The full moon is in the sky,

Xu Xian was lying alone in bed and couldn't sleep.


Xu Shusheng decided to go out to do a daily task and mix some merit.

However, today is different from the past.

It's not a happy day when you can meet demons and ghosts when you stroll in the street

After all, as early as before guillotine Valley, he had cleaned up the slightly powerful demons and ghosts around Yuhang county.

Besides, these things are not roadside weeds. They can grow immediately after cutting a stubble.

In addition, takada Liang once passed on a soul summoning array

Basically, at night, Xu Xian could summon dozens or hundreds of ghosts for every wave of souls, and then pick out those with karma and send them to the underground with a sword.

After being intimidated by other ghosts, he took the initiative to invest in Town God's Temple.

As for sauce, the ghost of Town God's Temple is getting more and more idle.

The effect of the soul summoning array is getting worse and worse. It's hard to summon any ghosts.

But what he never expected was that Gao Laodao, who was rescued again, passed on his own super magic modified soul summoning array.

According to takada Liang's words: "this array was jointly developed by me and the old demon of Montenegro. It already has the power against the sky. Even if there are no ghosts within a hundred miles, it will tear open the space cracks and pull out some or a good ghost from somewhere."

In recent days, Xu Xian has summoned several three grade ghost generals through this array. Merit is called more than one

Thinking of this, he involuntarily rubbed his hands, and secretly came to an unmanned corner, looking forward to the lucky ghost called today.

This array seems complex and rigorous, and has many steps.

Although I don't know how long it will take Gao Laodao, he needs half a cup of tea to lay this array.

In terms of array, he is really fast.




The daily task is so easy and pleasant.

Xu Xian looked at the gradually perfect array and sighed: "it's all for merit. My second golden finger is about to solidify."

Then he looked at his middle finger and ring finger



Thousands of miles away, dark clouds covered the moonlight, the dark wind roared and ghosts cried and wolves howled.

This is the Black Mountain Ghost region. Now there is a big banquet.

Since the black mountain old demon left guillotine Valley, he walked all the way and finally returned to his hometown.

This trip didn't earn much for him, but it wasn't a futile return. At least he brought back several ghosts of the third grade.

Today is a happy day. Naturally, we should make a good deal with our brothers and show his domineering spirit as the leader of the ghost kingdom.

"Eat and drink, brothers, don't be polite to me." The black mountain old demon pointed to those fresh fish and meat on the table, which are still alive.

"Big brother is so particular. He made us live fish again..."

"I wish you longevity and heaven."

"May the eldest be as blessed as the East China Sea and live longer than the south mountain."

"Ha ha..." the black mountain old demon smiled kindly.

Although he always has a cold face when he is outside.

But whenever he came home and looked at more and more shangsanpin men, he would be very happy and have some kind of pleasure developed by farmland.

And just as the ghosts were bitter, they took out better things to offer, and then ate big fish and meat without any bird flavor on the table.

The black mountain old demon glanced around and vaguely noticed something... Wrong.


As a big man, he can count how many top-grade men he has.

That's it.

He looked expressionless and counted his fingers under the table

1. 2, 3, 5, 6, 8... 28?


I had 28 men.

And I brought back six.


Slot, I went out, but six were missing?

The black mountain old demon was furious. Although he didn't figure out how much 28 + 6 was, he knew he must have lost six men.

For a moment.

The temperature of the whole Black Mountain Ghost area suddenly dropped by tens of degrees, and many ghosts in the hall felt the most clearly.

That is, the Lord of Montenegro is angry again!

One of them, a hanging ghost with a long tongue, raised his head in a little panic and was about to ask


A space crack appeared at his feet.

"Ah... Help me, boss, help me, there are monsters scratching my feet..."

However, the words were not finished.

An indescribable force has sucked him away.

"Hiss..." many ghosts in the hall took a breath of air-conditioning, and suddenly felt a little cold behind them.

What is this operation?

Should it be so terrible

How can I have the visual feeling of watching ghost films


These days when the boss left, they often heard this scream, but we didn't have a good relationship and didn't pay too much attention.

"Hiss... Isn't it haunted?" Someone whispered and was very afraid.

"There is too much yin here, and it's not impossible..."

"This guess is very beaver!"

"Trough, this is the Black Mountain Ghost area. How can it be haunted?"


"Bah, we are ghosts. Who dares to trouble us here?"


"If it's not haunted, why do you say it?"

"....." the ghosts were lost in thought. They were all vulgar ghosts who had not attended nine years of compulsory education. How could they understand these principles.

But the horror scene of frightening ghosts made them feel a little uneasy.

The black mountain old demon looked at the strange space crack, narrowed his eyes, frowned, and said in his heart:

"In other words, this array looks familiar."

Isn't this an array that I worked with the little Taoist priest to summon more ghosts in guillotine Valley?

Trough, is Takata Liang still interested?

No, the little Taoist was absolutely frightened this time. Maybe he all went back to Longhu Mountain and trembled.

What's more, that array is a random call. There's no reason to stare at my black mountain ghost area?

The old demon of Montenegro is thinking about life



Another space crack appears, and a lucky ghost is randomly selected.

And a double headed ghost is already scared

Unfortunately, the fate is so, the space crack happens to appear at his feet.

Despite the double headed ghost's desperate struggle, he still can't resist the huge suction.

He screamed and grabbed the thigh of a ghost general next to him.

But look

"I'll go to NIMA. Don't get me." The green faced ghost beside him will not hesitate. He will even kick four or five feet and use his milk strength. When he sends the double headed ghost into the space crack.


The green faced ghost didn't forget to pose for victory, but when he bowed his head, he saw a handsome... Little scholar who was also watching him from the crack in the space.

That look

That look

The eager color licking your lips

"Hiss..." the green faced ghost took a step back with his legs trembling. Does the man want to eat him?

Is that reasonable?

This is not a beaver

Usually ghosts eat people.

But the man opposite the space crack, how can he give the ghost the feeling that humans want to eat themselves?

What's the matter with the world?

Have the times become like this without going out of the ghost land for hundreds of years?

Are they ghosts who will be used as food by humans in the future?

The green faced ghost will report quickly: "boss, boss... I saw a special, handsome and temperament young scholar. It seems that the man is making things in the dark."

"Little scholar?" The old black mountain demon was thoughtful.

"Ang, the little scholar is holding a rusty iron sword in his hand."

"The imperial court's professional team?" The black mountain old demon picked his eyebrow. He has seen this man. He is super handsome and easy to find.


Will he be afraid of the people in the imperial court?

Who do you look down on?

Do you think you're the white awn?

The black mountain old demon was angry again. As soon as he patted the table, he stood up and shouted angrily, "come on, who will go to Yuhang County in the south of the Yangtze River and bring back the handsome boy for the king?"

The voice fell.

In Nuo Da's room, the needle can be heard.

Not only is there no breathing sound, not even the sound of heart beating.

Well, after all, they are ghosts


Many ghosts are lowering their heads, or looking aside, or they are looking at each other, as if to say, "where to catch people tomorrow?"

"A hundred miles away, there are no living people around the ghost area."

"Well, catch someone and give him a confession, and then change some big fish and meat..."

"How long have you not eaten human flesh?"

"I haven't eaten it yet..."

"No, no, there are ghosts. Haven't you even eaten human flesh?"

"I haven't eaten it. What's the matter? Besides, in the Black Mountain Ghost region, who has the smell of human flesh and who won't die except the boss?"

"Brother, you're miserable. I had the honor to taste it several times before I was caught by the boss in my early years... Lao Xiang!"

This is the scene.

Let the black mountain old demon's face look very ugly. After sweeping his eyes around, he still looked at one of the ghosts and said coldly, "tusk, go to Yuhang county and catch the little scholar for me."

"Lord... I... vomit... I just ate my stomach... Vomit... I can't." As soon as the tusk ghost respected his body, he fell under the table.

"White bones..."

"I......" the white bone ghost Zun was about to explain.

But when he saw clearly the black mountain old demon's eyes, he could only sigh helplessly and asked, "dare you ask Uncle black, do you know some means of sword repair?"

"I went to guillotine Valley some time ago. Among the professional team of the imperial court, I saw the little sword repair, but he never produced a sword from beginning to end. It seems that he practiced with the origin." The black mountain old demon hesitated and said:

"But he should have three or two levels of cultivation, otherwise he can't kill those guys even if he calls them over."

With a gloomy face, the white bone ghost Zun nodded. He didn't forget to point to the guy hiding under the table and said, "I hope the boss can let the king of fangs go with me. It can be regarded as a helper."

"Well, yes." The black mountain old demon nodded expressionless.

The tusk ghost king, who hid under the table but showed half his ass, immediately came out and glared at the white bone ghost statue.

However, people only glanced at him lightly.

The tusk ghost king immediately changed his complexion and didn't dare to look at him again.

White bone ghost statue

The strongest under the black mountain old demon.

Near the land of ghosts and immortals.


This white bone ghost respect, and this great origin

Even the old demon of Montenegro will not be too excessive to him, and even have a good attitude.