After the reincarnation and rebirth of immortal Huanglong, he was picked up by Chunyang sect before he got out of the dragon's egg.

But there's a saying,

He didn't want to face the former group of martial brothers.

Because it's not happy at all, and it's not happy at all.

In particular, the talent and heel of these people are too outstanding. They are still the twelve golden immortals with names. Each of them has great fortune. They can have an epiphany when drinking water.

Apart from his good fortune, how can he compare with this group of people in other aspects?

"Sanctification before people, sanctification before people..."

"As far as my qualification is concerned, there is no chance for me to show up in other places, but how can I show off near those bastards?" Huanglong walked happily and had a little memory of Kunlun Mountains.

As for what he wants to do most now?

That is to pretend well in the mortal world and enjoy the eyes of thousands of people.

After all, he is also a man on land.

Since he didn't have a chance in front of many martial brothers, if he appeared in the eyes of many mortals, it would be a real dragon with infinite terror.

"I'm so happy today, I'm so happy today ~" while Huang Long's real person turns into a prototype and flies out, he doesn't forget to sing a song.

For a moment, the Dragon chanted in bursts, which was enough to spread all over a hundred miles, frightening countless animals and monsters.

The power of the Dragon King is really terrible.

Even his every move that doesn't need to cast magic spells will lead to changes.

no way out,

This is the dragon family.

The natural king of aquarium, Shi yunbu Yu is a talent.

Huanglong immortal doesn't need any operation at all. He just needs to go where it rains cats and dogs.

But at the same time.

In the mountains and forests a hundred and thirty miles away.

Xu Xian, Jin chanzi and Bian Zhuang are begging for... Roast whole sheep in the wilderness.

Coincidentally, when they were about to eat, they saw a hanging sheep hanging its head on a tree and vine

Then the goat was so worried that the three people would not let it go.

At this time, the goat had already been skinned and bled, and the fresh and juicy mutton was also covered with honey and sauce.

At present, the bonfire is so hot.

The greasy sound burst continuously.

The golden mutton is full of fat and the smell is getting stronger and stronger.


This sheep was killed by Bian Zhuang. The honey was turned into a golden cicada from a bee goblin. The sauce was painted by Xu Xian himself.

It is the concerted efforts of the three that have the delicious food in front of us.

"Hey, there's something wrong with the cloud above your head. Why are you shaking around?" Bian Zhuang suddenly looked up and pointed.

The golden cicada son narrowed his eyes, raised his eyebrows and said, "it seems that a silly dragon is spreading clouds and rain. It's really unruly. Don't you know that after the isolation of the three worlds.

Do the Dragon families in the territory of Daliang have to follow the will of the emperor of Daliang before they can rain? "

"Whatever it is, let's eat our..." Xu Xian curled her mouth and didn't bother to answer.

Jin chanzi and others saw the cultivation of the dragon. At least there was a world of heaven and man. Maybe it was the Dragon King of the Jianghu. Naturally, they didn't want to meddle.

Although everyone's level is not low, the Dragon nationality is the kind of people who beat the small to the old, beat the old, and even older.

If it is not necessary, there is really no need to pay attention to such a dragon.


They didn't intend to pay attention.

And the rain cloud above my head was shaking. I had to go.

But I don't know why.

The huge rain cloud suddenly turned a big bend in the sky, still came to the top of their heads and began to rain wildly.

For some reason,

The rain cloud of the hot boss in the sky, but only a small piece is raining, that is, on the top of their heads. It seems that the dragon who spreads clouds and rain must let the fire go out.


Is this still a dragon family afraid of fire?

Xu Xian and others looked at each other and fell into meditation silently.

Is it difficult that this dragon wants to find something?

At the same time, Bian Zhuang glanced at Jinchanzi, who had already clenched his fist, hurriedly took his arm and said, "boss Tang, not, really not

In addition, this is near Kunlun mountain. If there is a sudden leak of breath, the group of guys who explain will inevitably catch up and avenge their mountain

What's more, I have used the border. The rain won't wet our roast mutton. "

"OK, then I'll give Bajie a face." The golden cicada took a deep breath and ignored the rain above her head, so she let the pouring rain fall on the border.

Over time.

The rain on the top of my head not only didn't decrease, but increased.

It seems that the Dragon stopped on their heads and stopped wandering around

I don't know how long it took.

When people can't bear it.


A dragon chant spread over a hundred miles.

With a prototype posture, that is, a seven or eight foot "Petite" dragon body, Huanglong fell into the forest from the clouds.

Soon, when he twisted his body, gently broke many trees, and with his huge head and the majestic golden pupil, he looked down at the people.

The three of Xu Xian also looked up at the Jianghu Little Dragon King who was bored and had nothing to put out fire everywhere with surprised eyes.

Look at each other a little,

Immortal Huanglong appreciated their eyes and thought that the three weak sanxiu were afraid.



Creak, creak


It smells good!

Huanglong immortal swallowed the freshly cooked roast whole sheep and licked the dragon's mouth with his big tongue.

Unfortunately, he paid no attention to the faces of the three people.

He just maintained the noble status of the ancient dragon family, and gracefully used two dragon claws to remove a piece of damaged dragon scale that had already fallen off.


Dragon scales fall to the ground and Mars rise everywhere.

The faces of the three small humans were also dusted one after another.

Of course, these are the details that the noble dragon family pays attention to.

Because this is the chance!

When immortal Huanglong was in Chunyang sect, he would read some fairy Xia weird novels in his spare time.

As for his favorite book, it is "Huanglong real person travel to the world".

There is also a famous scene, that is, when others show their holiness in front of Liao, they suddenly come out and eat other people's food, and give him a dragon scale.

It took the man three years to finally make the broken dragon scale into a dragon scale sword and become a great Xia famous in the Jianghu.


The corners of Huanglong immortal's mouth could not help but tilt slightly √

He seemed to want to see how excited the three casual practitioners were and whether they would fight because of their broken dragon scales.

Maybe the final winner will be "the great Xia in front of people" or "the man who kills his brother behind the scenes".



A crisp sound,

Immortal Huanglong calmed down and looked at the sound.


His golden eyelids trembled.

It was a super handsome little Taoist. He only broke the dragon scale in half with two slender fingers.


A chubby little Taoist broke the dragon scale into four pieces with four fingers.


When a bald monk clenched the four and a half dragon scales with both hands and shook them hard.

Click, click, click

The dragon's scales turned into powder and slowly fell to the ground along the gap between his two palms, just like fine sands.

Until this moment.


Immortal Huanglong swallowed his saliva and saw the eyes of the three people who wanted to eat Dragon.

Is this a beaver?

This is obviously not a beaver.

His intention was to find three small casual practitioners to show their holiness in front of someone and pretend well.


good heavens.

This is not three casual practices. This TM is clearly a monk in three Heaven and man's territory!

The bald donkey among them even has the smell of half a step of golden immortals, which has been in line with the realm of some of his martial brothers.

For a moment.

The mountains and forests within a radius of tens of miles have become extremely silent, and the needles can be heard.

Because it no longer rained in the sky, and the dragon, which was only a few feet long, was retreating silently.



The huge body of the dragon family, after all, let him break a tree.

"My sheep..."

"Let's go together side by side. In the face of this evil dragon robbing people's food, we don't need to talk about Jianghu morality..."

"If you dare to eat the poor monk's sheep, I think you little dragon are really alive."

Next second.

The three figures surrounded decisively, grabbed the little dragon cub who wanted to take off and pressed it on the ground, which was a blast hammer.

Punching and kicking, merciless.

Within a few seconds, the indestructible dragon scale of immortal Huanglong had begun to stain blood.

It's hard to imagine how powerful these people are.

"Ow... Ow... Ow..."

Xu Xian hammered his face with his fist. When he heard the scream, he couldn't help asking, "what's the Dragon yelling at?"

"He said stop fighting, stop fighting, please." Bian Zhuang used Zhang Liu's golden body to control his limbs and act as an interpreter.

"He said he wouldn't fight if he didn't fight. Who is he?" The golden cicada son is angry. He roasted the sheep so hard for so long, let them swallow it in one bite, and finally give them three pieces of broken dragon scales?

good heavens,

Do you think you are ZuLong or the Dragon King of the world?

Who are you with?

Do you know who you're facing?

He taught Jinchanzi in the west, and the other two were disciples of Renjiao.

You're a talented little dragon. How dare you be so arrogant?


After three hours of regular beating.

Huanglong immortal was completely transformed into a waste dragon.

Because as the wailing became louder and louder, these people who didn't talk about martial virtue not only sealed his cultivation accomplishments, but also sealed his mouth.

What's more incredible is that after the three beat him, they not only didn't let themselves go

He also turned the bald monk into an ordinary yellow horse.

this moment.

The golden cicada is riding a crazy white horse, constantly whipping the whip, trying to tame the wild dragon horse.

Bian Zhuang looked aside for a little and said sarcastically, "boss Tang, you can't do this. The little white dragon can ride at the beginning, but now even a little dragon king in the Jianghu can't be tamed?"

"Hey, I really don't believe this evil." The golden cicada took a few whips at him again. Seeing that he was still dissatisfied, he turned over and dismounted.

The yellow dragon horse stared at his round eyes and seemed to want to say... Do you dare him to ride me?


Jinchanzi didn't care about this look. He just took out a knife from his arms and flicked it gently with his fingers.


The knife is blaring!

"Little dragon, I'll tell you one last time. If you don't let me ride, I'll slap you today." Jin chanzi drank coldly and said, "I'm not afraid to tell you. I've ridden the third crown prince of xihailong, not to mention you.

The others don't say. Look at your hair color. It's not as comfortable as little white dragon.

I'll give you face when I ride you. Do you think you're real Huanglong? "

The yellow dragon horse kicked his hoof angrily. If his cultivation was not sealed, he would like to kick the bald donkey in front of him.

But the golden cicada was really cruel. When he disagreed, he grabbed the horse's leg and went up to use a knife.

This cough,



The white dragon horse knelt on the ground in humiliation, and the tears flowed continuously. All the horses cried bitterly.

The golden cicada son laughed and turned on his horse's back. He also sighed: "it feels comfortable. It's a little like learning from the West.

Huanglong horse, hey, hoof to the west, hey hey ~ "

Not far away,

Xu Xian took sugar gourd in her hand, chewed it on her mouth, looked at it in her eyes, and touched a jade card in her sleeve.


The front is full of jade clear artistic conception.

On the back, simple two words, Huanglong.

One said one,

When he picked up the fallen jade card from the scale crack of immortal Huanglong, he planned to put it directly into the arms of the second dimension and sell it when he was free


The quality of this jade plate is a bit like his own piece of jade plate.

He took a look.

Hey, isn't this real Huanglong?

At that moment.

Xu Xian really planned to save her.

But on second thought,

Let's forget it.

We should try our best to let the hermeneutics see the true face of western religion.

Let Jin chanzi ride him to Chunyang sect.

As for immortal Huanglong, he will suffer some crimes,

Face will be lost,

But pure passers-by, it is said that immortal Huanglong is also a big heart. He lost a lot of face when he was canonized. It's not so bad at all.

As for being beaten in the face

This is for the future of daomen.

Well, it must have nothing to do with the roast whole sheep.

After all, as we all know,

He Xu Xian is not that kind of haggard.

Everyone knows his respect for immortal Huanglong.


Chunyang sect.

When immortal Huang Long had just run away from home for only a few hours, the news of his loss of contact had come back.

This moment.

Guangchengzi was blown up directly.

"Who, who dares to do it to my interpreter?"

"This man has eaten the heart of a bear and the courage of a leopard."

"Brother Wei thought that sword Qi was an accident, but he never thought that he would kill younger martial brother Huanglong?"

"He... He deceived me too much."

Guangchengzi angrily patted the table. No matter how unbearable Huang Long was, he was also his junior brother.

The jade tripod immortal sat silently with his knees crossed, and the small tripod on his head was constantly shining, as if he was calculating something.

But after a long time.

Immortal Yuding could only frown and sigh: "when younger martial brother Huanglong lost contact, his jade card was taken away and completely sealed.

In addition, the great disaster will appear, and the secret is in great chaos. I can't find any clues about younger martial brother Huanglong. "

Immortal Taiyi rubbed his chubby belly, raised his eyebrows and said, "although younger martial brother Huanglong is weak, he is actually three saints watching the growing dragon.

That is to say, even if the person who teaches or intercepts the teaching does it to you and me, the possibility of killing younger martial brother Huanglong will be very small.

But the problem is that younger martial brother Huanglong's closed place was pierced by sword Qi.

Plus the mystery has changed,

Have you ever thought about

In fact, some people disguised sword Qi, and younger martial brother Huanglong was kidnapped

It may be some people's calculations that remind us of some two people.

1、 Zhao Qingchan was taught.

2、 Stop teaching Xu Xian.

Seriously, if it's really the western religion calculating.

Whether we target people's education or interception of education, this scheme of western education has actually been successful? "

Guangchengzi touched his chin and felt thoughtful.

Now we have to wait.

When the dispute over the twelve ways begins.

At that time, everything will come to an end.

"I'd like to see who dares to calculate my younger martial brother..." guangchengzi narrowed his eyes and held a long sword. He really regarded him as the second Sword Fairy in the wilderness. Is he a vegetarian?

Playing swordsmanship in front of him?

You think you're the third master?