Su Mian was shocked. She didn't expect such vicious words to come out of the mouth of a four-year-old.

Maybe he didn't understand the meaning of this passage, but it was enough to hurt another child's heart.

Don't say that Dong Dong started to beat people. Even now Su Mian wants to beat this kid.

"Our family is not a barbarian. You dare to talk nonsense in front of my father and Mommy. I won't just beat you next time!" Dongdong stares at him as if he were a wolf cub trampled on his tail.

The child felt the face that had just been hurt by winter and winter. He felt the wound hurt again. He cried while still complaining.

He ran to take the trouser leg of the teacher and said loudly, "teacher, call my mommy, I want to find my mommy, wuwuwu I'll get him out of kindergarten! "

"What a great skill! You can also drive people out of kindergarten! " Su Mian said angrily.

The teacher also felt that the broken child said something wrong. She smiled awkwardly and said, "Wang bureau is going to have a meeting, and then it will come."

"Who is your mother?" Hoting asked coldly.

Although the child thought this tall uncle was terrible, he mentioned his mother, he proudly straightened his chest and said, "my mother is the director, you are afraid!"

The children in this kindergarten are either rich or expensive. Usually, most of huoting's work is done by housekeepers who send Dongdong to school. However, Dongdong feels that his intelligence is superior to others. He can't see these kids, so he always plays by himself. Therefore, the teacher only knows that Dongdong's family should have a little money.

Can money compare with government officials?

The child's grandfather used to be the vice mayor of s city. Although she retired, her daughter became the vice Bureau of the Finance Bureau. Among the female officials, she was climbing high.

That's why the teacher is partial to him.

The teacher stood up and said, "Mr. Huo, I don't think it's good to see this happening now. Your child has hurt people. In this era, which child is not precious!"

"What do you want?" Hoting looked at her.

The teacher suddenly felt cold all over. She paused and continued, "let Dongdong apologize to him! Then I'll compensate for the mental loss. If you think it's OK, I'll talk to President Wang next. Her adult will not pursue it with you... "

"I don't want to apologize! I'm right! " Dongdong said angrily, "he hit me too!"

For the children's bleakness, there is no injury in winter.

But Su Mian hears that he has been beaten, he worries and pulls him over. He looks carefully and asks, "what's wrong with you?"

Dongdong secretly winked at Su Mianmian, implying that he was OK.

I'm kidding. He's trained! How can you let such a small fart hit yourself.

"Teacher, did you hear that?! Dongdong has also been beaten. Do you think he should apologize to Dongdong Su Mian asked angrily.

"I, I didn't fight Huo Dongdong!" The child denied.

At this time, the little girl, who has been ignored by everyone, stood up and said loudly.

"He did it! I saw him play in winter, but he didn't get his quick response! "

"Nonsense! You like Huo Dongdong to help him talk! "
