"Little sheep, who do you think?" Hoting raised her face.

Su Mian doesn't hear Huo Ting's displeasure. She is still in the dream she just had.

She said wrongly, "I think mom, I saw her just now, but she didn't admit that she was a mom Whimper Uncle, I really want to see her! "

"Little sheep, you are not right!" Huo Ting said angrily, "everything about you is mine. I can accept that you miss your mother-in-law occasionally, but how can you say you want to see her? You're going to turn the world upside down! Do you still have my husband in mind? "

Su Mian is stunned!

I don't know how the topic has developed in such a magical direction.

The idea that she wanted to see her mother Is there a problem?

"What do you mean, uncle?" Her tears were still in the corner of her eyes.

Hoting said coldly, "I don't like it when you say you want to see her. Everything about you is mine, so don't say anything more."

Although his tone was cold, he helped Su wipe his tears gently.

Su Mian carefully ponders, tears all forgot to cry, this just understands huoting's meaning.

Uncle, I think I want to Can't think of it?

God! Should she lament that his imagination is too rich?

Such a toss, the sad atmosphere is a little light.

Huo Ting continued, "your physical fitness is really getting worse and worse. How could you get sick so easily before? I will take you for a physical examination tomorrow..."

Su Mian's hair lingered for a while, but the topic turned to the daily food and exercise.

"Ah?!" She turned away in pain and said, "I'm a little dizzy..."

"Still dizzy? Let me see. " Huoting put his forehead close to Su Mian's.

Su Mian saw Huo Ting's face without any precaution. She lowered her eyelids and saw Huo Ting's chin. She didn't know why. Her heart was beating fast.

"My forehead is OK, but why is my face so red?" Huo Ting felt Su Mian's face a little worried and said, "can't it be another fever?"

Su Mian says that she blushes and beats because of the temptation of beauty.

She pulled up the quilt, covered her face, and said, "I'm fine. I'll just sleep a little longer."

How could Huo Ting let her sleep like this? What if she suffered from rebirth disease?

He gently pulled down Su Mian's quilt, but before he said anything, he heard Su Mian say angrily.

"Uncle, what are you doing?" Su Mian sat up with a red face.

Huoting was surprised to see her suddenly angry and said, "I just want to see what happened to you."

Su Mian puffed his cheeks and said, "I'm ok!"

Huo Ting reached out and touched Su Mian's head. Just as he wanted to continue talking, suddenly there was a snap at the door.

At the same time, they looked over and saw Dongdong fall in.

Dong Dong scratched his head. There was no embarrassed expression on his face. It seemed that he was not the one who was eavesdropping.

He said, "do you want to kiss?"

“……” Su Mian covers her face in pain.

Huo Ting stood up, walked over with a cold face, picked up Dong Dong like a kitten, and said, "you're going to kindergarten today!" He used a positive tone.

Dongdong's eyes dodged.