The moon has few stars, and the breeze blows the willows.

The night in Yuhang county is a little hot and dry.

Because of this, a man appeared in Wansong academy and was confronting each other with a woman dressed in wisps

And Xu Xian looked up and down and checked it carefully

He finally determined that this person was the female ghost

This was a stern threat: "well, it seems that the talents of the four scholars should be what you suck."

"The head of this case is a non staff member of the demon department, who is responsible for arresting you. Now you tell me the truth and explain your criminal motivation, otherwise..."

"Or what?" Cang Zhi bit her lips softly, with a subtle and gentle soft Judo:

"Otherwise, after you verify that I am not a living person, you won't dress others... Are you going to let others freeze to death in your arms?"

"Please pay attention to your words, girl. I've been strictly trained... Your means are of no use to me." Xu Xian glanced up and down at her and confirmed that there were no weapons on the female ghost

He handed the clothes in his hand.


The clothes were handed over

But she didn't intend to wear it at all. She still showed the pink skeleton that serious people would never see.

And Cang zhirou didn't try to escape

As early as Xu Xian grabbed her wrist, she tried to leave.

But the sense of crisis at that moment

Let her deeply understand a truth. The little book in front of her is far from that simple. If he uses it well... He will definitely hurt, the kind that hurts to death

So, after Cang zhirou meditated for a few seconds, he smiled bitterly and said, "what do you want to know?"

Xu Xian said in a deep voice, "why do you suck the talents of those scholars? They shouldn't have provoked you?"

"Do you know how important talent is to a scholar?"

"Now, let alone further obtain fame, they may even forget the poems they have learned."

Cang zhirou looked at him coldly: "why not?"

"What kind of good people do you think those four scholars are?"

"The first scholar I smoked had married and had a wife before he was admitted to the scholar..."

"But since he came to the Academy, he hasn't returned to his hometown for three years. He has to write letters every once in a while, urging his original wife to work hard and send money to himself, so as to meet his life in Yuhang..."

"The second scholar, since he was admitted as a scholar, was liked by a rich woman because of his good looks."

"In order to join the rich woman's family, he ignored the original wife's hard plea, and ignored his three-year-old son..."

"Even for divorce, he spread a vicious lie in his hometown that his wife found a wild man and that his three-year-old son was also wild."

"Do you know what crime his original wife... Suffered?"

"You don't know."

"After his original wife was driven away, he was unable to raise children, so he came to Yuhang county to ask his former husband for some money..."

"But she was beaten away by the scholar."

"But in order to keep her son from starving to death, the woman even committed herself to a beggar for a steamed bread. When the scholar happened to see it, he just looked at it with disdain and left so ruthlessly..."

"That's his son. That's his original wife..."

"The third scholar..."

"Well, stop." Xu Xian has the ability to tell whether a female ghost is lying. It belongs to a small magic power. Now it doesn't make any sense to listen to it except to increase sadness.

Cang zhirou looked up at Xu Xian with tearful eyes. She wiped the corners of her eyes that couldn't shed tears and said, "well, if you don't say it, the little woman doesn't dare to say more."

"But do you think they really deserve this talent?"

"Do you really want to see them step on the bones of others with the help of their talents and become the masters of that person?"

Xu Xian said slowly, "they don't deserve it, but you..."

"But why should I do justice?" Cang zhirou sneered: "I won't go. Will the government punish them after decades?"

"If justice comes so late... The little woman would rather act as justice, even if she would be killed by your demon eliminators."

Xu Xian picked her eyebrows and said in a deep voice, "girl, I don't deny that you suck their talent. In fact, you are very angry..."

"But do you know what you've done?"

"When you took your first talent, it was thirteen days ago."

"The second time, you were eight days ago, five days apart."

"The third time, you were four days ago, four days apart."

"The fourth time, you were yesterday, three days apart."

"Fifth time, today..."

"You may not have noticed, but the frequency of your talent is getting shorter and shorter..."

"You are only sucking their talent now, but what will happen in the future?"

Xu Xian looked at Cang zhirou in front of her and said with a smile: "girl, you may not know that my master once said a word to me..."

"He said,"

"Sword, killer."

"You can hurt people except the hilt."

"The sword looks very light."

"But when a person holds it, it has an unbearable weight of life."

"This weight not only has its own, but also others."

"The existence of power is not abuse, but careful use."

"You now have the ability to distinguish between good and bad people, and you also have the power to surpass these scholars..."

"But you lack the binding force and control over this' power '."

Xu Xian paused and pointed to himself: "my master, he is my preacher and protector..."

"He showed me the wrong way, but have you ever thought about yourself?"

Cang zhirou looked up at him. A faint trance and soberness flashed in her eyes. She asked in some confusion, "what should I do?"

"I will take you out of here. I believe the demon division needs talents like you, which can also make more bad people unable to escape..."

"You don't have to worry that they will have opinions on you. They are not human..." Xu Xian smiled.

"I can't leave here..."

"You can leave." Xu Xian stretched out his hand.


It was a shapeless sword Qi that broke Cang zhirou's connection with the Academy.

If not.

Cang zhirou, this type of earth binding spirit, must at least step into the third grade ghost general in order to take the initiative to disconnect this connection.

Third grade

Can it be achieved by absorbing talent?

I don't know how much blood and soul it takes.

If Xu Xian comes later, the female ghost will really kill in front of her


Good and bad.

But the vast majority of ghosts are often unable to restrain the obsession and resentment in their hearts.


A cold moonlight shone on her.

She looked at the sky like a fairy under the moon

This moment.

She's free.

Real freedom.

She was trapped in a dry well for decades

She clearly likes moonlight and freedom

But after she was free in the Academy, she didn't take a close look at the full moon

She remembered the hatred and obsession in her heart again,

Constantly retaliate against other scholars



A tear.

A ghost tear.

Xu Xian suddenly looked up and looked at the Cangzhi softness of her body

But she just smiled, waved to Xu Xian and whispered, "thank you..."

"Thank you..."

"So... The moon is still so beautiful."

The voice fell.

She has turned into bits and pieces and completely disappeared in the air

And the talent she once absorbed also scattered in every scholar

Ghosts cry,

Into reincarnation.

Xu Xian sighed

Even in the dry well, she has been tortured by endless loneliness for decades

But after all, it's still a kind ghost


For her.

Liberation is the real freedom