As everyone was observing Dr. Jessica as she does her check-up on Ethan, Dr. Lin helps up his wife. Noticing that Ethan's baby bump is bigger than average made Elise a little unsettled since she cannot let Ethan's baby be an abnormal one.

"Dr. Jessica, why is his baby bump bigger? He is just over four months along right? Is there a problem with the baby?" Elise couldn't take it anymore and ask Dr. Jessica. Dr. Lin was done setting up the portable ultrasound that they have brought with them, he doesn't want to let his wife do any heavy work or anything as long as he is present thus he set it up for her. Dr. Jessica on the other hand didn't answer Elise nor did want to answer her since because of her the friendship that she had with Ethan had gone bad. Also even if she did answer her, she still needs to check on Ethan before making any assumptions.

"Dr. Jessica, why are you not answering? Is there something wrong with my grandchild?" this time it was mother Aoki who asked.

"please do wait for a moment, I haven't even started with my ultrasound check-up thus I won't be able to give you an accurate answer," said Dr. Jessica, she started the ultrasound after telling Ethan that the gel would be cold which the other was aware of and didn't bother answering. The small monitor that the portable ultrasound they had was facing Ethan. which is why when the clear image of his child's fetus was shown, he became aware of the reason why his belly is much bigger. Dr. Jessica saw it too and when she saw the face of Ethan she can tell that Ethan doesn't want his parents to be aware of it.

"The baby is growing well and there is no problem with it. Since I can only check it in a portable ultrasound, I can only tell you what I think the reason is. Would you still like to hear it?" asked Dr. Jessica and her question gain the approval of everyone else. Dr. Lin also saw what is in the small monitor and he can tell that Ethan does have a healthy baby inside him.

"Please do Dr. Jessica, we want to know more about the condition of our grandchild," said mother Aoki.

"Alright, you heard the heartbeat a while ago right? The louder the heartbeat is, it will only mean that the baby is very healthy. He is a little bit bigger than average which is why Ethan's baby bump is bigger. Other than that, I don't see any complications so please be at ease."

"thank goodness, Ethan is eating a lot of good food too so that might have helped a lot"

"But I would advise you to let him walk or exercise so that way his muscles won't hurt when he reached his third trimester. He might be on his fourth month but having the mother have a healthy body would help the baby a lot."

"I see, then we will arrange for that to happen."

"ok, also would it be possible for me and my husband to talk with Ethan alone?" asked Dr. Jessica, she had been wanting to apologize and give her explanation to the omega.

"Alright, but I want to have a copy of the ultrasound," said Elise, she originally doesn't want to let the couple stay with Ethan but she still let it happen.

"my portable ultrasound can only print the flow of the heartbeat would you still want to have a copy of it, Ms. Elise?" asked Dr. Jessica which made her husband look at her. In actual fact, the portable ultrasound is capable of printing both the flow of the heartbeat and the image of the fetus but by the looks of it, Dr. Jessica was hiding something from Elise that made her lie about it.

" that so? anyway that will do"

"Alright, I will print a copy of it and give it to you later after we talk to Ethan."

"got it, we'll wait for you two at the living room." Elise left Ethan's room together with both mother and father Aoki, the bodyguards too left the room and went towards their room to watch over via CCTV.

After everyone leaves the room, the only ones left was Ethan, Dr. Lin, and Dr. Jessica. Dr. Jessica once again did another ultrasound with two purposes on it, one is to print out a copy for both Ethan and Elise and the other reason was to verify what she saw.

"So, is your ultrasound accurate?" asked Ethan, ever since he heard the heartbeat of his child he became very calm.

"yes, and as you can see there are two. (whisper) You are having twins Ethan, I would print out two different copies. I know you didn't want to let them know about it, right?" Dr. Jessica started to print out two different copies as she talks very softly to a whisper to not let the bodyguards hear what they are saying. She noticed the cameras in Ethan's room but none of it are near the bed or whatsoever but she wants to make sure that their conversation will not be heard which is why she didn't speak loudly.

"I see, then that's good enough for me. make sure to give them a prescription of the vitamins that I need to take." Compare to Dr. Jessica who is very careful in speaking, Ethan on the other hand just spoke in his normal voice.

"Ethan…I…" Dr. Lin started to talk too.

"Dr. Lin, whatever it is that you wanted to tell me just email it to me later but I won't just forgive your wife for what happened to me. I never like to be pregnant with another man's child aside from Ken but here I am pregnant with my brother-in-law's baby. So even if you wanted me to understand why she did it, I won't forgive her. Repent however way you can to regain my trust but if Elise got my child from me with your help, I will make sure that you will lose your license" Ethan warned Dr. Jessica who is now done printing the ultrasound and turn off the machine. She wanted to help Ethan clean his belly but the other didn't want her to touch him other than the ultrasound test. He cleans up on his own wiping every corner of his belly that has a gel. Dr. Lin on the other hand places back the portable machine to its bag as he decides on what he should answer Ethan.

"I see, I will talk to Jessica later when we got home and I will make sure to know the whole situation too. I just want you to know Ethan that I'm your friend and I will never betray you that easily. You are like my little brother so you can trust that I will be fair and honest with you. I am just sorry that you feel that way towards my wife, I'll help you no matter what you wanted me to do since I will repent together with my wife." This statement made Dr. Jessica look at her husband, she wanted to cry as she hears him say that he too will repent together with her. Dr. Lin just looks at her straight to her eyes as if telling her to trust him too, he doesn't want to worsen the broken friendship of his wife and Ethan.

"thank you, please leave the room now then" Ethan stood up and walk towards his desk and open his laptop. He still needs to finish making the business proposal that he and Mikel would give to Mikel's brother.

"Ethan, I will leave this here then, I want to let you know that on your next check-up it will be Dr. Melissa who will do it. I have already made sure that she is aware of the situation and she already met your sister. I will talk to her again before I take my maternity leave so don't worry." Dr. Jessica places the original ultrasound picture on the bedside table the picture shows the twins that are inside Ethan, while the one on her hand was the copy she will give to Elise.


Author's Note:


First of all I would like to apologize for being MIA for the whole month, a lot of thing happened in our home that I didn't the chance to update. I hope you forgive me guys >.<

Also, I am not abandoning this novel nor you my dear readers, this novel is way too far from it's ending plus! Elise haven't got her own taste of medicine hehehe...