Su Mian looked at him in shock and said, "uncle?"

Isn't he at work? Why are you here?

Huo Ting stares hard and sees Su Mian and a dog man holding hands happily.

Pleasure Hand in hand What the hell is that?

After the boss saw Huo Ting's appearance clearly, he immediately opened his eyes wide, which made his notebook fall down.

How can Huo, Huo and huoting come back here?!

"What are you doing?" Huo Ting asked coldly.

Damn it! How dare you touch his little sheep's hand? It seems that he is impatient?!

Su Mian is not frightened by Huo Ting's tone. After a period of time with her uncle, she can probably feel his temper.

She took out her cake and said, "I said last time, didn't I?"? I want to give Dong Uncle, make a cake. "

Hearing this, Huo Ting looked at his little sheep and flattered him. Most of his anger was extinguished.

"And who is this man?"

"He's the boss. I used to work here." Su Mian said in a good temper, "uncle, don't be so fierce, the boss has been very good to me."

It turns out that he is the owner of the small sheep working shop A man in his forties, whose face is so long that he can't see clearly, has a risk index of zero and the crisis is over.

If the boss knows that he is misunderstood again in his forties, he may I won't say anything.

After all, compared with a small life, it really doesn't matter if you miss your twenties.

"Uncle, would you like to try a cake I made?" Asked Su Mian.

Huoting said reluctantly, "I really can't help you. I don't like sweet food. For the sake of your pleading, I'll grudgingly eat one." When he said this, his voice was very loud, to ensure that everyone could hear him.

Su Mian will not break through his lies if he hears this.

She smiled and put the cut cake in front of him.

Huo Ting ate without expression.

Su Mian could not see anything from his face, so he asked, "is it delicious?"

"Just so." He said coldly.

Huoting solved the cake three or two times. He handed the empty plate to Su Mian. Su Mian blinked and cut a big cake for him again.

This performance It should be something you like to eat, right?

Watching the cake disappear faster and faster, there is only one piece left.

"Uncle, do you want to leave some for Dongdong?" Asked Su Mian.

Huo Ting is a little displeased to stop the action, the grace wiped the mouth, said, "isn't there two?" The cake made by little sheep is delicious! Sure enough, his wife is good! The body is not good, secretly to their own cake!

Su Mian replied honestly, "that's not what I did, it's what the boss did."

"Eat that in winter and winter." Hoting reached for the rest of the cake.

Su Mian blinked, thinking, uncle, who just said he didn't like cake? Is that really good for you? Don't even leave a bite for Dongdong? Dongdong will cry when he knows the truth

Relative to this side and Meimei's cake, the boss was scared to death by Huo Ting's appearance. He secretly ran upstairs, touched his mobile phone and pressed a number.

"Brother I, I see Huo Ting I should not have recognized me You know, now even if my mother stands in front of me, she can't recognize me By the way, I think I found the breakthrough point of Huo Ting... "