"Your cake will have it. First be quiet. I'll call your father. " The man does not have what sincerity pacify a way.

"Really? Uncle, don't lie to me! If you cheat me, I can do anything in minutes! " Winter and winter threaten with tears.

Su Mian covered her face in pain, deeply felt that it was too humiliating.

It's all in front of outsiders.

She hurriedly came up to hold Dongdong and said to the man, "please call DA and Huo Ting, please." Uncle, hurry up! She is afraid to let it go, and she will do more humiliating things in winter and winter.

The man took a look at them, picked up his cell phone, dialed a number, and opened it out in malice.

The phone was soon put through.

"Scum!" "Your sister is in my hand!" laughed Huo ting

The man also smiled, he looked at Su Mian and Dong Dong, and said, "what a coincidence! Your wife and son are in my hands. "


"Don't believe it? OK, I'll let them talk to you. " The man handed over the phone.

Su Mian is so scared!

What's the situation?!

It's weird! They won't be so unlucky, will they?! The person that goes out to meet is uncle's dead enemy?!

God! What should I do now?!

Dongdong is not affected at all. He says loudly, "Daddy, I want to eat strawberry cake, but they say there is no strawberry cake, not only there is no mango cake It's so sad! Whimper Can you bring me a piece when you come to pick me up? "


Leiaotian looked at Dongdong, who was still wagging his tail, and said with a smile, "huoting, your son is so interesting. He is not like you at all."

"Where are you?" Hoting asked coldly.

"Ouch, Dad's coming here before you! Remember to bring me strawberry cake! " The happy background sound of Dongdong brand.

At this time, although Su Mian is not clear about the situation, he is sure that this man must have a feud with uncle!

She put out her hand to cover Dongdong's mouth and shrank back a little afraid.

"Ha ha, I don't want to tell you now." Lei Aotian said, Ao Jiao hung up the phone.

"Vampire" feels like a psychopath!

Su Mianmian has naturally used her nickname for Lei Aotian.

Thin, tall, pale, even if he looks handsome, he looks like a vampire, OK?!

Especially when he especially likes to smile at people's Yin test.

When leiaotian hung up Huo Ting's phone, he was in a very good mood. He said to the beautiful manager who had been waiting for instructions, "bring up the most expensive red wine in your shop."

"Dudu The grass cake of nest... " Don't give up in winter.

"Go out and buy him a piece." Lei Aotian said, "taxi fare account! His father will come and pay later. "

"OK!" The beauty manager walked out respectfully.

Su Mian would like to go out after her, but what about going out?

There are many bodyguards brought by "vampires" standing at the door. She can't escape even if she goes out.

She could only shrink to the door as much as she could to lower her sense of existence.

Leiaotian doesn't care about them either. He closes his eyes and seems to be asleep.

Of course, it just looks like.

Su Mian thinks he must not be asleep.

After a while, the beauty brought up the red wine.

Leiaotian picked up a glass of poured red wine, pushed it gracefully to Su Mian's face, and said, "drink it."
