Dongdong ran to the second floor with a small fire in his arms. He looked back and saw that Huo Ting didn't come after him. He was relieved.

"Baa..." Small fire crooked head, licked licked small host's hand.

"Girl, didn't it scare you?" Dongdong touched the head of Xiaohuo and said, "your grandfather is such a temper. Alas, only BAABAA can bear it."

Fortunately, Huo Ting is not here. Otherwise, he heard that he was treated as a grandfather of a sheep, and estimated that the anger would come again.

"Baa..." Small fire said cleverly.

Dongdong looks at her hair and says to herself.

"It's strange. It seems that you and the kitten really don't fit. Count it. You can separate later."

The kitten is the kitten that uncle Er gave him. Before, he asked Xiaohuo to live with him, but he didn't know what happened. Xiaohuo didn't eat anything, and his hair fell off a lot, especially the position of his head, which turned into a bald sheep BAABAA, looking ugly.

Winter and winter are in a hurry. I thought that the small fire was incurable. Then I went to several veterinarians to see it. After analysis, I suggested that the two animals live separately.

As a result, after a few days of testing, Xiaohuo's appetite returned.

However, I don't know if it was too scared before. It's very sticky in winter and likes to be coquettish.

"Baa!" If it can be expressed in words, Xiaohuo will cry at the moment.

It's great not to live with that terrible animal!

Small fire desperately shook his tail, but also reached out his tongue to lick Dongdong's fingers.

Dongdong was amused by it, but he still didn't give up the idea of making two animals love each other.

He said, "I think kittens like you very much. After a few days, kittens get vaccinated. Ask the doctor to see if he knows what's going on..."

"Baa QAQ..." no


Su Mianmian's first meeting with huoting's elders was irresistible. Last night, she asked about uncle's family.

Huo Ting didn't say much, but simply said that he had a younger brother, but he didn't do his job. Now he doesn't know where to stay on the earth.

Uncle Huo's father, Huo Zhenyuan, is 70 years old this year. Su Mian compares his fingers. When he is in his forties, uncle was born.

Ah, my uncle's mother is pretty good.

"I'll leave the old man alone." Hoting said coldly.

Su Mian didn't understand the meaning of this sentence. When he arrived at the Huo's house, he saw a lot of relatives of the Huo's family, a lot older than her. As a result, Su Mian was a little shocked by the people who were below her.

She doesn't know these people, and she doesn't know what topics to talk about with them. Most importantly, they should have no common topic.

So, Su Mian is silent, has been smiling with Huo Ting's side.

These relatives kept coming to Huo ting to brush their presence, but Huo Ting was more powerful than Su Mian.

Su Mian is still smiling, and huoting has a cold face.

However, these people don't care. Even if Huo Ting doesn't say a word, they can say it happily alone.

This ability really makes Su Mian's heart smack.

It's hard to understand the adult world.

"Huo Ting, this is?" Asked a man in his forties.

Huo Ting looked at him coldly. He was too lazy to pay attention to him.