Chapter 1135

"Tell me about your plan." after a long time, Mo Yuntian looked up at Sima Yingming. Finally, he compromised. For the sake of his only daughter and his old man, Mo Yuntian finally decided to discuss with Sima Yingming about leaving Luoyang City. Although it was only a discussion, it should also be implemented in detail, so as not to make mistakes at that time, and finally accept the punishment of the imperial court, It's always good to plan ahead, especially when life is at stake.

Seeing that Mo Yuntian agreed to his plan, Sima Yingming raised his mouth slightly: "If I can't find Li Luoyang in three days, I'll arrange someone to leave from the west gate. I've taken care of the guards there. At that time, as long as Lord Mo comes with your people, we will leave overnight after we meet. Even if the court wants to punish us, we can't find our whereabouts. What do you think of this?" After Mo Yuntian left Sima Yingming's residence, Sima Yingming began to secretly plan his future. He knew his sister very well. If Mrs. Bai lost her favor because of himself and Mo Yuntian, the consequences would be extremely serious.

Although Mrs. Bai will want to leave Sima Yingming's life for her sister and brother, others, Sima Yingming, who has lost the right of the Lord, has no shelter. At this time, Mo Yuntian is willing to cooperate with her because Mrs. Bai has lost Mrs. Bai's backer. Sima Yingming knows that Mo Yuntian will no longer care about himself. He was a good voucher before.

It is precisely because Moyun knows that Sima Ying has a queen sister, only to give Sima Yingming a secret recipe for perfume. Sima has also regained the power of Wang Ye in a logical way, but this time, the failure is the sister of Sima Yingming. Mrs. white will never take care of her brother again. She will lose her last support. Ma Yingming cooperates, so Sima Yingming's leaving Luoyang city is the last and only way back.

"Have you decided? Whether to go to the green forest or Manichaeism? Do you have a plan in mind?" Mo yundian asked in a low voice. The reason why he was willing to cooperate with Sima Yingming was entirely because of his daughter and old man. If it weren't for their existence, Mo Yuntian might not even have the idea of leaving. He was willing to bear the punishment of the court rather than become a traitor of the court.

"I can accept both places. It depends on where Lord Mo is willing to go. You know, I'm a scholar and don't know martial arts. I have to rely on your strength when I leave Luoyang. I naturally accept your choice unconditionally. I have to rely on Lord Mo to take care of me at that time. I believe Lord Mo knows well. Although I lost my position as a prince when I leave Luoyang this time, I have lost my value in front of you, but I don't have the martial arts you have, and you don't have the money I have. When I leave Luoyang, I rely on your strength, and your family depends on my money. I believe Lord Mo won't give me up halfway. "

Sima Yingming smiled. He knew that once he left Luoyang City and became the enemy of the imperial court, he had no value to use in front of Mo Yuntian. Mo Yuntian didn't need to take Sima Yingming's oil bottle. Mo Yuntian could kill Sima Yingming after successfully leaving Luoyang City. At that time, even if the imperial court knew, Mo Yuntian would have nothing to do with him However, Sima Yingming grasped Mo Yuntian's weakness, that is, there was no money. At this time, almost all the money in the six doors went into Li Luoyang's pocket. Buying a carriage has made Mo Yuntian shy. Leaving the position of the person in charge, Mo Yuntian no longer has any income. To continue to live, food and clothing is the foundation, and Sima Ying, who regained the right of the Lord during this period, can clearly It's a lot of money. I can cope with this situation.

Sima Yingming directly stated his value and asked Mo Yuntian to weigh it up. To put it bluntly, Mo Yuntian and the other six doors are the bodyguards Sima Yingming plans to hire. Whether he agrees or not depends on Mo Yuntian's decision. If Mo Yuntian can get the money, he can sneak away with others. The problem is that he doesn't have it, so he can only leave Thanks to Sima Ying.

Mo Yuntian clenched his teeth and stared at Sima Yingming. He knew the guy's intention: "Lord Sima, leave with you. It seems that all my six doors are going to be your Sima's bodyguard?"

"Lord Mo, how can my friendship with you be summarized like this? It's called taking what you need. I need your protection. You need me to live and take care of each other. What's the word bodyguard?"

"In that case, I'll see you at the gate of the city in three days." Mo Yuntian has made up his mind. Anyway, he will leave with Sima Yingming at that time, and finally forcibly rob Sima Yingming of the money he took, or live with him. Mo Yuntian has his own plan in mind.

However, Sima Yingming did not leave because of Mo Yuntian's promise. He smiled and put forward a plan that surprised Mo Yuntian: "Lord Mo, since we have made up our mind to leave, it means that we will be the enemies of the imperial court in the future. The identity of the Lord and the head of the six doors has been forgotten. Without this skin, don't you plan to do something? For example, go to Wenjun's elegant building. The secret recipe of immortality drunk in Ouyang Wenjun's hand is something that allows us to make a comeback."

Mo Yuntian opened his mouth in surprise: "do you mean to forcibly rob Ouyang Wenjun of the secret recipe for immortal intoxication before we leave?"

"Of course, we're all leaving here. Do you have any worries? As you and I know, Wenjun Yazhu hasn't sold immortal drunk during this period, just because the raw materials are monopolized by the merchant Federation. As long as we leave with the secret recipe of immortal drunk, we can go a lot better in the future, whether we go to other places to find the principle or choose to cooperate with the merchant Federation It's a great advantage for us. Maybe this thing can let us return to the imperial court and get everything we want. "

Mo yuntianxia realized and nodded. Sima Yingming was right. If he was forced to leave Luoyang three days later, what would he worry about then? What else are you afraid of, Lin Luoshui and the Lin family? I'm also worried about Zhou Xiangong's revenge, and I won't care about Li Luoyang's anger. Anyway, Li Luoyang took this step because of himself. It's better to take something valuable before leaving. Mo Yuntian knows that if they can make merit with the taste of immortals drunk and send it to the palace, maybe the emperor will forgive them when he likes it, He will probably still be in charge of six doors.

Mo Yuntian slapped on the table, got up and showed his intention to kill: "yes! Good plan. We didn't bring Li Luoyang to Mrs. Bai in three days. We'll kill the fish and catch the net. We robbed the secret recipe of the immortal's drunkenness and left Luoyang City. I think who can find us!"

Sima Yingming on one side smiled and nodded again and again.