Su Mian Leng Leng, slow to digest his words.

"Then you are K?” They met at school once before.

K smiled and said, "yes, but it's not the time for us to reminisce about the past. Boss Lei's people are expected to come here in 20 minutes. We have to leave here immediately."

Boss Lei?

"You know who kidnapped me?" Su Mian seized the loophole of his words.

K sipped his lips, nodded and said, "you can leave with me first. I will explain everything I know to you later."

Su Mianmian thinks what he said is right. Now the most important thing is to leave first.

Just how to leave?

This is a very serious problem!

Su Mian looks at K's safety belt tied to her and reaches out to pick her up. Su Mian is still surprised that his arm is so powerful, and is frightened by the view outside the window.

"Why is this tall?!" At this time, she found that she was placed on the mountain. It was dark, and she could only see the scenery below, some fragmentary branches.

There are at least ten or twenty meters here!

How did she get put up?!

K put out his hand to cover Su Mian's eyes and said softly, "close your eyes if you are afraid."

"Wait a minute! Maybe there are other ways. Maybe Su Zheyu didn't tell you. In fact, I'm afraid of heights Ah!!! "

Su Mian's words did not finish, K hugged her and jumped down!

Su Mian screams with fear!

She quickly closed her eyes and the wind flew over her face

A moment later, K's slow voice was heard.

"You have a good lung capacity."

Su Mian frowns, painfully opens his eyes, and finds that he is standing on the ground.

She shoved K away, supported a tree, and began to vomit.

"Ouch..." Because there is nothing to eat, the only thing to spit out is sour water.

K smiled at him, reached out to remove his equipment, reminded her, and said, "there's not much time, let's go."

"Can you say it first and then jump next time?" Su's feet are still soft.

"You want to have another time?" K asked with a smile.

"Bah, when I don't say anything."

K shrugged and said, "let's go. My plane is over there."

"Plane?!" Su Mianmian feels that he has been refreshed today.

K looked back at him and said with a smile, "or what do you think I can do to get in?"

“……” Su Mian is silent. She decides not to talk for the time being. What she saves is always regarded as Xiaobai.


On huoting's side, he went directly to bomb two wharves of leiaotian. When leiaotian heard the report from his subordinates, he chuckled bitterly and didn't control his strength to crush his latest antique cup auctioned back from England.

"Boss Lei, next?" Asked the man with his head down.

"Doesn't hoting have a new factory in city B? Let's blow that up! " Lei Aotian's good temper replied, "it's just about time for Qingming Festival. Let his workers take more holidays."

He wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and said, "that, the little girl?"

"However, Huo Ting really cares about his new wife. It seems that Xiao Xiao has done something useful at last..." The special affinity of Lei Aotian's smile said, "change her to another place and close it. This time, I will make Huo Ting cry and beg me!"


(sorry ~ ~ Xiaohuo was pulled to the mountain for training, no network, no computer ~ ~ update today)