"In three days, don't touch the wound with water. Remove the thread one week later." Said Xia Yi.

"Will you leave scars?" Hoting is most concerned about this issue.

It's up to suvizer to break one hand or one.

"Although looking at the appearance of leaving a lot of blood, it's a pity that the wound is not deep though it's long." Xia Yi said as he sorted out the tools, "in short, he won't leave scars."

After hearing this sentence, huoting finally let go of his heart. Once again, the princess picked up Su Mian and didn't look at Xia Yiyan. He turned around and went out.

Su Mian Leng Leng, only time to say to Xia, "thank you, doctor Xia." She is still very polite. The free doctor would like to say thank you.

Xia Yi makes a bad smile and shouts at their backs, "little cute, go back to take good care of your injuries and don't do fierce sports! If the wound cracks, it will leave a scar! "

When she saw Huo Ting's footsteps, she knew that he had heard them, and immediately felt quite relieved.

And in a corner they passed, a handsome young man stared at them thoughtfully.

A nurse rushed over and said, "Su Zheyu, you really are. If you don't pay attention, you run around. Hurry to go back to take medicine with me!"

The young man looked at her stupidly, and the eyes of God had suddenly become listless.

"I am not su Zheyu, I am a flower, a flower yearning for sunshine." Su Zheyu murmured.

"Why is the second personality coming out again?" The nurse had a headache and said, "yes, you are a flower. You don't need to take medicine. Shall I take you to the sun?"

Su Zheyu did not move. He continued to look at her and said, "there is a typhoon outside. I don't want to go out."

The nurse turned to look up, looked out of the window at a 45 degree angle, and said silently, "it's the sun outside!"

"No, there is a typhoon outside."

"Where is the typhoon? It's the sun! "

Su Zheyu said firmly, "in the world of flowers, there is a typhoon of level 12 outside."

“…… Whatever you want! " The nurse felt that she would go to see a psychiatrist if she were to talk with such a "psychopath" again.

If you don't eat it, you won't die if you don't take medicine.


As soon as they got back to Huo's house, Dong Dong came to Su Mian and rushed to them.

"I know you two have a good relationship, but I also need to pay a little attention to the match. Just now I saw you two cuddling at the second floor window." If his tone is less exciting, it may be more persuasive.

"Why are you back so early?" Hoting asked with a cold face.

At this point, the kindergarten should not have finished school.

"Abby, I swear I told you that today is the birthday of our chief's wife. The whole school is off for half a day!"

Huo Ting frowns, what strange reason is this? He dare to say that Dong Dong never said it!

Dong Dong looked at Huo Ting's expression, blinked in disappointment, puffed up his cheeks, and said with a threat, "Daddy, you always ignore me like this. One day, you will be lower in my mind than grandpa Butler."

When the steward on one side heard this, he hurriedly said, "young master, don't talk nonsense."

Dongdong Ao Jiao hums, turns to look at Su Mian and says, "Baa Baa, why don't you talk to me today?" I've been in love with my father for a long time. I don't even look at him now.

Hoting frowned and said, "the little sheep is not well. Don't disturb her."

"Uncomfortable? Then I'll take care of BAABAA Dongdong jumped up and ran to Su Mian's face. After seeing the wound on her head, she was shocked and said, "why is baa hurt? Who did it? Dare to touch my people! I told daddy to kill him! "

(end of three hours ~ ~ good night, everyone)