Huo Zhenyuan said displeased, "you let them go out first."

Huo Ting frowned.

Su Mian hears the words, pulls his hand and says, "uncle, talk to me. I'll go out with Dong Dong first."

Huo Ting thought and nodded.

Su Mian smiles at Huo Zhenyuan. He says hello to him. Then he turns around and goes out.

After they left, hoting pointed to Ms. fan and asked, "she should go out, too."

Huo Zhenyuan nodded and said, "you go out, too."

Ms. fan's expression was stiff. Although she was a little embarrassed, she didn't say anything dissatisfied after all, but said.

"You talk. I'll go out and prepare dinner."

When there are only two father and son left in the room, Huo Zhenyuan said, "I don't want to worry about your business, but I have to ask about it."

Hoting looked at him coldly.

"When are you going to have a baby?" Huo Zhenyuan frowned and said sadly, "I see this At such a young age, I am a child at all. However, being young also has its advantages. If you have a child, you can recover quickly. Maybe you can have more You know, when I'm my age, I don't want to think about anything. I just want to hug my grandson... "

Huo Ting's mouth was slightly drawn. He had no idea that the painting style would become like this.

He interrupted Huo Zhenyuan's beautiful imagination and said coolly, "it's not urgent. I'm going to go to university soon. I plan to wait until she graduates..."

"Nonsense!" Huo Zhenyuan said angrily, "the university still has four years to study! Then, can't I see my grandson for four years? "

When it comes to such problems, even the most serious old people Like a child.

"Dongdong is your grandson." Hoting said.

Huo Zhenyuan suddenly silenced. After a while, he said, "he After all... "

"Don't talk, old man." Huo Ting interrupts his words again, a face serious say, "winter winter is my child, forever is."

Huo Zhenyuan seemed to be choked by something. After a while, he said.

"I didn't say he wasn't Alas, you don't understand the feeling of being a father. Every time I see him, I think I feel sad... "

Huo Ting took a sip of his lips and said, "don't say that Dong Dong is a smart boy. You have surprised him."

"Then you can't come back to see me because of this!" Huo Zhenyuan's beard was raised, and he said loudly, "I'll take him as dead, and I don't know where to hide. I didn't even say anything about my father's birthday. It's better than you Really, it's better to have three pieces of barbecue than to have your mother give birth to you! There is no one beside my old man... "

"You can have another one." Huo Ting cold cold interrupts his vomit trough, he reveals a person to make complaints about one cold smile, says, "you are not married a new wife?" You may as well have another child with her. "

"Nonsense!" Huo Zhenyuan slapped the table angrily.

Hoting shrugged his shoulders.

"Anyway, you have to give birth to a grandson quickly. The third generation heirs of Huo family can't be empty all the time." Huo Zhenyuan said willfully, "I'll give you one year. One year is enough. You should try harder and have a baby."

“……” Hoting is too lazy to return him.