Bai Meifeng doesn't seem to care about Su Mian's indifference to her at all, she said while wiping tears in front of Su Mian.

"Mianmian, you heard from your aunt that Feifei didn't mean to do it. She was also deceived, so she would do such a thing. Would you forgive her? My aunt promised that as long as you can forgive her, I will let her never appear in front of you again. "

"What you said is so funny?" Su Mian asked coldly, "what does it mean that I forgive her? She's never in front of me again?! "

The white eyebrow Phoenix is blocked by Su Mian's words. She is stunned and says, "don't you like Feifei all the time? After this time, she will never... "

"Are you mistaken? This time it's not about that. " Su Mian interrupts her words and says, "sufeifei, she found someone to kidnap me and sell me. What is she doing that is not a crime?"

Anyway, Su Mian has long wanted to come back safely. She will never hide anything for Su's family.

Bai Meifeng was completely stupid to hear that.

I'm afraid she's going to call the police?!

"Are you crazy?! Your father will never let you do it! " She murmured.

They all know how much suvizer cares about the family's reputation.

If it had not been for this, he would not have come back this time.

This time, she thought that the most she could do was to lose money.

In any case, Huo Ting has locked her up for so many days, and nothing has been done to her.

It has to be said that she is too naive.

Hoting just hasn't had time to take care of her yet.

However, if the alarm is not the same.

Once the police call, it means that sufeifei will be given up by suweize, and if the crime of kidnapping and trafficking in human beings is involved in the case, it will not run away for more than ten years.

Feifei is so weak, how can she survive?

Su Mian doesn't want to talk to her too much. Anyway, she's stupid. It's meaningless to talk about it any more.

She looked up at Huo ting and asked, "uncle, please lend me my cell phone. I want to call 110."

Huoting has been standing behind Su Mian, watching her conversation with Bai Meifeng, and waiting for the little sheep to get angry.

As a result, it's gone?

I have to say, a little lost.

He coolly threw his cell phone to Su Mian and said, "let's solve it earlier, and then we'll go home."

Su Mian heard him saying that when he went home, his eyes lit up and he nodded.

Seeing Su Mian calling the police, Bai Meifeng rushes up in panic and wants to grab her cell phone.

But how could Huo Ting give her such a chance.

He lightly protects Su Mian behind her, and the bodyguards standing on one side rush up to hold her tightly.

Seeing that she couldn't stop it, Bai Mei Feng shouted, "Su Mianmian, you can't do this! She's your sister! You have the same blood! "

After her words came out, Su Mian was stunned and replied.

"What are you talking about? How could Sophie and I be related?"

Su Feifei is a child born before Bai Meifeng married Su Weize. How could she be related?!

Is it

"Don't call the police first! I'll tell you... " "Bai Meifeng begged," I'll tell you everything. Hurry up and hang up

Su Mian looks up at huoting, who nods slightly.

She took the phone down.