Huoting frowned impatiently and asked impatiently, "did he go to class today?"

In his opinion, it's a small matter that he is in a bad mood. He is afraid that he will fall ill in the middle school in winter and not go to school to play truant and learn something bad.

They have one in the first place.

Although the son paper is only five years old, but 200 intelligence quotient is placed over there, who knows what he will do not depend on the score?!

"To class." The housekeeper replied, "but when I got up in the morning, I was looking for the young master and his wife. I knew that you were not there, and he was very lost."

Su Mian asked anxiously, "where is Dongdong now?"

"In the toy room."

Su Mian looked up at huoting and said, "uncle, let's go to see Dongdong." Even if Dongdong is a kid, he is still a kid.

"I feel sick every time I go in that room. Go ahead." Hoting refused, and he replied, "I'll go to the company."

The company entertained an "honored guest". The little sheep came back, and the "honored guest" could also play her value.

"Well then." Su nodded.

"Madame, please come with me." Said the housekeeper politely.

Su Mian follows him to Dongdong's toy room.

She thought she would see a children's playground full of children's fun, but it turned out to be a high-tech laboratory.

There are many unnamed machines in it. The housekeeper takes her to the door and leaves. Su Mian accidentally kicks a round garbage can when she comes in. As a result, the garbage can makes a sigh.

Su Mian took a step back in fright and watched the trash can turn around. Then the position of her forehead gave out a blue flash, and then the sound of the whistle.

"Who kicked the circle?" Dongdong comes out of it and sees Su Mianmian. He says, "Baa Baa, you are willing to come back! How can you spend the night outside when you have people with paper? "

Su Mian heard that, and knew that uncle didn't tell him about his kidnapping.

In this way, children still don't know too much.

She looked at the "garbage can" squatting beside Dongdong and asked, "what is this?" This topic is a little deliberate.

"It's a circle. It's an intelligent robot that my uncle gave me, but it can only sweep the floor and say simple words. No matter how complicated it is, it won't be."

After Dong Dong finished, he realized Su Mian's intention, puffed up his bun face, and said unhappily, "BAABAA, you've failed to learn, and even changed my topic."

Su Mian reached out and rubbed Dongdong's head. He said softly, "I'm sorry. Are you upset because I wasn't at home last night? "

"I am not such a person! I'm just worried about your relationship with Daddy. " Dongdong said, "the beginning of the emotional crisis is that a person often does not go home..."

"Honey, I think you should watch less TV dramas, which is good for your growth."

"In fact, today is parents' day in our kindergarten You don't know... " Dongdong lowered his head and whispered, "I'm the only one in the class. I wanted to tell you about it last night."

It turns out that the reason why Dongdong is unhappy is because of this.

Su Mian felt very guilty. She suddenly reached for Dongdong.