From that day on.

There are two frozen people in the world.

One inside and one outside.

One is alive and the other is cool.

"The king of Beiliang is frozen. There are still two thousand years, nine hundred and ninety-nine years and three hundred and sixty-four days left. It takes three hours and a half to unseal the incense... I'm not reconciled." Xu Xian pointed to the lifelike frozen statue.

Looking through the ice crystal, the prince's expression seemed very happy, and his eyes were full of aftertaste

Maybe the scholar's tone showed sadness and sadness, which sounded powerless.

as everyone knows,

Driven by money, Xu Xian is a man of high morale and integrity.

But when the employers were completely frozen, his sense of war fell to the bottom in an instant.

What's this called?

Losing money

Since Xu Hanwen's debut, when has he suffered such a big loss?

The witch tiger frowned and said, "but shouldn't you help me solve the Lich King first?"

"No, I won't do anything unless I warm up the North Liang king." Xu Xian didn't want to. The king of Beiliang became like this. He didn't have the mind to engage in the Lich King.

Besides, as long as the Lich King is not stupid, he won't stay in the palace and let him stab him with a sword

"Why are you like this? Master Hai Kong told me..."

"Whether you are lying or not, I know, you mean foreigners..." Wu Hu stood up angrily, and his voice didn't fall.


The witch tiger turned into a word "Tai" on the wall of the cave.

After Xu Xian gently punched, he posed as a thinker

After a long time,

With the sound of clicking.

Wu Hu buttoned himself off the wall. He looked at Xu Xian wrongfully and looked at the sea and air for help


Haikong is playing XOXO... Chess game with Yan Dahai, and doesn't pay attention to things here at all.

After all, they are too familiar with Xu Xian.

In the face of requests and help from non friends, except for adding money, it is basically difficult for others to move Xu Xian.

However, due to the greedy and stealing of employers, they have frozen themselves for 3000 years.

This really belongs to the fatal blow that Xu Xian has not suffered since his debut

It will take some time for him to recover slowly.

As for the possibility of Beiliang King's unsealing?


The witch tiger knows.

But he didn't want to say,

After all, this is the contemporary Beiliang king, the great enemy of life and death of their northern region witch people.

If he could, he sincerely hoped that Beiliang king would be frozen for 3000 years.

The witch tiger looks simple and simple, but it is limited to dealing with people.

Basically, as long as it comes to racial survival, there is not only water in his brain melon seeds, but also two pieces of stinky tofu.


After a fierce ideological struggle, the witch tiger slowly walked to Xu Xian and asked Qu Baba to point his finger: "it's not mine. In fact, I know the way to remove the seal of tianshuanggu

But after the North Liang King unsealed, will you really help me deal with the Lich King and will not help the North Liang King counter attack our Lich family? "

As soon as this statement is made,

Xu Xian's thinker posture changed. He turned his head and said quite seriously: "don't worry, I'm a businessman and never do things that harm others and benefit myself

But you have to pay more. "

The witch tiger took a deep breath, calmed his mood and said, "OK, as long as you can help me return to the throne and don't help Beiliang King bully our Witch people, what's a little money?"

Suddenly, Xu Shusheng smiled happily, his face became faster than turning the book, and said in a very gentle tone: "that big brother of the witch tiger, how to solve the ice seal of the North Liang king?"

"Witch witch, now we have to ask him." When Wu Hu talked about the name, his tone was filled with fear and panic from his heart. He said in a deep voice: "according to the rumor..."


"According to the rumor, the reason why the witch people have Tianchi holy land is that they also raise thousands of poisonous insects. In fact, they are all given to us by the witch mother-in-law of previous dynasties..."

"And let our Witch family strengthen themselves with the help of insects, or control some monsters in the northern region. In short, let the ordinary witch family survive in the cold northern region."

At this time, the Lich King is having an online meeting with rabbit and the five elements.

The Lich King said, "the holy land of Tianchi has exploded

Facing the Imperial Army, we will certainly reduce our hard power by 20%.

But since brother rabbit said that we have a great chance of losing the war, I can only ask for some help from the witch witch. "

Rabbit nibbled at the purple carrot. He rattled his mouth and wondered, "Why are you afraid when you talk about the witch mother-in-law? Aren't you the king of the witch family?"

"King..." the Lich King smiled bitterly and said with emotion: "I am the king of the Lich family.

But the witch witch mother-in-law is the God who ensures that our Witch people will not be completely exterminated. "

"Gods?" There was a trace of doubt in the words of the fire venerable.

The Lich King shook his head: "the witch witch is not a God, because she is only a carrier, or a carrier that will be replaced every once in a while.

In the past, the witch witch was like the spokesman of the gods

Except for extremely special circumstances, the witch God will not wake up in the body of the witch witch. "

"Oh, there's something." Rabbit's eyebrow is a witch God who constantly changes the carrier?

Is it the existence left over from ancient times?

Maybe he knows him.

Seeing his expression, the Lich King wondered, "why, do you want to see the witch witch with me?"

The rabbit master coughed softly: "yes, but it's not necessary."

Then he said, "let's change the subject. The little sword repair is now mixing with the witch tiger. You must be careful. If there is no accident, they should be planning to assassinate you..."

"Jie... This king naturally knows."

"But since I asked for help from mother-in-law, in addition to getting enough insects from her, I planned to ask mother-in-law to invite a witch God and let him kill the little sword repair and the witch tiger." The Lich King sneered and flashed a cruel look in his eyes.

The rabbit master touched his chin and said suspiciously, "what's the price you have to pay?"

The Lich King took a deep breath: "if it's nearby, I may just need to sacrifice some creatures, but please ask the witch witch to kill a sword fairy in the fairyland

I may have to pay thousands or tens of thousands of years of life.

Please also ask brother rabbit to get me some natural materials and earth treasures to increase my longevity.

Well, I've arrived. I'll ask the witch witch to work now. "

The rabbit master and the five element Venerable Master brightened their eyes and quickly took out the thousand mile shadow mirror again.

It's just facing the cave and hasn't been found.

If that witch is really strong enough.

They may really be able to witness the scene of Xiaojian's self-cultivation and death.

It's like, Le Dappen.


"Witches have great powers. As long as they can pay the corresponding price, they can achieve what they want“

The witch tiger said in a deep voice, "if you really want to ask the witch God to unseal the North Liang king, you can.

But you also know that Beiliang Wang was very quick. He ate 30 small ice hockey balls and even belched in only one second

Then you have to sacrifice about 3000 years of life, or you have to sacrifice the lives of 300 creatures. "

"Three thousand yuan or three hundred lives?" Xu Xian and Hai Kong looked at each other. The former said thoughtfully, "can 300 ants?"

The witch tiger thought for two seconds, glanced at him expressionless, and said in a stuffy voice: "we want to sacrifice 300 intelligent creatures

Otherwise, it's your own longevity. There's no other choice. "

"Amitabha, isn't this an evil god?" The sea and air looked upright.

"Yes, isn't this bullying honest people?" Xu Xian has two hands. Does he have to pay 3000 yuan for debt?

Yan Dahai coughed softly: "in other words, I seem to have seen such a similar evil god. According to the truth, brother Xian also knows."

"Oh?" Xu Xian touched her chin and said thoughtfully, "you're talking about the God of the wishing lamp?"

"Yes, the lamp God is actually quite easy to get along with..." Yan Dahai recalled the years when he was twice as good as before.

"Card bug?" Xu Xian raised her eyebrows.

A sage surnamed Lu once said: as long as it is an evil god, it can block bugs.

The number of evil gods in the Daliang Dynasty is rare, which can be called an almost extinct protected animal. Basically, they are destroyed by the monks of Taoism and Buddhism.

But this is the northern region.

The evil god in the witch witch's mother-in-law may not be afraid to leave here, so she keeps the witch people in the northern region like raising insects

Let them have a living sacrifice from time to time.


This almost exaggerated bad environment in the northern region may be the hand of the evil god himself.

Think of it here.

Xu Xian's little brain started at that time.

It can be called an evil god.

The evil god is coming.


Heaven and earth change color.

Red lightning streamed through the dark clouds.

The rumble of thunder spread over thousands of miles.

The four people who had been talking about things in the cave were also attracted to the cave by this vision.

I see,

A white shadow in a black robe appeared in the sky

His face under his hat is like a vortex that can devour everything, which is extremely terrible.

He is only suspended in the air, but the world can feel his horror.

Witch, come in person!

"Xu Xian..."

"Wu Hu..."

"Someone offered me 8000 yuan for your dog's life."



"Well, you want to die and live..."

The voice of the ghost of the witch God is strange and loud, as if it can reach the depths of people's hearts.

When he said the name of "Xu Xian".

The rabbit's eyes lit up when he watched the transmission mirror.

The witch God is reliable. He directly figured out the name of xiaojianxiu?

But then

Ah, this,

What does that mean?

Didn't you say that if you offered 8000 yuan, you could kill them

Why do you want to die and live again?

The rabbit master had doubts in his heart.

Is it difficult that the evil god wants to eat both sides?

Trough, the evil god of good chicken thief.


The witch tiger didn't expect to be watched by his own witch God one day.

At this moment,

He was so frustrated that he gave up resistance directly.

When Yan Dahai saw the face like a vortex, he felt dizzy and even bent down to vomit

Spitting, he hurriedly looked at Xu Xian's face, which was more or less relaxed.

The sea and the air with their hands together and the Buddha's light on their body surface help the sea resist the whispers of evil gods.

As for Xu Xian?

He picked out his handsome eyebrows, looked up at the evil god and said in a deep voice, "you're just in time."

"Um... Um?" The witch God had no expression, but his voice changed.

In fact, he regretted it.

Yes, he has listened to the slander of the current Witch King!

Just for the sake of the eight thousand year old longevity yuan, he plans to kill a little earth fairy himself.

But when he really saw Xu Xian, he found something wrong.

Because he felt the falling breath of other kinds from Xu Xian

It's not a fall, it's a seal.

But from this point of view.

This person is by no means a fool of the sorcerer family. He even has a targeted method for evil gods like him.

Although his weaknesses are hidden deeply, even the Taoist and Buddhist sects do not necessarily have his information.

But the problem is,

This man is more or less a threat to him.

It's not obvious, but it's true.

So the witch decided.

He planned to give Xu Xian a face and let him freely sacrifice hundreds of years of longevity yuan, so he just let him go.

But who can think that this person dares to ask?


This person has long wanted to make a deal with himself?

The ghost of the witch God pondered in the sky for a long time. Finally, his voice spread again: "Xu Xian... What equivalent deal do you want to make with this God?"


Xu Xian flashed back to the cave, took out the frozen statue of Beiliang king and said, "help me unseal, thank you."

"You need to sacrifice three thousand years of longevity." The voice of the witch God was ruthless and loud, and the cold tone seemed to tell him that there was no possibility of bargaining in this equivalent transaction.

But Xu Xian picked his eyebrow: "you came to kill me. Someone should be making an equivalent exchange with you. Won't you let him pay another 3000 yuan?"


Five elements venerable:???

Two seas and one tiger:???

"Presumptuous!" The sorcerer is so angry that I dare not kill you?


The black cloud in the sky flows its red lightning again.

While the witch held it out of thin air, he grabbed a huge black sickle!

Wave a knife.


The black sickle seems to be accompanied by the force of the corresponding rules, with the momentum of thunder, to erase Xu Xian from the three realms!

This move.

Even the rabbit couldn't help his face slightly changed.

This is the evil god who swallowed up how many longevity yuan???

Haikong was also surprised. It was not the same level as the wishing lamp God that master beat wildly.

Because it is difficult for evil gods to have corresponding levels.

They are born out of all kinds of thoughts, desires and beliefs.

All they have is the power of the corresponding rules.

But... This evil god is so strong!

Everyone who saw this scene shouted at the bottom of their hearts.

Of course,

I see,

Xu Xian just made a handsome sword drawing posture.


The sword did not come out.

The sword is blaring.

But an idea suddenly came into the heart of the evil god.

Please seal!

Please seal!

Please seal!

Lord Tiandao, please give me the title!

The man hung up. He used the God costume of a man in the novice village.

Can I draw up