I'll tell Xiao Si not to learn bad from Li Luoyang. If he dares to bully you when he dies, I'll let him know what life is better than death."

Yu'er immediately said, "Xiao Si, he won't bully me."

"I haven't paid homage yet, so I protect him?"

Yu'er was about to say something, but unexpectedly found a man in woodcutter clothes entering Wenjun's elegant building. From the man's figure and outline, yu'er recognized Xiao Si at a glance. She whispered to Ouyang Wenjun, "sister Wenjun, it's Xiao Si."

Ouyang Wenjun looked down. Xiao Si just looked up and looked at him. Facing Ouyang Wenjun's four eyes, they nodded tacitly. Ouyang Wenjun smiled and said, "speak of the arrival of Cao Cao, but what's the boy doing looking for us at this time? Is there any change in Li Luoyang's plan?" Ouyang Wenjun knows that the appearance of Xiao Si in Wenjun Yazhu must have been arranged by Li Luoyang. Now Li Luoyang's plan has not been completed. Xiao Si must have changed here.

Yu'er closed the window on the second floor and checked several other nearby private rooms. After confirming that there was no one, she returned to Ouyang Wenjun. Naturally, Xiao Si's identity wanted to be strictly confidential. They didn't want Xiao Si to be recognized, thus revealing the fact that Li Luoyang had returned.

Xiao Si came to the private room on the second floor. After entering the private room, he took off the disguise on his face. With a smile on his face, he stared at yu'er tightly: "yu'er, are you okay?" Xiao Si remembers that when she first came back, yu'er couldn't get out of bed and walk around. She was afraid that her action would tear the wound. Now yu'er seems to have recovered and her spirit is very good. Xiao Si's hanging heart was finally released.

Yu'er blushed and nodded: "thanks to the herbs of brother Luoyang, I recovered so quickly. How about you? How are you hiding in Luoyang city these days?" For half a month, yu'er had been worried that Li Luoyang would be found. From Ye Yu's mouth, she had learned the location of Li Luoyang and Xiao Si. However, yu'er and Ouyang Wenjun didn't go to look for them just in case. After all, there were hawks and dogs at six doors outside the door. Once yu'er or Ouyang Wenjun left Wenjun's elegant building, they would be killed The eagle and the dog stared at them. They didn't know martial arts. Naturally, they couldn't easily get rid of the surveillance of the six doors. Finally, they honestly chose to stay in Wenjun's elegant building.

Xiao Si touched the back of his head and giggled: "master and I are very good. The one eyed dragon has made preparations every time he comes. So far, he hasn't noticed his existence. Naturally, the people of six doors won't follow him to find us. Only you know the whereabouts of master and me."

"That's good."

Xiao Si stared at yu'er with straight eyes, and then slowly said, "Yu, yu'er, teacher, master said, wait, after the plan is completed, when we return in good faith, he, he will preside over the wedding for us. No, I don't know if you are willing to grow old together with me?" Xiao Si blushed and his heart beat rapidly. He wanted to determine yu'er's mind.

Facing Xiao Si's sudden confession, yu'er suddenly became half blazing like a flame, and the red on her face was like blood: "I, I naturally want to."

Xiao Si jumped up excitedly and picked up yu'er. Ouyang Wenjun, who was on one side, said awkwardly, "Hey, Hello, Xiao Si, you can have a daughter-in-law and forget your sister? Once you came in, you didn't say a word to me, but now you can start directly? What? You two totally think I'm air?"

Xiao Si then recovered: "I'm sorry, sister Wenjun. I'm so excited. I've been thinking about how to express my feelings with yu'er all the way. Ye is worried that she will refuse and ignore you for a while."

Yu'er also lowered her head awkwardly: "sister Wenjun, no, sorry, I forgot my shape."

"Look at you. You don't have a girl's reserve. He abducted you in a word. Men won't cherish such easy things. My sister advised you to reconsider or test the boy."

Xiao Si hurriedly said, "sister Wenjun, my good sister, can't I be wrong? It's not easy for me to come to this day with yu'er. You'd rather tear down a temple than a marriage. Don't hurt me."

Looking at Xiao Si's worried appearance, Ouyang Wenjun smiled: "all right, all right, sister teases you. Why are you here? You don't just want to get yu'er's reply."