Dong Dong's advice is heard in Huo Ting's ear, and he only feels that Dong Dong is playing with him deliberately.

Is kneeling keyboard suitable for his image of cool, handsome and crazy?

And isn't he coming home late? How to kneel on the keyboard?

Huo Ting thought about it and suddenly found something wrong.

There's no reason for the little sheep to be so angry. There must be other reasons.

Obviously, Dong Dong didn't tell the truth.

"Do you know why your mommy is so angry?" Asked hoting.

Winter Ao Jiao's hum.

Huo Ting's mouth twitches and says, "Huo Dongdong, if you hum again, the pocket money for next month will be gone. I will do what you said."

Dongdong just wanted to keep humming. Suddenly, hearing Huo Ting's words, he thought that he would use the budget of pocket money to buy Hardware next month.

"Can you speak well? Every time! " Huo Ting said angrily, "if you do well, I'll double your allowance next month."

Dong Dong turned to look around and thought that the deal was still possible, so he told Yao Xinyi's story.

After hearing this, Huo Ting immediately frowned and said, "why do all the people in the family put in the mess?"

"It's not a mess. This aunt is your first love Tut Tut, daddy, your eyes are not so good. "

"First love your sister! My first love is your mommy. " Huo Ting said with displeasure.

Winter light oh, said, "but now it is BAABAA by your first love to divorce you, I soon no Mommy."

Huo Ting's heart is blocked by Dong Dong's words. Looking at Dong Dong's feeling, he wants to beat him. His parents are going to divorce. Is he angry with his father?

He stretched out his hand to pick up Dongdong. Dongdong dodged nimbly and said, "Daddy, how can you do this every time? But I have to do it. It's really a barbarian."

“……” Huo Ting slowed down a step. It was not so easy to catch Dong Dong again. Moreover, Dong Dong ran to the bathroom smartly and asked loudly.

"BAABAA, how are you?"

Hearing this, Huo Ting quickly flashed out of the door and closed it.

But when he came out of the door, he could not help regretting.

He's right. What's his lack of heart?

Su Mianmian steps out of the bathroom and looks at Dongdong standing in front of the bed smiling at her. She asks curiously, "what's the matter?"

Dongdong smilingly points to the gate.

Su Mian narrowed her eyes slightly, went to have a look, and found that the lock of the door had been unlocked.

What else does she not understand?!

It must have been uncle.

She said, "winter winter, you sleep first, I go out for a while." Then she opened the door.

But Huo Ting outside the door was unprepared and almost fell down. Fortunately, he was quick to react, so he didn't lose face in front of Su Mian.

"Go to bed early, uncle. What can I do for you tomorrow?" Su Mian said calmly.

Before Su Mian spoke, huoting had a lot to say. If she was angry, how could she deal with it, or how could she pacify her if she was coquettish.

The point is, Su Mian doesn't have any. She is very calm and doesn't know how to deal with Huo ting for a while.

Su Mian didn't care what Huo Ting thought. After she said her words, she closed the door again. This time, she didn't lock the door.