Who else would rebel for a drink now?

Su Mianmian thinks it's possible for him to eat like this!


I knew I would feed him and then let him out Su Mian regrets.

After K here finished his drink, the cold expression on his face was a little tense.

He smiled at the leader and said, "how did you get here today? Do your parents know? "

The guild leader looked at k shyly, like a docile kitten, but after listening to his words, he immediately opened his paws and teeth and became a hairy tiger.

She said angrily, "don't mention them to me?!"

Even the sound has changed.

K can't help looking at her in surprise.

The guild leader may feel that he is scared of his sweetheart. He immediately changes back to the shape of a kitten and says, "let's not talk about this..."

K gave a slight cough, recited the lines of rejection, and began to recite, "sect leader, although I am handsome and loved by everyone, I think I am too young to talk about girlfriend at such a young age, so let's break up."

I don't know where to copy this disgusting Balla.

Anyone who is more normal will not read directly, but K I have no experience in this field.

Second, if he wanted to solve the problem early and go home early, he went straight to save himself.

As a result, after he finished reading, he found that the leader opposite was not right!

"You mean to break up with me?" The guild leader raised his chin, looked at K with his eyes askew, and asked one by one, "I'll come all the way and hear you say goodbye?!"

K thought about it and said, "it seems that this is right."

The guild leader breathed out a deep breath. When everyone didn't respond, he picked up the tray just left by the waiter and smashed it on K's head!

She scolded angrily, "I don't care about you, get out of the gang for me, or I will kill you once in the future!" Finish saying, the head also did not return to run.

This scene happened so fast that when Su Mian and their reaction came over, they found that the gang leader had gone and K lay on the table.

"My God!" Su Mian runs over worried.

Just now, the leader's voice was so loud! K don't do anything!

Dongdong covers his face and says, "what a woman, it's really terrible..."

Originally, K was not directly hit by others because of his skill, but he felt a little guilty about giving food to his benefactor, so he didn't hide.

Su Mian pushed his face and asked, "K, K, can you hear me?"

K blinked, slowly opened his eyes, then looked at Su Mian with a confused face, and whispered, "where is this?"

Dongdong looked up and said, "is my uncle beaten to be a fool?"

Dongdong said so, Su Mianmian also found that K's whole aura has become different!

No?! He is a man of multiple personalities!

All of a sudden, she had an ominous premonition. I hope it was just that she thought more!

"Why are you looking at me like this?" K asked puzzledly.

"Who are you?" Su mianduo wants him to say that he is K.

"Can't you see that?" K askew head, very don't understand of ask a way, "I am a flower!"


It's over!

K's gone! I don't know what personality is coming out!