Late at night.

When Xu Xian came down from the eaves with a small wine bottle to go back to the house to sleep.

Haikong suddenly ran over and said brightly, "Amitabha, benefactor Xu, you haven't slept yet?"

"Ang, what's the matter?" Xu Shusheng glanced at him unhappily, you beard dog.

"HMM... did you make any deal with Beiliang Wang and really plan to go to Tianchi in Beiyu?" The sea and air throw a look that you will definitely go.

"Yes, you want to go too?"

"Hey, you guessed right, benefactor Xu." Hai Kong clapped his hands and hurriedly said, "in fact, I have a friend. He is from the witch family in the northern region. He wants to ask me for a favor..."

"Then go." Xu Xian glanced at the little bald donkey. You are reincarnated as an ambush tiger and a land King Kong. Don't advise, just do it.

If you can't, shake people.

As long as Fahai can come out, who can't shake three times?

"Cough," the sea and air coughed softly, "I'm sure I'll go, but my friend... It's a little difficult."

"How difficult is it?" Xu Shusheng raised his eyebrows.


The sea and air expressed all the information he cheated from the witch tiger.

In this regard, he will certainly not have reservations. At most, he may hide a little in the task reward.

Just sauce.

After a fierce negotiation and confrontation.

The next day, they made the following decision.


"What? I'll follow you to the northern region?" Beiliang Wang was surprised.

good heavens.

I'm the king of Beiliang, and I'm also the most hated person of the witch people in the northern regions

I don't even have any accomplishments. You Xu Xian not only let me go to the northern region, but also let me follow you to Tianchi to steal frost and insects?

Slot, if I get caught

At that time, the king of Beiliang came up with a cruel torture method of 3600 for himself.

Yan Dahai glanced at them. After a little meditation, he wondered, "let me go. I know you two are worried that I can't protect myself alone.

But why did I follow the sea and air instead of brother Xian? "

Sea and air tactical pitching:???

You look down on me?

Are you looking down on me?

Lao Tzu Luohan reincarnated, land King Kong in the world. Do you dare to look down on the poor monk, a mere mortal and brothel boss?


In fact, I also want to follow Xu Xian

But this time, we have to divide our troops in two ways, because they suddenly learned a news from Yan Dahai's mouth.

His royal highness, the son of the king of Beiliang, has broken through to the half step martial god realm and is gradually taking over the military power in Beiliang.


Xu Xian finally figured out the difficult words of the North Liang king and why he planted the lock dragon Gu.


His gifted and incomparable son not only wants to become the king of Beiliang in advance, but also seems to plan to make a decision against his ancestors.


When there are many people, Beiliang Wang certainly doesn't want to say

Even if Xu Xian hadn't told his son that he had broken through the half step martial god, Beiliang king still didn't intend to tell him all about it.

He just wanted to restore the state of cultivation as soon as possible and stop this possible change with his own strength.

At this point,

The two fly with swords in the clouds and gallop all the way.

When the sword flashed, the sea of clouds in the sky was divided in two.

The king of Beiliang finally said, "now that you know, I might as well tell you why my bear son is like this..."

"He is kind to his father and filial to his son. Do you still explain it for him?" Xu Xian is a little difficult to understand.

Your son planted locking dragon poison for you and sold you to the demon clan. It doesn't matter whether you live or die.

But the king of Beiliang sighed and said with emotion, "you should know that all the kings of Beiliang have the secret method of passing on skills?"

"I know." Xu Xian raised her eyebrows.

"Then you should be able to imagine how much fear and desire this secret skill will cause. You can also think of how many dishes and assassins Beiliang palace will catch every year who want to steal the secret skill."

A trace of sadness flashed in Beiliang Wang's eyes and whispered: "for so many years, our Xiao family has been sitting in the position of Beiliang Wang, and has always been a single pass from generation to generation.

Since the canonization, there has been a situation in which a North Liang king died and his son immediately ascended. "

"In recent years, some people have mixed into Beiliang palace in the way of servants."

"Someone sneaked in in the way of guest Qing..."

"Among them, there is no lack of sneaking in in in the way of beauty."

The king of Beiliang stood on the sword, looked at the endless white clouds, and whispered, "but I have a magic power in the king's house of Beiliang, which can distinguish the authenticity of their feelings."

"But what I didn't expect is..."

"Ten years ago, I took a concubine..."

"Her love for me is true, which has never been false."

"But she is a dish sent by the imperial court, and her purpose is also for that secret method."

"One day, while I was away, she thought she had caught the opportunity and wanted to look in my secret room."

"As a result, due to an accident, she accidentally killed my original wife after she was found..."

"And after I returned to my house, she chose to commit suicide..."

"But at that time, my stupid son was only a teenager, but he wanted all this, and completely hated the current imperial court until the day when he planted lock dragon poison for me."

How about him? It was a bitter scene... Xu Xian took a breath.

The North cool King continued: "after I was planted with lock dragon Gu, I already noticed it, but it was still late."

"But my silly son is asking me..."

"Don't you hate the court?"

"Don't you love my mother?"

"Our Xiao family... Why should we guard this ghost place for generations?"

"We worked hard to protect the rivers and mountains of successive dynasties. Why should they do this to us?"

Beiliang Wang paused and said, "next, I didn't intend to explain anything to him who was angry, so I ran all the way out, and I didn't dare to publicize it."

"Unfortunately, due to the problem of locking dragon Gu, my martial arts realm continues to fall..."

"Finally lost to him and the Dark Lord."

"In other words, I really want to know what your son wants to know." Xu Xian is quite curious. This hatred of killing his mother will leave a psychological shadow on a teenager. It's really normal.

With a height of 1.5 meters, Beiliang Wang glanced up at him, lowered his head and said in a deep voice, "because we are the Xiao family.

Our ancestors made a mistake.

It was that mistake

In the war between the Terran and the witch, they almost lost, and countless people were killed and injured... "

Xu Xian was about to say something.

The North cool king raised his arm and pressed his shoulder. He said seriously, "Xu Xian, do you think national hatred is important or children's love is important?"

"Do you think the hatred of your parents is important, or the survival of the Terran?"

"Terrans can have a current life..."

"The ancestors spelled it out step by step with their life and blood."

"He just wants to avenge his mother. Can I not understand?"

"I fucking understand. That's my wife..."

"But I can't do that. I can't pull up hundreds of thousands of troops in Beiliang and join hands with the witch family to launch a war against the girder in order to revenge."

"Join forces with foreigners, that's damn it."

Speaking of which,

Beiliang Wang clenched his fist with gnashing teeth. He wanted to rush back now and break up his son.

Of course, adjectives are used here.

After all, which father will really break up his good son?

Imperial dish?

Let the son of King Beiliang have a deep blood feud against the imperial court?

Xu Xian touched his chin

In other words,

Today's Daliang emperor, even if he wants to pass on the secret method of the northern Liang king from generation to generation, is it necessary to use this indiscriminate technique?

Is this a beaver?

This is obviously not a beaver!

Today, the Daliang Dynasty is strong and powerful.

As soon as the emperor made a move, he directly cut off half of the national fortune, which can be called a drastic plan.

Even, for example, King Jiangning was in the state of rebellious and not rebellious "Schrodinger's cat".

But for emperor Liang,

King Jiangning's rebellion is excusable. I'll suppress you.

If you don't rebel, I owe you a favor. Then you should make contributions to the Terran.

In general,

Emperor Daliang was such a man who made good use of Yang Mou.

He clearly told many old meritorious officials with karmic obstacles that you have two ways to choose.

1、 You find your own way

2、 You revolt, I understand, I suppress.

From this situation, the Daliang emperor was somewhat emotionally deficient.

But for him who wants to become a "human emperor", if from his point of view, he really doesn't need too much superfluous feelings.

Because extra feelings can cause unnecessary trouble.

Although the lack of feelings will also cause some trouble, as long as he has enough strength to suppress... It's enough!

If he can't suppress it, he naturally doesn't deserve to be a emperor.

This is the price of becoming a emperor.

But let emperor Daliang steal your secret skills by such indiscriminate means. If he can't steal it, he will kill people accidentally... Is this a little deliberate?

In this regard,

Xu Xian had a doubt in his heart, but he didn't say anything more.

This kind of calculation about the big man, his little brain is somewhat insufficient.

Now just take one step at a time.

He has a sword!

One sword, whatever your conspiracy.

Well, it's almost Beiyu Tianchi?

Xu Xian's sword speed slowed down slightly, and converged their breath, so as not to be found by others as much as possible.

After all, he remembers sneaking in and running back.


Northern region, Witch King City.

This city is the largest and most prosperous city of the witch people in the northern region.

There are millions of sorcerers in it.

The birth of the sorcerer family is very strange

In the earliest rumors.

The demon clan's strength is against the sky, and can even beat the Terran and the witch.

This led to the Terran and the witch had to join hands, even by marriage, to defeat the demon at that time.

Just sauce,

The sorcerer race was born.

But here comes the problem.

The sorcerer is not as short, flexible, intelligent and resourceful as the Terran.

They don't want to be as fierce as the witch family. They can tear up demons and ghosts.

The sorcerer race is in a very balanced state.

This led to a short period of time when the witch people were in a situation where grandpa didn't hurt and grandma didn't love.


After experiencing some things, the witch people decided to completely break away from the shackles of the two races and intend to become a new ethnic group.


At this point,

The North Tower of the Witch King City.

There are two strong men in the world.

It's a carrot that's eating rabbit.

Another is the king of the Lich family, the Lich King!

The former 'click click'.

The latter stand with a negative hand, with different momentum and temperament, but they all have the style of being a strong man in the world.

"Lich King, if you join hands with the little Beiliang king this time, don't you worry that it's a trap?" The rabbit bit the carrot and smiled.

tell the truth,

He didn't understand the name of the Lich King

Hello, Duanduan's Witch King is just the Witch King?

Why don't you put a word "demon" in the middle?

What, you still have some demon blood?

Mixed race?

But you didn't

Who is rabbit?

His red eyes can see if the Lich King has demon family blood at a glance?

The Lich King sneered: "since we have joined hands with you and have achieved this step, is this a trap and is it good for you?"

Rabbit picked his eyebrow: "indeed, you still trust me."

"What I trust is not you, but the person behind you..."

"Ha ha," the rabbit narrowed his eyes and didn't want to talk more about the things behind him. He just looked at the Tianchi in the north of the city and wondered, "how many poisonous insects do you have in your Tianchi holy land?"

"Not only is it enough for the Daliang army to drink a pot, but other poisonous insects are also enough for our army to continuously burst out super strength in a short time." The Lich King is very confident about this. Tianchi has kept poisonous insects for many years, which has not been used for many years.

"That's something to look forward to." The rabbit nibbled at the carrot and smiled without saying a word.



Xu Xian and Beiliang Wang just sneaked in and found that there were not too many poisonous insects here.

It's called a colorful, strange, all kinds, in groups.

Even, some poisonous insects still devour each other, which can be regarded as the ultimate method to raise poisonous insects.

The only curious thing is,

What is the nourishment of Tianchi Lake?

Can so many poisonous insects breed here?

Vaguely, Xu Xian and Beiliang Wang also noticed that there seemed to be some big power at the bottom of Tianchi!

As a result, they haven't found tianshuanggu yet


A large number of sorcerers jumped into the Tianchi Lake and kept catching all kinds of poisonous insects with secret methods.

In order to avoid these guys, Xu Xian and Beiliang Wang had to dive continuously.

As for the siege of insects?


Not worth mentioning.

Their body armor and sword spirit are very hard, and these little guys can't chew it.

But as more and more witch people go deep into Tianchi and risk their lives to catch the Gu king in the depths of Tianchi.

Xu Xian and Beiliang Wang were finally forced to the bottom of Tianchi, which was a very narrow corner.


Both of them were at the bottom of the Tianchi Lake. They saw a Gu King several feet long. They also shrank at the bottom of the Tianchi Lake, shivering in the corner and secretly looking at Xu Xian

The two sides looked at each other.

Beiliang Wang was shocked and said, "this is tianshuanggu, but the problem is... Why is it so big?"

Canima, the ten foot long tianshuanggu, are you going to let this thing enter my body which is only one meter and five meters long?

Ah, this

Beiliang Wang's heart is a little sour.

Who can stand it,

When I was a half warrior God, I couldn't resist the entry of such a behemoth


Xu Xian had planned to sneak in quietly. After stealing the super large tianshuanggu, he quickly evacuated here.


Many sorcerers also dive to this depth, and even shout out after seeing them



The cold light of the sword burst.

Hundreds of feet of sword Qi roared from the bottom of Tianchi, rushed out of Tianchi, and roared up to the clouds.

Next second.

Xu Xian looked at the empty Tianchi Lake, which didn't even have any water. He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and said secretly: "fortunately, fortunately, my sword was fast enough. The man didn't have time to make a sound, so he let me kill him."

"......." Beiliang Wang looked up at the bright sky.


Very good,

You seem to know enough about sneaking in.

In other words, is your faith the legendary Assassin's creed?


The rabbit looked at the sword that was not far away. He was so frightened that the rabbit's ears were wilting that he almost ran away.


The Lich King is by his side.

In order to maintain the image of the strong, he just stayed in place and said in a slightly thoughtful voice: "Lich King, your Tianchi seems to have exploded..."

"Well, Ben Wang saw it." The Lich King nodded calmly and smiled at the corners of his mouth.

"Don't you go and have a look?" Rabbit wants him to try the water.

The Lich King raised his eyebrows and said seriously, "yes... But it's not necessary."

Rabbit narrowed his eyes: "that's the holy land of the witch people."

The Lich King pondered for two seconds and said calmly as much as possible: "yes, it's just a holy land..."

"But it's not worth mentioning!"

"It's worthy of being a witch family. Sure enough, my family is big and I admire it." Master rabbit hugged his fist with both hands.

"Oh," the Lich King chuckled, tears streaming down his stomach. Who is this NIMA? Who the hell ran to steal insects from the Tianchi Lake?

You steal it?

Why did you blow up my Tianchi?

Good guy

That sword flew up to Jiuchong sky.

If you really care about me, can I not give it to you?

Slot, really bully honest people?