Hearing this, Dongdong suddenly had a foreboding in her heart.

He turned around and said, "if it's OK, I'll go out first. I'm very busy."

"Wait a minute!" I have something to tell you

Dongdong turned to look at her and said, "if you want to express your love, I can tell you that I am not interested in the little girl."

Little fat girl didn't expect such a direct refusal from the winter games. The mist in her eyes immediately gathered together and she was about to howl.

"Don't cry!" Dongdong hurriedly said, "you are already fat enough. If you cry again, you will become ugly and fat."

"Wow!" The little fat girl suddenly howled and cried.

Su Mian has been waiting at the other side of the door. Suddenly, she hears the sound of crying inside, and pushes the door in.

What she saw was that little fat girl covered her face and cried loudly, while Dongdong was a look of disdain.

As expected This is the result.

Su Mian covers her forehead with a headache, walks over, takes out a tissue and wipes her face for little fat girl, saying, "stop crying."

Seeing Su Mian come out in winter, he felt relieved. He said, "BAABAA, here you are!" After that, he immediately ran.

Su Mian didn't have time to say anything before he ran away.

She had to continue to comfort the little fat girl.

She said, "in fact, it's no big deal to be lovelorn. You're still young, you'll find better people, and then you'll find it's no big deal in winter and winter!"

The little fat girl sobbed and said, "is there anyone better looking than winter?"

AI, dare you like Dong Dong because of his face?

Su Mian nodded and said, "yes."

And this winter, he just came out and saw a strange sound coming from the window.

He went over and saw that the window had been pulled down. Then he saw that the whole K jumped in.

Then they looked at each other.

“……” K is silent.

Dongdong responds first. He tilts his head and asks in doubt, "little uncle, are you coming to my birthday party?"

Isn't that too much of a drag?

“……” K thought about it. Well, he said, "happy birthday."

Then he pretended to stand up as if nothing had happened.

It turns out that it's Dongdong's birthday. He doesn't know it at all.

Dongdong smiled and showed his white teeth. He reached out and asked, "what about my birthday present?"

I'm a little looking forward to what kind of gift my uncle will give him?

K's face was obviously stiff. He thought if he didn't bring a gift, would Dongdong directly call the police to find someone to throw him out?

He took out all his pockets, and then he took out a pile of chocolates. He was very reluctant to put them into Dongdong's hands and said, "happy birthday."

Dongdong looked down and asked silently, "isn't that what I gave to my uncle?"

Before that, he asked his brother-in-law for help and gave him chocolate.

"Yes." K nodded and said seriously, "there is so much left. If you don't want it, you can give it back to me."

Dongdong quickly put the chocolate in his pocket. He thought for a moment and said, "uncle, I like a sheep leather cover. Would you give it to me? That shop needs to be customized. It can't be customized without ID card... " Dong Dong said and hung his hand on K's arm.