After Ethan and Lucas visit the mentor of the omega they head towards the airport where the private plane owned by the family of Lucas was waiting for them. Each of their respected assistants, Daniel and Leo finished all the check-in and other needed things to do for their departure while the husband and wife just waits for them. And just after 30 minutes of waiting, Lucas, Ethan, Mikel, Leo, Daniel, and all of the bodyguards went towards the terminal to board the plane. Throughout the whole time they are inside the airport, Lucas made sure that no one would recognize Ethan. That way no one from the Aoki family would know that Ethan left the country nor would they know that he went to country A.

With the use of the newly made passport of Ethan, no one from his family members would know that he is no longer in-country J. It would be a perfect time for him to start a new life in another country and away from the family who never showered his love.


Meanwhile inside the Sato Residence, Ryo Matsunada the lover and bonded Alpha of Eita is currently waiting for his lover to finish his bath. Eita told him to wait inside his room since he didn't want Ryo to meet or even have a conversation with Ken's wife, Yuki. He still doesn't trust Yuki and he wanted to make sure that his lover won't fall into any kind of tricks that omega would do.

"Ryo, Do you think brother Ethan would want to talk to us?" asked Eita who had just come out of the bathroom with only his shirt and underwear on.

"I don't know but there is one thing I am sure of, right now," said Ryo who kept on staring at his lover with a lustful look as if he wanted to savage him.

"Huh? Sure of what?"

"I am sure that my lover is currently seducing me by not wearing any pants right now. I am also sure that you wanted me to push you in this bed and make you scream with so much pleasure."

"…*blush* Wh-what the hell are you talking about! I…I just forgot to bring my pants! I didn't have any intention to seduce you now, we still need to go to the hotel that you told me about last night. So we can't do it now, we need to meet up and talk with brother Ethan."

"hmn…right my cutie lover is used to just wear my shirt whenever he stays overnight at my place…right *giggle* then after we are done with our agenda today, you should stay over at my place then we can do it all night."

"fine, I also don't want to stay at home nowadays. Brother went back to work plus Mom and Dad are also working during the day. Since our university is currently on break I need to stay at home with my brother's wife which you know that I hate. *sigh* should I look for a part-time job?"

"well, I don't see why not, as long as your parents allow you then I can help you look for a job."

"ok! Now then, I'm ready so let's go! I just hope that brother Ethan will meet us. Also, are you sure that he stays at that hotel? As far as I know, that hotel is owned by the White Family. You do know that family is much more influential than the Aoki and Hideaki family." Eita finished getting ready while the two of them are talking the whole time. Ryo had told him about the hotel where Ethan and Lucas were staying.

Ryo had followed the car that Ethan rode after he left the Sato Residence that day. Eita asked him to look for the place that Ethan was currently staying and for him to know that, he needed to hack the CCTV cameras on the streets. And following the car, he reached the famous hotel that is owned by the White Family. The hotel's name was 'Golden White Hotel', it is classified as one of the best 5-star hotels in the whole country J. They even have a few more branches all over the country but that hotel was just one of the many businesses owned by the White family.

"Since you are now ready, let's go now," said Ryo who stood up and hold the hand of his lover as they left the room of Eita. While they are going down the stairs they saw by the living room the wife of Ken and the grandparents of Eita and Ken. The three of them seem to be in a great mood as they are talking about the pregnancy of Yuki.

"Oh! Eita and Ryo! Are you going somewhere?" asked grandma Sato who notice the two coming down the stairs.

"ah, yes grandma. We will be meeting someone and I might stay over at Ryo's place so please do tell mom and dad that I won't be joining dinner later." Answered Eita who wants to leave fast. He didn't want to stop walking nor let Yuki see his lover any second longer.

"I see, by the way, Ryo this young man here is our grandson-in-law, Ken's wife. He is pregnant with our first great-grandchild and he is due in-" just before grandma Sato finish her word, Eita interrupted with an irritated tone.

"Ryo doesn't need to know anything about brother's wife nor does he cares about the due date. Grandma might have already accepted him but please do remember that just like my mom, I also haven't accepted him. He seduced my brother and took him away from brother Ethan who was the lover of my brother! How can you just forget and forgive him for what he did while brother Ethan had gotten hurt because of what that omega did!"

"EITA! I know you hate your brother's wife but that doesn't mean you can shout like that to your grandmother!" shouted grandpa Sato. Grandpa Sato loves his wife so much that he doesn't want to see her hurt in any way. One could say that he was overprotective towards her.

"HMP! Let's go Ryo, we'll be late" Eita just pulled his lover out of his family's house and just rushed towards the car owned by Ryo. Both of them are now an 18-year old adult that is old enough to have their own car. Which Ryo got as a gift from his parents when he graduated high school. Ryo's family has a family business that involves cars and real estate. This is why they also gave an apartment to both Eita and Ryo as their gift to the two as their future home when they got married.

Ryo's family is very supportive of the relationship between their son and Eita. They even met up with Eita's parents when they got to know that their son got bonded with his lover. They apologize about it but surprisingly Dr. Akifumi and his husband accepted the bond of their son and Ryo. The only condition that they asked from Ryo was to never cheat and love their son wholeheartedly. If they decided to get married they should do it after they graduated from college. Ryo promise them that he would never hurt nor cheat with another omega. He loves Eita too much that he can't imagine that would even happen to them.. He wanted them to get married but since they are still young plus the two of them aren't done with college yet thus they got to wait until then.