Su Mian suddenly remembered what Dongdong said, and found the business card of "night" in huoting's pocket!

So, does uncle often go?!

This idea makes Su Mian suddenly feel angry.

Huoting was going to eat, but he didn't expect Su Mianmian to suddenly talk to him about this. He was stunned.

Su Mian saw him like this, squinting his eyes slightly and getting angry even more!

"Uncle, you are hesitating! If you don't make it clear today, don't try to get in my bed again! "

The little sheep is mad!

This is the first time!

The problem seems a little serious.

Huo Ting thought about it in his heart, and thought it would be better to be honest.

"Leiaotian now has no other life pursuit besides adding blocks to me, but his sister still has a position in his heart." Huo Ting said, "I went to night because I wanted to tie the thunder star moon As a result, as soon as I was ready to start, Lei Aotian said that you and Dong Dong were in his hands! " As he spoke, his tone changed.

Role exchange, huoting looked at her coldly, and Su Mian bowed her head in shame.

"You two are brave! How dare you go to night without telling me! Is night where you can go? "

Su Mian shrunk his neck and said in a low voice, "I didn't plan to go in, because I saw you go in, so..."

"There's another reason?" Hoting said angrily, "can't you call me?"

"I forgot to bring my phone QAQ!"

"Won't you ask someone to borrow it?"

“……” How can I think of so many!

Su Mian looks up at huoting secretly. Seeing that he is still angry, he bites his teeth, reaches for his neck, learns how he usually chews himself, nibbles at his lips, then licks and licks timidly. He asks shyly.

"Uncle, are you sure you want to continue talking about this?"

Huo Ting's eyes darkened, his breath increased, and the counter attack was the main thing.

Little sheep is right. If there is anything, we will talk about it tomorrow!

Now, the most important thing is to eat her first!


The next day, Su got up from the bed.

She rubbed her aching waist and thought that she had been really struggling to change the subject last night!

I was pulled by my uncle and tried two positions that I would not do at ordinary times! Cool is a little cool, but the back is really painful! QAQ!

What's more painful is that today is Monday!

That is to say, she has to go to school today!

It's really a blackout!

Huo Ting watched for a minute, and Su Mian, who was still lying on the bed, said thoughtfully, "rest at home today!"

Su Mian bit the quilt, looked at the uncle who had been cleaned up, held out his finger tremblingly, and said, "you're the dress I said no last night, and you are still hard up... " Su Mianmian has no courage to say the word "animal", so it's very frustrating.

"Little sheep, don't you like it in the end? And said... "

Su Mian covered his ears and said, "don't say it. I don't want to hear anything."

Huo Ting was amused when he saw her childish side. He said with a smile, "it seems that you have to exercise hard. You can't do that, OK! From tomorrow morning, run a kilometer for me every day. "

“……” Su Mian covers her face with a quilt. She really wants to die.

One thousand meters, she runs two hundred meters and gasps!

A thousand meters will really kill her!