Huo Ting didn't give Su the chance to hesitate. He said firmly, "yes, you and me, I will always be with you."

This very ordinary words, but like a stone thrown into the calm lake, aroused a burst of ripples.

Su Mian's heart was warm. She thought that she would never forget Huo Ting's gentle eyes at the moment.

"Thank you..." She whispered.

Huo Ting's response is to cover Su Mian's hand harder.

I don't know if it's because of the strong wind here. Her fingers are a little cold.


They stood for a moment in silence, and after Su's continuous mood subsided, Huo Ting said, "go back."

Her body has just subsided. It's windy here. He's afraid that she will catch cold again.

Su Mian nodded, took a deep look at his mother on the tombstone again, and then was pulled away by Huo ting.

She looked down at the hands they held together. Huo Ting's hands were big and powerful, giving her a sense of security.

She was very lucky to have him by her side

All of a sudden, Huo Ting stops and Su Mian directly bumps into his back.

Well so painful!

Su Mian covers her nose, and her tears come out of the bump.


"Uncle, why did you stop all of a sudden?" She asked.

Huoting moved his body to the next position. Su Mian found that K had come.

I saw him standing not far away, smiling at them.

“K?!” Su Mian said a little surprised.

How could he have come here?

Huo Ting looked at K and said to Su Mian, "I'll go first and let someone drive over."

Finish saying, he lightly shook Su Mian's hand, then looked at k meaningfully again, just turned around and left.

"Why are you here?" Su Mian asked directly.

K smiled innocently at her and said, "I asked Mr. Huo."

When did they become so friendly?

What happened that she didn't know?

Su Mian has a feeling that she can't say. She thinks K seems a little different, but she can't say exactly what's different.

Seeing Su Mian's silence, K continued to ask, "are you better?"

Su Mian hears the words and says, "it's OK, but how do you know?"

K said, "I have something to leave s city. I wanted to tell you earlier, but I haven't seen you in these days."

It turns out that K's decision to leave s has long been made. It can even be said that Huo Ting helped him to leave.

It's just that Su Mian was about to take an exam before, so she never told her about it.

He wanted to talk to her after the test, but Su Mian got sick again.

Su Mianmian hears that K is going to leave. He is stunned and says, "where are you going? Is it going out to play? "

She had the impression that K was haunted all the time.

But when she needs his help most, he always appears.

So, even if they don't live together, the sense of K's existence is still very strong!

Hearing that he was going to leave s city this time, Su Mian felt a kind of unease that he couldn't make it clear.

K smiled and shook his head. He didn't say where he was going, but simply said, "not to play."

Su Mian frowned and said, "when will you come back?"

Where to go can't say, time must tell her, right?

"Maybe two months or two years..." Said K.