Near sunset.

Xu Xian sat on the edge of the roof of the building, dangling her feet in the air, overlooking the collapsing building in the distance, which is a brand-new building drilled out of the ground.

Xiaoqing's eyes are no longer surprised, but she is still full of curiosity about anything.

While sun ran was barbecue, he did not forget to say: "any building in Shura city is alive, but it also has a corresponding life span.

Earth, water, wind and fire are a cycle.

After four robberies, any building will turn into ruins, and new buildings will emerge from the ground. "

With that, sun ran stroked the brim of his hat and said with a smile, "it is in those new buildings that we can find enough materials for survival."

Xiaoqing looked at Sun ran adding seasoning to the barbecue, so she couldn't help sniffing her nose, turned back and said with a smile: "it's delicious

But miss sun, how long can the building under our feet last? "

"Two robberies have passed, and we can probably survive another wind robbery, but when the fire robbery comes, we must find a relatively new building, otherwise the building will turn into ruins." Sun ran pointed to the collapsed buildings under the sunset and said helplessly.

"How often do the four robberies of earth, water, wind and fire occur?" Xu Xian stood up slowly and said suspiciously.

"There is no law. If it takes a long time, we can enjoy a period of peace, but there will be a shortage of materials. If the time interval is short, although the materials are enough, many people will not survive in the face of the threat of four robberies alone." Sun ran sighed.

As long as you live in Shura City, you will keep facing all kinds of threats, which makes people constantly tired of running around.

There is no place to call home.

"What is the snake that is about to bite its tail?" Xu Xian stretched out her finger.

Sun Ran's eyes became more cautious and said in a deep voice: "it is said that the never linked tail snake is the source of the four robberies of water, wind and fire in the birthplace, in which there are countless ghosts..."

"Not to mention that, you'd better come and eat my sun's Secret roast."

"Hey, hey, I'm sure you two ancients never ate it."

"Hum, let me see your ability." Xiaoqing proudly raised her head and picked up a bunch of barbecue with great appreciation. When she glanced at Xu Xian's eating method, she had learned the correct way to roll the string.

That is, a bite on the mouth, a drag on the bamboo stick, and a string of barbecue.

For a moment,

The roof was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.


Late at night.

In the room that Xu Xian just grabbed, Xiaoqing lay on the bed, ignoring Xu Xian standing aside.

And sun ran did invite Xiaoqing over

But in this environment full of crisis everywhere, Xiaoqing nature and Xu Xian should be closer.

No reason to live with a new friend.


Xu Xian looked at him angrily and said, "don't you know you're going out to grab a room to live on your own, do you understand?"

"Bah." Xiaoqing muttered, and without looking at him, he turned around and looked at the wall.

Xu Shusheng sat on the bed and sighed.

After a long time.

Xiaoqing faintly noticed that someone was touching his hair behind him

For a moment,

Xiaoqing's body was tight, but she couldn't help shaking her head and wanted to break free


She found that her hair seemed to be tied with a small bronze bell.

At this moment,

Xiaoqing sat up, took the little bell tied to the green silk in her hand, looked up in wonder, "isn't this the little bell in your hair?"

"Well, pay me back when you go out." Xu Xian whispered.

"Is this a magic weapon?"


"I have no magic power. What's the use of this magic weapon for me."

"Look at your IQ. If you need mana, why should I give it to you?" Xu Xian poked Xiao Qing's forehead and couldn't help turning his eyes.

Xiaoqing sat cross legged on the bed and pouted with her fingers, but she still didn't believe: "true or false, can this thing work?

It is said that the water, wind and fire in that place are terrible. "

"Hey, even if Shura city is gone, it won't hurt you. Go to bed."

"Hum, I don't believe it unless you tell me what this little bell is?" Xiaoqing refused to let Xu Xian leave.

Xu Shusheng picked his eyebrows and said bluntly, "Donghuang bell, believe it or not..."

Xiaoqing is expressionless, and also the Eastern Emperor bell... You can really play.

Donghuang bell, also known as chaos clock, is one of the three most precious treasures of opening up the sky, also known as the three most congenital treasures, together with Taiji map and Pangu flag.

Because it is the accompanying artifact of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, it has the name of the Eastern Emperor bell.

Believe it or not.

But the little bell was tied to Xu Xian's hair long ago.

Although this thing is certainly not a Donghuang bell, it can also ensure that it is a magic weapon to protect yourself. It can be regarded as a very precious thing for Xu Xian.

I think so.

Xiaoqing happily took the little bell and looked at it for a while. She looked at Xu Xian, who was meditating, and asked, "brother-in-law, brother-in-law..."


"Do you like me?" Xiaoqing stretched out a small white foot and kicked it on him.

Xu Xian glanced down at the white and tender feet and looked up along the slender legs

When he saw Xiaoqing's slender snow-white waist, he no longer looked up, but resolutely closed his eyes and didn't want to answer.

He was thinking about how to get out of here.


The more he didn't want to talk to me.

Xiaoqing even put her little foot on his leg and scratched his ribs flexibly with her jade toes


Xu Xian opened her eyes and grabbed her jade foot.

Xiaoqing refuses to accept it and wants to pull it out.

But seeing that the strength was not enough and couldn't move at all, he stretched out another jade foot and continued to scratch


Xu Xian held a small foot in one hand.

"You let go."

"Be honest and I'll let go."


After three interest rates.

"Are you still here?" Xu Xian glanced at the little foot that stretched out again, grabbed it and began to scratch the center of the foot.

"No, no, no... brother-in-law, brother-in-law... Don't scratch..." Xiaoqing begged to admit defeat before she insisted for a few seconds.

Xu Xian loosened her hand again and looked at the tail snake outside the window, as if thinking.


Xiaoqing's jade feet are quietly stretched out

Xu Xian turned and glanced at her.

Xiaoqing coughed and said, "brother-in-law, you can hold my feet, but don't scratch my soles. I'm a little cold..."

"Then you don't wear clothes?" Xu Xian threw away his clothes.

Xiaoqing skillfully draped her clothes on her body, or put the pair of jade feet on his legs, and kept losing her eyes for him to hold.

Just sauce,

Xu Xian held the pair of little feet in her arms.

"Brother in law..."


"Are my little feet soft?"


Xu Xian threw the little feet on the bed.

Xiaoqing smiled, put the pair of jade feet on his legs, held his clothes and hummed: "I remember you especially like to touch my sister..."

"I didn't..."

"Then I just asked you to hold my feet and didn't let you touch them, but you rubbed and touched them..."

"Xiaoqing nvxia." Xu Xian gnashed her teeth and looked over: "you're not cold, you're not sleepy, can't you sleep quietly?"

"Hum, just sleep." With a cold hum, Xiao Qing took out a blue cloth strip from under her generous clothes and threw it on Xu Xian's leg.

"......." Xu Shusheng was expressionless.

What is this?

Is this Xiaoqing's breast wrap?

You really, too much.

Xu Xian threw it aside and forcibly restrained many miscellaneous thoughts in her heart.

Although he had a bad heart for Xiaoqing.

But there is a gap between small thoughts and practical actions.

The most important thing is that Xiaoqing is still a little ignorant in terms of feelings

She seems to have done a lot of seduction to herself, but they all come from the jealousy between him and Xiaobai.

Although my sister-in-law is good, my sister-in-law is wonderful, and my sister-in-law calls obediently


But people can't, at least not


Xiaoqing suddenly turned around again, pointed her face at Xu Xian and looked at him with shuilingling's big eyes open.

"What are you doing?"

"Brother in law, what do you do when you are alone with your sister?"

"Do nothing."

"I don't believe it. Since my sister was with you, she seldom slept with me and didn't let me touch her chest, but I clearly saw you touch my sister..." said Xiaoqing, reaching out to cover her chest and rubbing it.

Xu Shusheng took a deep breath and whispered to my little ancestor, you really can.

"Brother in law..."

"Why?" Xu Xian turned her head and didn't want to answer.

"Or would you touch mine?"

"I don't want to."

"No, you want to."

"Bah, don't put aside the false accusation against a gentleman."

"Just touch it. Anyway, I won't tell my sister..."

"....." Xu Xian was lost in thought.

What's this called?

This is the seduction of red fruit.

But one said one.

If a snake demon for hundreds of years doesn't know anything about this kind of thing, there is something missing.

But she is Xiaobai's sister.

Xu Xian's heart is frantically struggling

Just then,

Xiaoqing held his big hand and slowly put it on a strong mountain.

Although across the clothes,

But this moment.

Xu Shusheng's heart was more or less broken, and his hand was also out of control.


as time goes on.

When Xiaoqing's face flushed slightly and looked at Xu Xian lying on his body.

Both couldn't help swallowing their saliva


Xiaoqing silently closes her eyes. Her long eyelashes are trembling slightly. She seems to be looking forward to something.

Xu Xian looked at her cherry mouth and kissed it gently after taking a deep breath.



early morning.

Xiaoqing leaned against the wall with her clothes, blinked at Xu Xian sitting on the side, and whispered, "brother-in-law, will kissing give birth to children?"


"Then what will happen?"

"Later." Xu Xian pulled the corners of her mouth.

In the face of this ignorant goblin, Xu Shusheng didn't do it in the end.

After a literal snake kiss.

Xu Xian meditated all night.

And when Xiaoqing has something to say.

Bang bang——

There was a knock on the door.

"The early bird catches the worm. It's time to go out and look for living supplies."


Xu Xian got up and opened the door.

Miss Sun took a look along the gap and saw Xiaoqing who had just put on her clothes from bed.

"Hiss..." Sun ran took a breath. She looked at Xu Xian and Xiaoqing and swept back and forth many times.

Xu Shusheng glanced at her expressionless, raised his eyebrows and said, "enough?"

"Enough, enough..." Sun ran didn't dare to say anything more. He couldn't believe the fairy tale.

But the two rooms are next door. I didn't hear anything yesterday?

After all, the sound insulation of the shelter is not very good.

Do you mean,

Sun ran looked up and down at Xu Xian. Is this too handsome Xu Hanwen not very good in some way?

Unfortunately, I haven't tried. I'm not sure.

That's it.

After leaving the shelter, the three went out to look for supplies.

Along the way,

She also constantly introduced several forces in Shura city.

"This city can be called Shura city. There is a Shura gate in this city, and a leading one is called Princess Luocha. It is said that the Shura gate is Shura people, ugly men and beautiful women, but I haven't seen it much, and I don't know if it's true."

"In addition, the Tauren you met yesterday belongs to an external force in Shura city. It's called the Tauren gang. Its name is very strange, but it's really full of Tauren and is opposed to the Shura gate all the year round."

When sun ran said this, he sighed: "the strength of the Shura gate and the Tauren Gang is very strong. Even with the support of the leaders of both sides, they can easily carry the land, water, wind and fire.

But they never recruit other monsters, humans, etc.

And they seem to be naturally hostile. From time to time, they will make an appointment and fight hard.

Even the old people in Shura city don't know how many years they have opposed and fought. "

"Princess Luocha? Tauren Gang?"

Xu Xian was thoughtful.

He suddenly remembered something.

That's the pingtian demon statue he met in Nanjiang.

At first,

Xu Shusheng didn't think about the meaning of pingtian demon respect, but when he got together with Bian Zhuang and talked about nothing, he got some news from him.

That is the title of "pingtian demon". Among all the demon families in the whole three worlds, only the heirs of the ox demon king can have this name.

Xu Xian also asked Bian Zhuang whether the ox demon king was reincarnated and reborn.

But Bian Zhuang shook his head and said that the old cow was not reincarnated.

But since the end of the journey to the west, the ox demon king seems to have disappeared within the three realms. It seems that due to emotional problems, Princess Iron Fan returned to her mother's house, and he followed her.

Until Bian Zhuang was reincarnated from heaven, there was no news of Niu demon king and Princess Iron Fan in the three circles.

"Shura Road, Shura City, Shura gate, Princess Luocha, Tauren Gang?"

"Slot." Xu Xian pulled the corners of his mouth, which made NIMA ridiculous.

If you're right.

This Shura city... Maybe it's Princess Iron Fan's mother's family, and the Tauren Gang is a gang established by the Bull Demon King.

They fight and kill all year round, and can also carry the land, water, wind and fire. Maybe it's some small disputes caused by the contradiction between the husband and wife.

Anyway, his men are dead. Maybe these two great gods are still very happy.

As for what is the emotional contradiction

One said one,

There are really many descendants of the ox demon king. There is a flat sky demon statue in the mortal world. How can there be no children outside the mortal world?

If red boy is the son of Princess Iron Fan and ox demon king, he belongs to the direct line!

But other cattle demons who dare to call themselves the descendants of the ox demon king... Where did they come from?


In addition to the jade faced fox killed by the monkey, the ox demon king must be more than that concubine. Otherwise, how could his old ox family be so prosperous?

The key is,

Princess Iron Fan will go back to her mother's house when she is free. Do you have a reason?

This moment.

Xu Xian roughly found a way to leave Shura city.

That is, find the ox demon king or the Iron Fan Princess.

But here comes the problem.

Has the realm of these two been sealed?

What's more

Red boy is the child of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

The ox demon king and Princess Iron Fan are more or less related to western religion. Otherwise, they will not regard Shura as their own home.

Just then.

A group of Tauren on motorcycles drove through the street, and a huge banner floated in the wind.

The front reads: hand over Xu Xian, 10000 Jin of materials and 1000 bottles of wine!

The reverse side reads: if you don't pay Xu Xian, the four robberies will not come, and you will be flat!

At the same time, a big horn continued to shout, "hand over Xu Xian."

"Hand over Xu Xian."

"Hand over Xu Xian."

This moment.

Sun ran was stunned.

Xu Xian was lost in thought.

Don't think about it.

The ox demon king did make some deals with the Tibetan Bodhisattva.