"My God! I won't brush! I'll buy it all over again! " Cried the fat shopkeeper.

Su Mian is waiting for this sentence!

"I agree! The store manager is powerful and domineering! " Su Mian quickly flatters him.

The store manager looked at Su Mian and asked, "if I buy them all over again, I won't have to deal with the rest, will I?"

If it wasn't for his fat and strong words, there would be something pitiful about it.

"It depends on how much you pay me?" Su Mian said with a smile.

The store manager turned his eyes and said, "Hey, as you can see, my business is not good here, so it's very easy for you to work here How about I give you eight dollars an hour? "

Su Mian doesn't really care about this, because she knows that it's just wishful thinking.

Besides, she also wants to find another chance to surf the Internet when she works here. The others are not important.

"Yes." Said Su Mian.

The store manager thought that Su Mianmian would bargain with him, so he prepared a speech. Unexpectedly, Su Mian agreed.

"Well, if you can make me a meal every day, I can give you an extra reward of $20."

Su Mian thought for a moment and said, "yes, but you have to prepare the ingredients."

"This is natural."


So Su mianmianmian lived on the island.

In fact, she still doesn't know where it is. She only knows that it's an island in the Pacific Ocean. It's said that the owner of the island is a prince of Dubai, with a long name. Su Mianmian can't remember it anyway.

Here is close to the sea. There are many seafood products. Su Mian has seafood for almost every meal.

It has to be said that the cooking technology here is very general. Seafood is cooked directly, and then the meat is fried in large chunks.

Well, of course, women like JOJO prefer medium rare ones.

Su Mian can't eat when she sees it, so when she comes to work and cooks food for the store manager, she will also prepare her own.

As a result, bread couldn't be sold, but Chinese food attracted the strong interest of the islanders.

After su Mian's 10th dinner, the store manager decided to hire Su Mian as his chef. He wanted to change the bakery into a fast food restaurant.

But when he told Su Mian about the decision, Su Mian refused.

"Why?" The fat store manager said incredulously, "I will give you a very generous salary. It's not the price of eight dollars per hour that I gave you before, based on the monthly salary."

Su Mian still shook her head, she said.

"I'm still at school. I don't have time to be a chef." She has been here for nearly a month, so it's OK to have a conversation with others.

She also wants to work hard on other things, such as reading. Now she even relies on guessing.

"What's the use of going to school?" The fat store manager couldn't understand, he said, "here, your education doesn't matter at all."

"In this way, it's not suitable for a student?"

"Honey, I'm telling the truth." Said the fat shop manager.

Su Mian thought for a moment and said, "in fact, it's not impossible, but you have to promise me a condition."


"You let me surf the Internet for half an hour every day." Su Mian said with a smile, "as long as you promise me this condition, I will promise you. In my spare time in class, I will come here to help you. What do you think?"