Yao Xinyi's first love is right, but it's not his, it's Huo Chen's.

"I was wrong! I haven't had a good time these years. As long as I think of the morning, I feel very sad... " Yao Xinyi covers her face and tears fall from her fingers. She says, "court, can you imagine? Over the years, I've been sleeping on sleeping pills... "

"So, please, give me the photo back! All I have left is this picture... "

Hoting lowered his eyes and said, "I'll take you back first."

"No, you give me the picture first. If you don't give me the picture, I won't let you go." Yao Xinyi grabs huoting's hand a little ferociously.

Huoting looked at her and said calmly, "your bag is not in my car. I'll send you back."

Yao Xinyi stares at him, makes sure he's not joking, and says, "how can you do this?"

Huo Ting didn't talk to her any more. He called Chen CE directly.

When Yao Xinyi saw him standing up, he thought of the phone call he had just made. He got up and tried to stop him. He was caught by his skirt and fell on Huo ting.

Huo Ting was attacked by a smell, and soon made a response. He helped Yao Xinyi up.

Chen CE saw this scene. Fortunately, he was a man with a facial paralysis. If Mary came here, he would have a rich expression.

"Boss, the car is ready." Chen CE said without expression.

Huo Ting is in a bad mood when Yao Xinyi pours on him. If he can, he wants to throw his clothes away directly. But outside, he can't help it.

Yao Xinyi doesn't know huoting who offended her. After hearing Chen CE's words, she shook her head and said, "no, I won't leave. I want to..."

Chen Qie stops in front of Huo ting and says, "Miss Yao, you can tell me what you want. Now I'll take you back."

Yao Xinyi watched huoting leave in front of her eyes, but she was pulled by Chen CE and could do nothing.

She glared at Chen Qie fiercely and said, "go away, I don't need you to give it to me." Finish saying, also turned to walk.

Chen CE shrugged and called the waiter to check out. He thought that the acting was really poor, and the boss became so fierce as soon as he left.


When Huo Ting got home, he took a bath and changed all the clothes he had just worn.

When he came out, he said to the maid, "throw away all my clothes for today." He has a habit of cleanliness and can't accept being touched by others.

has just been so rushed to Yao Xinyi and full of perfume. He thinks the clothes are dirty. The best way to deal with it is to throw it away.

Of course, he saw that Yao Xinyi didn't mean it. If he did, he wouldn't do that.

As a Huo Ting, I don't know how many girls will come up all year round. If it wasn't for his ruthlessness, he estimated that he would throw away a lot of clothes every day.

When the maid heard the words, she nodded at once and ran into Su Mian when she took Huo Ting's clothes down.

Su Mianmian just went to cut the cake for Dongdong to eat. He would know that Huo Ting came back to have a look. As a result, seeing the maid holding Huo Ting's clothes, he asked curiously, "what's wrong with these clothes?"

After the maid said hello to Su Mian, she said, "young master just told me to throw these clothes away."