Huoting sees Su Mian looking at herself without saying a word, thinking that she is frightened by the surprise, and then continues.

"The cake of this store won the most popular award in the first quarter of s city. When I bought them, I encountered some problems. Of course, these are not problems for me. They are easy to solve. The most important thing is that you are happy."

Su Mian listened to Huo Ting quietly and then asked.

"Uncle, why send me this?" In fact, what she would like to ask is, why do you think she would be happy to receive this store?

"Weren't you unhappy before?"

"You know why I'm unhappy?" Su Mian said weakly, "you didn't ask me why I was not happy, and then you gave me something. What do you think of me?"

"I have solved Yao Xinyi's problem. She will not appear in front of us again."

Su Mian, with a sneer, said, "uncle, our problem is not her. She can only say it's the fuse. Besides, who has no first love?"? I won't talk to you about my first love... "

"She's not my first love!" Hoting angrily interrupted her.

If before, Su Mian would have coaxed huoting, but today she really felt a little tired.

She said, "just think it's not." She was not interested in getting more involved in the matter.

Huo Ting saw Su Mian's face changed, and he didn't understand. He frowned and said coldly.

"Little sheep, why do you care about someone who doesn't matter? She doesn't matter at all. "

"Uncle, you don't know what I want at all? I'm really tired of talking to you

Huoting couldn't understand. He wanted to give Su Mian something he liked to make her happy, but she was more angry. In fact, huoting was also depressed.

He thought about it and said, "if you don't like this shop, tell me, what do you like? I'll give it to you. "

"I don't want you to give it to me. No matter what you give me, I won't be happy."

Huo Ting narrowed his eyes, reached for Su Mian, raised her chin, looked into her eyes, and said.

"Little sheep, we've been married for half a year. We've been getting along well all the time. What's the matter with you recently? If there is any misunderstanding, let's make it clear face to face and don't put it in our heart. "

When he spoke, they were close together. Su Mian could feel his breath.

Su Mian calmly replied.

"Are we really married?"

Huo Ting was shocked and asked, "what do you mean by that?" Does little sheep like other people?!

He had a sense of crisis.

Su Mian stretches out his hand and pushes Huo Ting away. Huo Ting is afraid of hurting her, but he doesn't dare to use his force, so he has to step back with her strength.

She said, "I'm not old enough to marry at all. Besides, you are my guardian. Can you marry me? You... "

Uncle, how serious are you to me? Or just treat her as a child who doesn't understand anything?

"Who told you what?" Hoting's eyes were full of fear.

Su Mian lowers her head and stops talking.

"Little sheep, it's signed in black and white. Do you think it's a good idea to get married? Do you think I'm just kidding you when I marry you? Su Mianmian, what do you think of my sincerity? "