Huo Ting hears Yan to turn to look at the past, only to see two people's expression weird looking at oneself. It's hard to use adjectives to describe their expressions, but it's worth affirming that they will never say anything good if they want to express it.

But at the moment, the body of the little sheep is more important, Huo Ting said coldly.

"Get out of Gongbei city. Xia Yi, come here!"

Xia Yi returns to her mind first. She goes up and looks at Su Mian's face. She feels a little relieved and says.

"You go out first. I'll check for little cute."

Hearing this, Huo Ting said unhappily.

"He just rolls away. The lamb is my woman. Why should I go out?"

Xia Yi, with a shrug, said.

"I don't want you here, because it will interfere with my mood of seeing a doctor for cute."

Huo Tinghuo looks at her, just wants to continue talking, but is interrupted by Gong Beicheng.

"Court, let's go out. You can rest assured of my wife's medical skills. Nothing will happen. "

"I'm not worried about that."

"Well, whatever you worry about, give it to my wife."

Gong Beicheng leads huoting out.

Huoting said uneasily, "Xia Yi, it seems that the little sheep has been having a nightmare I don't know if I'm confused. "

Xia waved to show that he knew.

Huo Ting left with Gong Beicheng.

They went to the living room and sat down. The housekeeper was very witty and went to Gongbei city's favorite red wine.

Gong Beicheng shakes the red wine cup and looks at the red wine with the color like blood. He takes a sip and is very satisfied with the taste.

"It's delicious. I'll pack two bottles later and take them back to drink."

Huo Ting has been used to his cheekiness, naturally will not care.

He cares about another thing.

"You should take care of your wife. As a man, how can a woman ride on her head?"

Or his little sheep is obedient, everything is based on his opinion.

"It's like you're not..."

"Of course I'm not. The little sheep can listen to me!"

Gong Beicheng squints at him, obviously expressing that he will not believe a punctuation.

However, a man, always save face, he knows!.

Gong Beicheng beckoned the butler to fill up the red wine, and he coughed and said.

"Ting, you don't understand. My wife usually listens to me. She's just outside. Cough I'll just let her go. "

“……” This expression is too cheap. How can I beat him?

Hoting moved his fingers.

Seeing huoting standing up, Gongbei city looked behind him sensitively. Seeing Xia Yi standing there, he immediately said with a smile.

"Wife, come here quickly. This red wine tastes good."

Huo Ting hears the words and turns to have a look.

As expected, Xia Yi leaned on the door frame and looked at them meaningfully, laughing.

"Keep talking."

What's wrong with Gong Beicheng? It must have been the remark just made by the court that was heard.

His face slightly changed, the dog's legs jumped up, said.

"Wife, are you tired? I'll beat you You're working hard! "

"Don't you have a good chat? Go ahead. I'm happy to hear that, too. " Xia Yi looks at him with a smile.

Gong Beicheng's face changed greatly.

I thought, this time is over, I don't know how to coax.

"Don't look around, how are the sheep?" Huo Ting asked angrily.