Su Mianmian is writing the key topic that K helped her to draw. She doesn't notice someone coming in.

K naturally saw it, but he didn't plan to deal with Dongdong.

In his opinion, such a small child as Dong Dong wants to brush the sense of existence all the time and ignore him.

He reached for his hand and knocked on the table, saying, "let's put things by the side."

Dongdong finds that he makes such a loud voice, and as a result, Baa Baa doesn't even lift his head. Only the disgusting ghost talks to him.

He doesn't want to listen to K.

Dongdong brings things directly and puts them on Su Mian's desk where they study, making a bang.

Su Mian looks up and sees Dongdong looking at her wrongfully.

"Winter, what's the matter?"

Seeing that Su Mianmian finally manages himself, Dong Dong immediately instinctively shakes his tail, blinks innocent big eyes and starts to be cute.

He said, "BAABAA, can I stay here too? I promise I won't say a word and disturb your study. "

"But I'm afraid you'll be bored here..."

"No, daddy is not at home. I'm afraid to be alone. Don't drive me away, will you?"

Su Mian listens to him. Naturally, she can't let him out, so she looks up at K.

K is as good tempered as ever. He shrugs and says, "I don't care."

After Dongdong left smoothly, he began his man marking plan. He sat in the middle of Su Mian and K, then grabbed the biscuit and began to eat.

Su Mianmian is a little greedy because of the sound of his eating. He just wants to grab a piece of food.

Found that K took the last piece away.

K looks at her and swallows the biscuit in three or two bites.

“……” She wanted to say that she didn't mean to rob him.

"It's delicious. Hey, you can go out and get some more." He pushed winter.

Dongdong Ao Jiao's hum, body to Su Mian there shrink, with action to express their refusal.

Su Mianmian hands the question to K. instead of looking at it, he looks at the empty plate.

Food or something That's enough!

Su Mian said weakly, "honey, would you like to help get some biscuits?"

Dongdong looks at Su Mian and K. It's rare that he doesn't have Ao Jiao this time. He stands up and runs out.

When k heard that there would be biscuits, he looked at Su Mian's test questions in a good mood. After the correction, he was very patient to help her write the correct answers.

When the test comes back again, Su Mian looks at the countless red circles.

Su Mian had no confidence in going to Eton University.

"You're a little bit serious." K said, "liberal arts is a little better than science, especially mathematics."

Su Mian said with a bleak voice, "do you think I'm still saved?"

"Yes." K said, "recite the formula. When the exam is coming, you really can't figure out how to calculate it. Just put the formula in, and it's estimated that it's eight to nine."

"I hope so." Su Mian still has no confidence.

At this time, Dongdong brought up a new plate of biscuits.

"Let's have something to eat first."

As soon as the food K saw the biscuit coming up, he reached for it directly.

Su Mian is not surprised at his appearance, but he is curious to see how delicious the biscuits are?

She also reached for it, but before she caught it, she was patted severely by Dongdong's claws.