Chapter 1104

Late at night, Li Luoyang came to Lin's backyard for the second time. Since Li Luoyang returned to Luoyang City, Lin Luoshui slept late every day. She was worried that Li Luoyang would suddenly visit and find her. Seeing the dark shadow on the wall, Lin Luoshui laughed. Soon after Li Luoyang came to Lin Luoshui, and Li Luoyang had just arrived, Then he looked at the person Ying around Lin Luoshui with a surprised face: "Xin, Xinyi?"

Sitting next to Lin Luoshui was Wu Xinyi. Wu Xinyi stood up and looked at Li Luoyang seriously: "where have you been? I couldn't find you everywhere. But I had to go to my aunt to find you. My aunt doesn't know your whereabouts. You're going missing again?" Wu Xinyi has been back for a few days. These days she sneaked into Wenjun's elegant building, She also secretly inquired about the news and didn't find Li Luoyang, which made her anxious. So she came to Lin's house. After asking, she learned that Lin Luoshui didn't know where Li Luoyang was hiding in Luoyang City. At Lin Luoshui's request, Wu Xinyi secretly lived in Lin Luoshui's room.

Li Luoyang whispered, "I'm hiding in the house opposite Sima Yingming's residence. How do I know you'll come back." it's been a whole month since Wu Xinyi returned to the Wu family. Li Luoyang has been busy developing a flash in the pan during this time, but he has completely forgotten Wu Xinyi's return.

Lin Luoshui pulled Wu Xinyi down beside him with a smile, looked up at Li Luoyang and said slowly: "I'm worried about Xinyi if you're late. What are you doing during this time? Why can't you even calculate the time when Xinyi returns? It's only two or three days away from Baiyun Mountain. You've been separated for a month. You don't have a head? You don't send someone to me to ask. If I know your location, I don't have to let Xinyi I've been worried for so long. "

Li Luoyang quickly smiled and nodded: "yes, it's my fault. I'm really busy these days. By the way, Xinyi, has Xiao Hui arrived at your Wu family?"

Wu Xinyi was expressionless, turned her head to one side and didn't answer Li Luoyang's questions. Li Luoyang looked at Lin Luoshui awkwardly with help in her eyes. Li Luoyang didn't have any experience in coaxing girls. Lin Luoshui covered her mouth and smiled: "well, Xinyi, don't be angry anymore. How about I apologize to you for her?"

Wu Xinyi hurriedly said, "I don't need my aunt. I'm used to this guy's wooden head. I don't care if I meet danger along the way. Ask my apprentice as soon as I come."

Hearing Wu Xinyi's words, Li Luoyang immediately understood the point. With a smile, he picked up the teapot in front of him, poured a cup of tea and handed it to Wu Xinyi: "it's hard to come back all the way. Come and drink some water to worry about my surprise."

Wu Xinyi burst out laughing, took the tea from Li Luoyang and said slowly, "next time no matter where you go, you should at least let your aunt know, so as not to worry about you day and night."

"I see. You haven't told me about Xiao Hui."

Wu Xinyi glared at Li Luoyang, put the tea cup on the table and said slowly: "shortly after I returned, Xiao Hui came. I'm discussing things with my father and elder Bai ran..."

Li Luoyang interrupted Wu Xinyi: "Bai ran? Was he there?" Li Luoyang seemed a little worried. He asked Xiao Hui to go to the Wu family with a task. He told Wu Tian and Wu Xinyi his ideas and established a secret place in Baiyun Mountain to use and cultivate his power. He didn't expect that his inner parent, Lao bairan, would be present. He was worried that Bai ran would refuse without hesitation. After all, the Wu family has been independent of the world and wants to be with them It's hard for the other party to agree to establish another force within their strength.

"Well, when Xiao Hui came, elder Bai ran received him. Before Xiao Hui came, I had discussed with my family to make a space in the back mountain of my house to build a place for your future power. Unexpectedly, Xiao Hui just arrived and told me your plan."

Li Luoyang looked at Wu Xinyi in surprise. Then the corners of his mouth rose slightly and said with a smile: "it's called that the heart has a touch of intelligence. Did they agree?"

Wu Xinyi blushed and nodded: "well, my father and elder Bai ran have agreed, and when I left home, I was already building. In a few days, my father may come to Luoyang City. The Wu family plans to collect some daily necessities here with the money you give."

Before Li Luoyang answered, Lin Luoshui smiled and said, "Xinyi, will your father come?"

"Well, he said it was possible."

"If he really comes, why don't I meet him? You should discuss the matter between you and Li Luoyang's parents."

Hearing Lin Luoshui say this, not only Wu Xinyi looked at a loss, but also Li Luoyang blushed: "mother, I, we don't need to be so anxious now? Besides, my brother hasn't got a family yet. I'm afraid it's not good for me to get a family first as a brother?"

Lin Luoshui glared at Li Luoyang: "Have you ever seen your mother take a worldly view? Who says that if the eldest son doesn't get married, the second son can't get married? Besides, is Miss Xinyi unworthy of you? Dodging seems like a big husband? I don't care what plans you and Li Guo have, no matter what plans they have, they are not as big as my grandchildren. I can tell you, Xinyi's daughter-in-law, I've determined that you have to marry if you don't marry. I'm rejected Limited to the Lin family, Xinyi's father never leaves Baiyun Mountain. It's not easy to have an opportunity this time. I must discuss it with his father. "

Wu Xinyi lowered her head and the ruddy color had spread to her neck: "uncle, aunt, it's not good."

"Xinyi, do you hate my Luoyang?"

Wu Xinyi did not answer and chose silence, but the ruddy face became more obvious.

Lin Luoshui smiled and said, "if you don't hate it, you just like it? Isn't that it? I often talk about you in Luoyang. I also heard the story of you and Luoyang when they crossed the river. Who will he marry if he doesn't marry you?"

Li Luoyang looked at Lin Luoshui with a black line. He didn't expect that he would meet Lin Luoshui for forced marriage this time. But on second thought, he and Wu Xinyi were in love. Wu Xinyi is second to none in both appearance and body. He made a profit. After all, he has kissed someone else's mouth and should be responsible for Wu Xinyi, Wu Xinyi knows her plan and what she will face in the future. If she doesn't have any complaints, how can she refuse.

In the face of Lin Luoshui's re inquiry, Wu Xinyi remained silent.

Lin Luoshui smiled and turned to look at Li Luoyang: "I can tell you that Xinyi's dying father has arrived in Luoyang City. You should invite me here, or I'll see how to deal with you."

After taking a deep breath, Li Luoyang said slowly, "I know. If master Wu Tian comes, I will inform him. If he doesn't come, you can't blame me."