Hearing this, Dongdong immediately wagged his tail and said, "do you have one? I didn't pay attention to such small details. You know, after you were taken away by the bad guys, I didn't think about food or tea. I didn't pay attention to these things at all. "

Finish saying these times, he a little bashful looked at Su Mian and asked shyly.

"BAABAA, do you want to miss me?"

Su Mian naturally thought of him. She nodded hard and said, "honey, I miss you very much."

Dongdong suddenly wagged his tail more happily. He looked at huoting with a little pride and said.

"No way. I'm so popular. I'll allow you to hold me. If I'm satisfied, I can give you a kiss."

As soon as he finished speaking, Huo Ting picked him up and said.

"It's late. Children should go to bed."

"It's not until eight!" Dongdong waved his short legs and naturally refused to go to sleep.

"Children who don't sleep don't grow tall." Hoting said coldly.

I don't believe his words because of the smooth turn of my eyes in winter.

"I won't believe it if I use my knee to cheat children." After that, he looked at Su Mian again and asked, "BAABAA, since daddy asked me to go to bed, would you like to accompany me?"

Su Mian nodded and said, "OK, but can I take a bath first?"

She felt that she was covered with dust. It was not as convenient to be at home outside anyway. When she got home, she naturally wanted to take a comfortable bath.

"Yes! Then I'll wait for you in bed. " Return to the road in winter and winter.

Look, what kind of dialogue is this?

Huo Ting listened to his wife's conversation with his son, and was even more upset.

"Sleep by yourself!" Hoting said, glaring at him.

"I don't!" Winter Ao Jiao's way back.

Huo Ting also hasn't enjoyed the couple's welfare for a while. Although he had a little craving outside before, how could he feel comfortable at home?

Eat as you like at home.

But now, winter comes out to sleep with the little sheep. Doesn't it take up the welfare of his father?

Naturally, hoting would not!

Although Dong Dong is a smart and considerate child, he is also proud sometimes. Just like at this moment, he feels that he has come back from baa, and he is driven to sleep by his father before he has spoken to baa. He is very upset.

So, I'm not obedient.

Huo Ting couldn't help it. He wanted to hit Dong Dong's ass for two times, but his big hand didn't come down.

Winter began to cry, tears did not fall down, Su Mian heartache.

She angrily rescued Dongdong from Huo Ting's hands and said, "uncle, can you not be so violent to Dongdong! Children can't fight! "

Huo Ting looked at the hand that he hadn't waved. He really felt that he was innocent enough.

"BAABAA, my ass hurts." Poor winter clothes.

What a pain! I haven't beaten it yet!

Huo Ting is discontented and wants to spray fire. As a result, Su Mian takes Dong Dong Dong step by step and doesn't want to kill him at all.

The Butler on one side saw this scene and looked at the young master with a little sympathy.

However, as a smart housekeeper, he will not say anything at this time.

He wants to be the head of his family Cough, save some face.