Su Mian looks at Huo Ting, hesitates for a second and decides to tell him the truth.

Anyway, she went to uncle today and asked him what he suggested.

"I'm about to take the college entrance examination. My volunteer watch is in my schoolbag." "I want to go to the University Department of Eaton, but I'm a little worried that I won't pass the exam. "

This is the first time that little sheep has told him about her troubles. Huo Ting feels that her appearance is particularly painful.

If he could, he really wanted to hold her tightly in his arms, touch her head, follow her hair, and set up rules.

He coughed softly and said, "little sheep, you don't need to worry about it."

"How can we not worry?" Su Mianna said, "if I can't pass the exam, I can't go to school in s city."

Don't you care if you can see yourself every day?

"I believe you can pass the exam!" Huo Ting is particularly arrogant to say, "besides, what do you need to worry about when you have me?"

Su Mian was particularly moved by the former sentence, but the latter one was speechless.

Does uncle have anything to do with her exam?

But is uncle comforting himself?

Think he's comforting himself?!

It's just that the way of comfort is a little strange QAQ……

"It doesn't matter whether you pass the exam or not. As long as you want to, I can let you do it."

Such a crazily pulling tone made Su Mian Leng Leng, a little naive.

"Then? How? "

Huo Ting touched Su's head and said, "kiss me, I'll tell you."

“…… Thank you. I don't want to know. " Su Mian waved his hand away.

"I'm kidding you! How can I get more and more angry? " Hoting reached out and pulled her over.

Su Mian puffed up her cheeks and said, "to be serious, please be serious."

Huo Ting thought in silence. He told Xiaoyang that Eaton and Huo family have shares, so it's easy to let Huo's little wife go to school?

Or, when waiting for the college entrance examination, can he find a way to help her out? So don't worry about so much.

I don't know which one they like to hear?

Su Mian sees Huo ting and doesn't speak. She thinks what he just said is just to comfort herself. She smiles and says, "uncle, I know you have confidence in me. I will try! "

She holds her fists.

Huo Ting looked at her like this, so she didn't say what she had said.

Let the little sheep work hard first, anyway, there is him in the end!


Because the new kindergarten hasn't been selected, Dongdong has stayed at home recently.

Because it was so boring, he secretly contacted uncle Er by email and asked him to make a new robot for him.

But the second uncle said that he was going to do a big thing recently. He didn't have time to make toys for the time being.

Dongdong is very bored to play games on the Internet, and then he joined a gang and became the leader's wife accidentally.

He was not interested in this, but when he became the guild leader's wife, the guild leader could give him a set of sheep equipment.

When fighting strange, there will be sheep ears and tail sticking out, completely poking his cute spot.

"I'm looking for Su Mian." K is very studious today. He wears a plaid shirt with a white sweater. The whole person looks very soft and friendly.

At first sight, it's a high-quality student, or a kind of girl with a good face.